sábado, marzo 26, 2011

Englands #Muslim #Pedophile Rape Gang,upto100 Rapes!

A Muslim gang of 'sexual predators' cruised city streets for girls as young as 12 - usually white - who were then plied with drink and drugs and raped or abused.
Up to 100 'vulnerable' girls may have been groomed, abused or supplied cocaine by married fathers Abid ­Saddique and Mohammed Liaqat, and their friends.

A court heard the pair used Liaqat's BMW saloon to trawl for victims, pulling up alongside girls outside shops or schools and chatting them up before a 'campaign of calls and texts' to groom them.

Unemployed Liaqat, of Sinfin, Derby, was convicted of rape, aiding and abetting rape, being involved with child pornography, two sexual assaults, four counts of sexual activity with a child, and affray.
Of the other defendants, Akshay Kumar, 38, Faisal Mehmood, 24, Mohamed Imran Rehman, 26, Ziafat Yasin, 31, and Graham Blackham, 26 - a convicted sex offender who was the only non-Asian member of the gang to face a judge - have already been jailed after being convicted of a string of sex or drug offences.
Liaqat's brother, Naweed, 33, and Farooq Amed, 28, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice and were both jailed for 18 months.
Convictions were achieved in relation to 15 of the 26 victims across the three trials.
Saddique and Liaqat will be sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court in January.
A Serious Case Review by Derby Safeguarding Children Board is due to be published about the case imminently.
One victim, who was raped in a car after being driven to a country lane by Liaqat and a second man, told how she was targeted aged 16 after telling the men she came from a broken home.
She said: 'They would take you out, buy you ice creams and take you out for a lovely nice meal. And there's part of you that thinks it's really exciting and there's part of you that thinks, "I have met this lovely nice man and he's taking me out for a really nice meal".

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