martes, febrero 22, 2011

Sexy Russian Ex-Spy to Run for Parliament

The sultry former Russian spy Anna Chapman was deported from the U.S. last year was tapped to run for Russian Parliament, the U.K. Telegraph reported.
Chapman was asked to run by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. She is reportedly a heavy favorite since Russia is a de facto one-party system—the United Russia Party.
She would be penciled in as the next member for the Volgograd region in southern Russia, where she was born.
Since Chapman’s spy career fizzled out, she managed to stage something of a comeback built on her sexy image. She has her own weekly TV show; modeling; and eight different types of Anna Chapman-branded products, including vodka and clothing, the Telegraph reported.
She showed interest in politics last December, when she became a leader of the youth wing of Putin's party, trying to instill patriotism in young people.
Chapman, 28, made headlines when she and nine other special agents were sent back to Russia after being discovered. She was a stylish redhead with model looks and a master's degree in economics. She lived in a $2,100-a-month apartment and hobnobbing with Manhattan's social elite. 
Chapman also was a "practiced deceiver" who worked as an agent for the Russian government, attempting to secretly transmit information from her laptop computer to a Russian government computer, according to U.S. federal prosecutors.

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