jueves, marzo 31, 2011

Entomb? Cement pumps flown in to #nuke plant

msnbc.com staff and news service reports

Image: Cement pump truck loaded onto cargo plane
Marijan Murat  /  EPA
A truck carrying a cement pump that can extend nearly 200 feet is loaded onto an Antonov 124 plane in Stuttgart, Germany, on Thursday. The pump is being flown to Japan to help at stricken the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Some of the world's largest cement pumps were en route to Japan's stricken nuclear plant on Thursday, initially to help douse areas with water but eventually for cement work — including the possibility of entombing the site as was done in Chernobyl.
Operated via remote control, one of the truck-mounted pumps was already at the Fukushima Dai-ichi site and being used to spray water. Four more will be flown in from Germany and the United States, according to the German-manufacturer Putzmeister. The biggest of the five has an arm that extends well over 200 feet.

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