lunes, febrero 14, 2011

Food Liberation Army 'Beheads' Ronald McDonald

The group is called the Food Liberation Army and they are essentially food campaigners and environmentalists. They released this video Feb. 2 showing Ronald captured and wrote this on their website,

We are not alone, but represent a rapidly growing population. We have moved quickly towards better quality and ethicality of consumption. It is in your interest to answer our questions publicly, and develop your activities through them. Only this way you will survive in the future. Listen to our message and the Move. We will reward you by eating more of your burgers.

You have until Friday February 11 at 6:30PM EET to respond to

Silence is interpreted as a negative answer. Have a nice day.

Apparently nobody actually wrote to these loons so they followed up with another video and this message:

It's Friday 11th of February 2011 and it's 6.30pm. Our demands have not been granted, our question have not been answered.

So naturally, like any sane campaign, they behead Ronald McDonald.

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