lunes, marzo 07, 2011

New footage of September 11 attacks emerges

By Daniel Bird 5:41PM GMT 07 Mar 2011

Captured from a New York Police Department (NYPD) helicopter, the 17 minute video starts with the aircraft hovering just 300ft above the Towers, capturing the thick black smoke spewing out from the roof of the building. Later in the clip, the police pilot can be heard saying, "Holy ----, that’s it, biggest disaster in the world, right there," after the 1727ft North Tower imploded. The footage was used as part of the official inquiry into the collapse of the World Trade Centre buildings.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) used the Freedom of Information Act to get hold of the video from New York City authorities but did not release it publicly. It was passed onto whistleblowing website Cryptome who have the leaked the footage onto the internet.

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