martes, febrero 15, 2011

Usefull idiots: Canadian Solidarity Association Ratifies Support for Cuba

Canadian Solidarity Association Ratifies Support for Cuba
Havana, Cuba, Feb 15.- Representatives of the Canada-Cuba Association of Friendship in Vancouver have ratified their support for the Cuban Revolution.

The group, headed by Nazir Rizvi, traveled to Cuba to carry out a special program for the 50 years of the organization, one of the first of its type created in the world, said the Cuban News Agency Tuesday.

Rizvi stated after his arrival the satisfaction of the group over celebrating the anniversary of the Association that has maintained an active work of solidarity during all these years in Cuba, in coordination with the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples of the World (ICAP).

Spreading the achievements of the Cuban Revolution and backing the fight against the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against the island, have been high-priority objectives for the Association, added Rizvi, also a member of the Canadian Communist Party.

He also highlighted the support for the campaign to free the five Cuban antiterrorists known as the Cuban Five, now prisoners in U.S. jails since 1998.

Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez are serving prison sentences of up to double life imprisonment plus 15 years of prison, for passing the Cuban government information on criminal plans by terrorist anti-Cuban groups based in Florida.

The program of the representatives of the Association includes visits to medical care institutions, elementary, intermediate and higher education centers, cultural and productive centers in the capital and other provinces of the country. (Prensa Latina).

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