domingo, marzo 27, 2011

Memo to #Kremlin Aides: #Medvedev Needs #Putin

With Prime Minster Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev publicly sparring over the UN resolution on Libya and the Russian elites agonizing over an emerging rift in the ruling tandem, an ominous question has begun to cloud Russia’s political scene: Is the split in the tandem manageable or will it tear the country apart like in 1991? We don’t really know.
Just a short while ago it seemed that keeping the tandem intact for another six years would be a no-brainer. After all, it looked like the least costly way of keeping Russia on a course of economic and social modernization, gradually expanding the space for democracy while keeping a tight lid on the destructive forces of Russian nature. Transferring power from Medvedev to another member of Putin’s team in 2018 looked like the optimal plan.

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