lunes, marzo 21, 2011

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan-a Dirty Bomb Waiting to Go Off

Mike Adams
March 16, 2011

NaturalNews has received information directly from an American who happened to be in Tokyo at the time of the nuclear incident and who also happens to have a background in atomic energy and nuclear reactors. He has sent us some extremely disturbing information that seems to indicate the situation with the reactors in Japan is far, far worse than what the conventional media is describing. We are not releasing this individual's name for obvious reasons (he's still in Tokyo and virtually unreachable), but he is an individual who is known to me personally and with whom I have spent a considerable number of hours over a period of two years. He is a very high-integrity individual and someone who is also extremely well connected in the world of advanced medicine.

In an email sent from Tokyo, this individual explains:

"...nuclear reactors use bundles of enriched uranium packed into stainless steel fuel rod... more

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