domingo, febrero 27, 2011

Neocon Analysts Push for Invasion of Libya

CNN reports the Pentagon and NATO are ready to send troops into Libya under the cover of humanitarian assistance. CNN underscores the situation by stating that reports say Gaddafi will fight to the end and will seek martyrdom.

Military intervention "is something which I hope doesn't happen, but it looks as though at some point that it should happen," Simon Henderson, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told CNN.

Catherine Ashton, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, says the globalists are working on a response to the Libya crisis.

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy is a fanatical neocon operation. It supports the positions of the Likud and other racist warmongers in Israel. It was founded by Martin Indyk, the former research director of AIPAC.

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