viernes, febrero 18, 2011

US: Debating the Two-Party System

Arianna Huffington: Earlier this week, I spent two hours arguing with a very witty libertarian and an avuncular Israeli Rush Limbaugh fan about whether the two-party system is ruining America. No, it wasn't just another typical night around my dinner table. It was part of a debate sponsored by Intelligence Squared -- an evening that made me very nostalgic for my Cambridge Union days. I joined David Brooks in arguing for the proposition. Arguing against were Zev Chafets and the consistently hilarious P.J. O'Rourke. I summed up my position by comparing the two-party system to a stale marriage: Democrats and Republicans need something to spice it up. They need to go on Craigslist and find a third party. (And if that third party isn't wearing a shirt, they really should do a background check, because he might turn out to be a member of Congress).
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Arianna Huffington: Debating the Two-Party System

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