jueves, marzo 24, 2011

Pro-Gaddafi Spin, Conspiracy Theories Blanket Libyan Broadcasts

BANI WALID, Libya -- The family of a Libyan soldier killed in an allied airstrike quickly listed all those they blame in his death – al-Qaida militants, Al-Jazeera television and "the Crusader conspiracy to divide Libya."

It mimicked nearly word for word the rhetoric that Moammar Gadhafi's state television has been using to explain the revolt that has engulfed the country. In public, where Gadhafi is in charge, people are on message.
The regime has been keeping up a drumbeat of propaganda in the Tripoli-centered west of the country under its control. Even so, some still whisper their opposition to the Libyan leader.
State-run newscasts are filled with conspiracy theories, like Western designs on Libyan oil and Gulf-funded al-Qaida militants out to divide the country.

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