jueves, marzo 03, 2011

Genetically Engineered Maize: The Reality Behind the Myths

Currently the world’s big agrochemical firms that produce GE seeds – notably Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta(1) - are investing millions of dollars every year to promote so-called benefits of the use of their GE technology. But the truth is that many farmers that have grown GE maize have yet to see any benefits promised by the agrochemical companies.
Furthermore GE maize poses a serious threat to the environment, animal and human health. Below we take six of the GE industry’s biggest greenwash statements   and show   the   reality behind   the   growing   and   consumption   of   GE   maize.   Further,   the   analysis   we   show   proves beyond a doubt that the best option for farmers, beekeepers, governments, food companies and consumers is to reject GE maize and ensure the protection of one of the world’s most important food crops.
Download publication:
Genetically Engineered Maize: The Reality Behind the Myths

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