martes, marzo 08, 2011

What Is Tibet’s Cause About?

It concerns a previously independent country that was invaded and occupied by communist China in 1949 and since that time its people, culture and land has been ruthless exploited and oppressed. Inside occupied Tibet there has been a resistance to China’s illegal occupation waged by Tibetans who are determined to regain their national independence. It is important to know that the overwhelming majority of Tibetans, around 6 million, live under Chinese occupation. Prisoners in their own land, a territory over twice the size of France with a population similar to that of London. There is an exiled community of Tibetans spread around the world, mostly in India, over 100, 000, who thanks to the efforts of the Dalai Lama and an exiled Administration (aided by international support) have been provided education and health services and allowed to maintain the many rich traditions of Tibetan culture, including of course its Buddhist based religion.


What Is Tibet’s Cause About?

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