lunes, febrero 21, 2011

Islamist sleeper cells in U.S.--secretly lying in wait

On a tip provided by a concerned American yesterday, information has been discovered indicating a widespread network of radical Islamist sleeper cells in the U.S. that have quietly blended in with communities so as not to arouse suspicion. Evidence indicates that the cells are lying in wait, possibly in order to receive a signal to embark on a simultaneous mission to murder hundreds of citizens.
Several pieces of information from several sources indicate a troublesome scenario.
First, counter-terrorism experts have noted for years that the nation's borders are so shockingly insecure that terrorists would have relatively little trouble gaining entrance into the country, even legally. But what is even more troubling is their cargo--nuclear material in small quantities, so small as to be undetected yet potent enough to make nuclear 'dirty bombs' that could be simultaneously detonated in a dozen U.S. cities. Reports from 2006 indicate the problem, and little has been done in the years since to close the gaping holes in the nation's security at entry points.

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