martes, febrero 08, 2011

Egipt: Terrorists Without Borders

It is amusing to watch CNN and the BBC and hear all of the talk about “freedom” coming to Egypt, particularly when the Muslim Brotherhood — one of the main future beneficiaries of a revolution — is presented as a “peaceful conservative religious organization.”
In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood is not just your run-of-the-mill fundamentalist organization; it is the mother of all Islamist fundamentalist organizations, the one from which all others have sprung.
The writings of one of its most influential and radical former leaders, Sayyid Qutb, can be compared in influence to Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital.” Don’t forget that it was the Muslim Brotherhood that founded Hamas as a splinter organization. Moreover, Osama bin Laden has said his ideology is based on ideas expressed by Qutb.

Full story Terrorists Without Borders

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