sábado, enero 08, 2011

Are Canada's top CEOs worth their millions?

Una investigacion del periodico Toronto Star, revelo que los 100 mejores pagados ejecutivos de Canada recibieron como promedio $6.6 millones de dolares canadienses en el ano recien concluido, mientras el ingreso promedio anual de la poblacion es de  $42,988. 

Preguntados sobre sus elevados ingresos las respuestas no pueden ser mas "exclusivas" que sus beneficios:

CEOs’ responses to the Star, by the numbers
  • Answered the question: 1
  • No comment: 49
  • Among the reasons for no comment
- Out of office: 6
- On vacation: 7
No reply: 38
No longer CEO: 12

Includes resignation after Richard Quesnel, former CEO of Consolidated Thompson Iron Mine, was found guilty of insider trading. He said he plans to appeal the verdict.
Top three ways media relations flaks turned down the Star’s requests to speak with CEOs:
1. The polite decline: “Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the story, but we respectfully decline,” Frank Switzer of Sun Life Financial Inc. said on behalf of the CEO Donald Stewart.
2. The straightforward no: “At this point, neither Cogeco nor Mr. (Louis) Audet have any comment to make on that,” spokesman Danny Dontigny said.
3. The ‘CEO is too busy earning his salary to talk right now’ excuse: “Unfortunately, Marcel Coutu is tied up with back-to-back investor meetings through the end of the week,” Alison Trollope said for the CEO of Canadian Oil Sands Trust.

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