domingo, marzo 06, 2011

Why isn't the United States No. 1 where it counts?

Meteor Blades for Daily Kos

I love my country. From sea to shining sea. Truly I do. Not in that nationalistic, super-patriotic, bloody-minded way that actually extended the country to those supposedly God-ordained boundaries on the Atlantic and Pacific. That was a nasty bit of business. As was much of U.S. behavior in the other countries of the Americas, the Middle East and Asia. Not for the fact that we have more official memorials to the Confederate general who co-founded the Ku Klux Klan than to Abraham Lincoln's partner in winning the Civil War, Frederick Douglass. Quite the message that. Not for the plutocrats, whose rule has ebbed and flowed throughout our history, but now stands at high tide.

More Why isn't the United States No. 1 where it counts?

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