jueves, marzo 10, 2011

A Day In The Life Of Yuri Milner, Web Billionaire

DST Global founder Yuri Milner; photo by Paul Eng

Parmy Olson

You wouldn’t think Yuri Milner was in a hurry. When I first interviewed him in London last January with Forbes’ San Francisco bureau chief Eric Savitz, it was clear that the Internet investor we’ve just ranked a billionaire liked to take his time in conversation. Biting into a crustless tuna sandwich, the former physicist would methodically chew it before answering a question about the way social networks were connecting the world. “When you have a few billion people connected with screens, not voice… screens are important,” he said in a Russian accent tinged with an American lilt. Chew, chew, chew. Zen-like pause. “You can transmit a thousand times more information.”

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