viernes, marzo 25, 2011

Obama's 'birth hospital' hides White House letter

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

NEW YORK – Obama's alleged birth hospital has locked in a storage vault a letter President Obama purportedly wrote to the hospital on Jan. 24, 2009, declaring it his birthplace.

A photograph taken by the Kapi'olani Medical Center for WND shows a letter allegedly written by President Obama on embossed White House stationery in which he declares the Honolulu hospital to be "the place of my birth," The hospital, after publicizing the letter then refusing to confirm it even existed, is now vouching for its authenticity, but not its content. The White House has yet to verify any aspect of the letter.

For the past month, Hawaii State Senator Sam Slom, the only Republican in the Hawaiian State Senate, has been trying to get answers from Kapi'olani Medical Center executives as to why the hospital has chosen to put under lock and key a letter from the White House that the hospital should have been proud to receive and display publicly.
In an email exchange with WND, Slom's office staff confirmed that Martha Smith, the hospital's chief operating officer, said a copy of the Obama letter is currently hung in the administrative section of the hospital, away from public view, while the original is stored for "safekeeping and preservation."

Read more: Obama's 'birth hospital' hides White House letter

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