domingo, enero 23, 2011

South Korea has no problem wasting eight Somali Muslim priates

Unlike the U.S. President, South Korea has no problem wasting eight Somali Muslim priates

From  Bare Naked Islam's Weblog

South Korean Special Forces stormed a hijacked freighter in the Arabian Sea on Friday, rescuing all 21 crew members and killing eight assailants in a rare and bold raid on Somali pirates.

We all remember how Obama dithered for days not allowing our Navy to kill the Somali Muslim pirates who had hijacked a US cargo ship and taken the captain hostage. Obama never did give the order to kill the pirates, but the US Navy finally took it upon themselves to do it and rescued the captain. Obama was said to have been incensed over this but then took credit for the rescue.
FOX NEWS – The military operation in waters between Oman and Africa, which also captured five pirates and left one crew member wounded, came a week after the Somali attackers seized the South Korean freighter and held hostage eight South Koreans, two Indonesians and 11 citizens from Myanmar.
“We will not tolerate any behavior that threatens the lives and safety of our people in the future,” South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said in a brief televised statement, adding that the rescue was a “perfect operation.”
The successful raid is a triumph for Lee, whose government suffered harsh criticism at home in the weeks following a North Korean attack in November on a South Korean island near disputed waters. Critics said Lee’s military was too slow and weak in its response to the attack, which killed two marines and two civilians.
With a South Korean destroyer and a Lynx helicopter providing covering fire, South Korea’s special navy forces stormed the hijacked vessel in a pre-dawn rescue operation that left eight of the pirates dead and five captured, Lt. Gen. Lee Sung-ho told reporters.
The captain of the ship was shot by a pirate and taken by a U.S. helicopter to a nearby country for treatment, but the wound is not life-threatening, Lt. Gen. Lee said. The 20 other crew members were rescued unharmed, he said.
“This operation demonstrated our government’s strong will to never negotiate with pirates,” the general said.

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