viernes, marzo 25, 2011

What #Castro wants to talks with #Carter next week?

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter will visit Cuba next week for talks with head of state Raul Castro and other officials, the Carter Center said Friday.
Carter, who will be accompanied by wife Rosalynn, is making the trip at the invitation of the Cuban government, the former president's Atlanta-based nonprofit organization said.
During their March 28-30 stay on the island, the couple "will meet with President Raul Castro and other Cuban officials and citizens to learn about new economic policies and the upcoming (Communist) Party Congress, and to discuss ways to improve U.S.-Cuba relations," according to a statement from the Carter Center.
Noting that Mr. and Mrs. Carter last went to Cuba in May 2002, the center described their upcoming visit as a "private, nongovernmental mission."
Some observers suggest Carter's trip to Havana represents an opportunity to appeal to Cuban authorities to release U.S. government contractor Alan Gross, recently sentenced to 15 years in prison for distributing computers and communications gear on the island.

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