lunes, febrero 21, 2011

Libya's Gadhafi: Last Days for the 'Mad Dog' of the Middle East?/ David Wood

The massive, bloody uprisings across Libya, which intensified Monday as security forces fought demonstrators in Tripoli's Martyr's Square, actually are pro-government demonstrations in support of strongman Moammar Gadhafi. That's according to the official Libyan news agency, JANA.

Odd, then, that pro-Gadhafi demonstrators would set fire to the parliament building, and that Gadhafi reportedly ordered his own air force to bomb the protesters even as he prepared to flee the country. Unless it's also true, as JANA reported, that the spreading unrest is the work of conspirators working for Israeli intelligence.

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Libya's Gadhafi: Last Days for the 'Mad Dog' of the Middle East?

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