viernes, febrero 11, 2011

Cuba offers to free 2 prominent dissidents. Maseda wants to stay until complete freedom

By PAUL HAVEN © 2011 The Associated Press

HAVANA — Cuba agreed to release two prominent dissidents who have refused for months to accept exile in Spain, but one of the men quickly turned down the offer, telling his wife he would remain in jail until ailing prisoners are free and other demands are met.
The decision to free Hector Maseda and Eduardo Diaz was announced Friday by the Roman Catholic Church, which has spearheaded months of dialogue with President Raul Castro's government.
Diaz arrived at his home in the western city of Pinar del Rio shortly after the announcement, but Maseda's wife said her husband opted to stay in his cell — the second dissident to choose jail despite the government's willingness to free them on parole.
"Hector is not prepared to come out because he wants complete freedom or a pardon, and he wants them to allow the sick prisoners to leave," Laura Pollan told The Associated Press. "I feel very proud to be his wife, and that this is his attitude."

In addition to Maseda and Moya, who have rejected their release, just nine prisoners of conscience from the 2003 roundup remain behind bars.

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