martes, marzo 29, 2011

Why Not Syria and Iran? Hell, Why Not North Korea?

I was on a radio show today and one of the hosts was trying to put a good face on Obama’s Libyan thing. “Well,” she said, “he was slaughtering all those innocent people. Should we just stand by?” I said that the Iranians were killing 3 a day — that we know about — for months, and for extras were killing Americans, as they had been for 32 years. We have stood by, as we are standing by as Assad — another sponsor of American killers — slaughters the Syrian people demonstrating for freedom.
The problem with Obama’s Libyan thing is twofold:
First, if it’s right to intervene to save Libyan lives, then why isn’t it right to save Iranian, Syrian, Congolese, Sudanese, North Korean and Chinese lives, as well as millions of others?
Remember, I was the first kid on the block to call for bombing the Libyan air force, several weeks before the Valkyries decided that it was urgent to do something, and convinced a clearly reluctant president to do the Libyan thing. And I have said that getting rid of Qadaffi is a worthy mission, but not a crucial one. Which brings us to the second part of the problem.

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