jueves, marzo 24, 2011

#Turkey: Police violence and arrests at Kurdish Protests in Diyarbakir

Today several thousand Kurdish People staged a civil uprising today against oppression by the Turkish state.
Inspired by the events in the Middle East, old women, young children as well as some BDP (Kurdish Democratic Party) members gathered at the so called Peace Park to take part in a march.
Large numbers of police prevented the march from going far. The protesters then created a blockade at one of the main roads in Diyarbakir where they chanted slogans, danced and performed music and singing.
This act of civil uprising was the signal for similar events all over East Turkey; it is reported that in Batman, several thousand people marched and some clashes occured. In Diyarbakir there where only minor scuffles, the main protest area remained calm.

More  Demotix

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