martes, marzo 15, 2011

Conspiracy: Obama Warned Is Preparing World For Return Of “The Moon God”

By Sorcha Faal
A red file top secret report prepared by the Federal Security Service (FSB) for Prime Minister Putin in response to Chechen Islamist rebel leader Doku Umarov’s declaration of war against the Russian Federation warns that American-Muslim forces backed by United States President Barack Obama are behind the Global revolt of Arab Nations in a “deliberate attempt” to unleash upon our World the prophesied redeemer of Islam known as the Mehdi, otherwise known as “One of the Moon”, believed by over 1 Billion of the faithful will return to Earth for the “Day of Judgment”.
Not being told to the American people about Obama was his being placed into office by combined power of the United States top military leaders and the Persian Nation of Iran in their combined attempt to avert World War III, and as we had previously reported on in our October 25, 2008 report “Iranian Leader In Secret Meet With Obama At US Military Stronghold In Hawaii” and our February 4, 2009 report “Russia “Shocked” Over $18 Billion Iran Payment To Obama After Failed US-Backed Saudi Coup”.
According to this FSB red file report, America’s top military and political leaders were put into shock in early February, 2004, when the Pentagon released their top secret file on Global weather changes to then President George W. Bush warning that our World was on the brink of near total destruction.
Though this dire report was never published by the US propaganda media, a copy of it was secreted to London’s Guardian Observer newspaper who in publishing it, in part, stated:
In the 7 years since this Pentagon top secret report was released its grim findings have become terrifyingly true, and as we had, also, previously reported on many times, including our February 6, 2011 report “New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Food Production”.

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