jueves, marzo 03, 2011

6 Factors That Secretly Influence Who You Have Sex With

The Color Red
The Romantic Notion:
"Looks don't matter. It's what's inside that counts. Once a girl starts talking to you, she'll see the real you and fall in love."

Science Says:
Yeah, that's all fine and nice and romantic-sounding, but if you really want to get the girl, make sure you're wearing the right color.
But first, here's one for the ladies: A few years ago, a study found that men tended to be attracted to women who were wearing red. Participants in the study were shown various pictures of women in different colors. The key was that researchers snuck in more than one photo of certain women wearing different tones. You would think that if the men found a woman to be unattractive in one color, she would be unattractive in any color. Nope. It didn't matter whether the picture of a woman they saw in blue was the same person, only digitally changed to be wearing red. The redder picture was almost always rated as sexier. The men were even willing to spend more money on a date with the women in red than with her counterparts wearing blue, green or gray. Apparently, the people who run red-light districts are smarter than we've been giving them credit for.
As with women's boner-slaying tears, science thinks this has to do with evolution. More specifically with this:
Various types of monkeys and apes have, to put it in scientific terms, hilariously bright-red asses. These serve a purpose other than making humans point and laugh. They tend to swell and get redder when a female is fertile, indicating this fact to the males and thus ensuring the continuation of the species. This relationship of red and fertility may play with a man's perception of what woman he finds most attractive. The monkey in him wants to make sure he knocks someone up, so the suave modern man finds himself most attracted to the lady in red.
A more recent study has found that women are just as susceptible to this phenomenon. Using a similar test of looking at photos, the researchers found that a man wearing red is just as irresistible to a woman. Unlike the evolutionary attraction to a woman in red, researchers say this one is more of a social construct. Women tend to see men wearing red as more powerful, possibly because we associate the color with aggression. Our brains take this to the next level and assume that an aggressive man will be more successful and make more money than a timid one. By wearing red, you project an aura of wealth and potential and sexy. Basically, the only difference between human mating rituals and bullfighting is that human mating rituals didn't give Ernest Hemingway a boner.

This can, of course, be taken too far.

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