sábado, enero 15, 2011

Castro y Obama infringen derrota al caucus cubano-americano

Capitol Hill recoge los pronunciamientos de tres personalidades de la politica norteamerica, bien conocidos por su posicion anti Kaxtrizta. No importa lo que digan y hagan, especialmente Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), quien es la presidenta de la Comision de Asuntos Exteriores y ha sufrido su primera derrota frente a la condescendiente administracion del mullah Obama.
Posted: 15 Jan 2011 09:57 AM PST
According to Reuters:

Steps by U.S. President Barack Obama to relax restrictions on Cuba are not a major change in policy, but do mark a defeat for those who want a hard line on the island's leadership, a Cuban government website said.

Obama issued an executive order on Friday loosening limits on U.S. travel and money remittances to the communist-led Caribbean nation, extending his efforts to reach out to its people.

In the first reaction from Cuba's government, the website www.cubadebate.cu said the move showed many people in the United States favor a softening of Washington's decades-old trade embargo and policy of isolation toward the island.

It called the easing of restrictions a blow for the new chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Cuban-born Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

"The decision is the first defeat for Ros-Lehtinen, who assumed her post in Congress promising to harden policies against the island," the website said in an article posted late on Friday.

Cubadebate is often used by Cuba's former president Fidel Castro to publish editorial columns.
Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:22 PM PST
Menendez Statement on Changes to Cuba Travel, Remittances Policy
NEWARK, NJ – U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement after the Obama administration today announced changes to policy to Cuba travel and remittances policy:

"I am deeply disappointed by President Obama's decision today to extend an economic life line to the Castro regime. This gift to the Castro brothers will provide the regime with the additional resources it needs to sustain its failing economy, while ordinary Cubans continue to struggle under the weight of more than fifty years of economic and political oppression.

The decision to permit additional travel to the island and allow nearly unlimited resources to flow to the regime is bad policy and will only serve to prolong the repression of the Cuban people. These changes, purportedly taken in hope of advancing a democratic opening on the island, ignore the reality that it is not U.S. policy, but Cuban policy, that is responsible for the Castros' political and economic tyranny. This opening will do no more to advance political freedom in Cuba then our economic engagement with China has done for political dissidents in that nation. You can't buy political reform.

The fact that the Administration offered this concession to the regime despite their continued imprisonment of an American citizen is simply outrageous. Unless new efforts are undertaken to limit the impact of these policy changes, the sole result will be to enrich the Castro regime and enhance the political and economic impoverishment of the Cuban people."
Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:15 PM PST
Senator Marco Rubio Comments on Administration's Announced Changes to Cuba Regulations

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio issued the following statement on today's Obama Administration announcement to ease regulations regarding travel and remittances to Cuba:

"I strongly oppose any new changes that weaken U.S. policy towards Cuba. I was opposed to the changes that have already been made by this Administration and I oppose these new changes. I believe that what does need to change are the Cuban regime's repressive policies towards the independent press and labor unions, its imprisonment of political prisoners and constant harassment of citizens with dissenting views, and its refusal to allow free multi-party elections. It is unthinkable that the administration would enable the enrichment of a Cuban regime that routinely violates the basic human rights and dignity of its people."
Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:11 PM PST
Ros-Lehtinen Statement on Administration's Announced Changes to Cuba Regulations
WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, made the following statement on today's announcement by the administration to ease regulations regarding travel and remittances to Cuba:

"Loosening these regulations will not help foster a pro-democracy environment in Cuba. These changes will not aid in ushering in respect for human rights. And they certainly will not help the Cuban people free themselves from the tyranny that engulfs them.

These changes undermine U.S. foreign policy and security objectives and will bring economic benefits to the Cuban regime."
Posted: 14 Jan 2011 02:59 PM PST
From the U.S.-Cuba Democracy PAC:

At the time of the Castro regime's worst economic and political crisis in recent history -- and in defiance of the will of the U.S. Congress -- the Obama Administration has made a policy decision to bail it out.

As such, the Obama Administration has succumbed to the Castro regime's blackmail. It's nonsensical and irresponsible to ease travel to Cuba for Americans while an American is being held hostage by the Castro regime for the last 13 months without charges, trial or due process.

Such appeasing and accommodating policies will only embolden the dangerous behavior of the Castro regime and further endanger American lives.

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