miércoles, marzo 16, 2011

Trump Scorches Obama for Golfing During Nuclear Catastrophe

Donald Trump spoke with Neil Cavuto today about a variety of subjects including his stance on nuclear energy, his thoughts about the president's response to the devastation in Japan, as well as Opec's increase of oil prices. "I'm very strongly in favor of nuclear energy... someone was explaining if a plane goes down people keep flying, if you get into an auto crash people keep driving, there are problems in life, not everything is so perfect. You have to look very carefully though at really taking care, have the best, the best people in terms of safeguards for nuclear energy." Talking about natural gas and OPEC prices, Trump called the United States "Saudi Arabia times 100, but we don't use it!" while saying that the OPEC countries were "salivating" at our slowness of domestic drilling.
When asked about the President's image recently, Donald said "For him to be playing golf the day of and the day after... I think is very inappropriate... The image of him on a golf course while Japan is in the kind of trouble, this is catastrophic trouble, I think is totally inappropriate, and I say that as a person who owns some of the greatest golf courses in the world!"

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