jueves, febrero 17, 2011

Egipt: Has Mohamed ElBaradei's time arrived?

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - For a man who describes himself as a potential "agent of change" in Egypt, Mohamed ElBaradei draws decidedly mixed reviews.
The veteran diplomat, international lawyer and Nobel Prize winner, has emerged as a high-profile opposition figure over the past few weeks and a possible candidate to replace fallen autocrat Hosni Mubarak.
But Washington and Tel Aviv are deeply suspicious of the 68-year-old. They along with other allies were frustrated by what they said were blatant attempts by ElBaradei -- who ran the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from 1997 to 2009 -- to undermine their efforts to ratchet up the pressure on Iraq before the U.S.-led invasion and later on Iran over its suspected nuclear arms program.

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Special report: Has Mohamed ElBaradei's time arrived?

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