jueves, noviembre 11, 2010

Times: Persona del 2010/ Poll

Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year?

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,2028734,00.html #ixzz14zYhFHOw
Rank Name Avg. Rating Total Votes
1Julian Assange8811799
2Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert8910426
3Lady Gaga716562
4Steve Jobs722804
5Barack Obama722480
6The Unemployed American682307
7The Chilean Miners552584
8Liu Xiaobo811431
9Glenn Beck185379
10Mark Zuckerberg561692
11Sarah Palin273128
12Recep Tayyip Erdogan571304
13David Cameron401456
14Robert Gates57971
15Nancy Pelosi481114
16Hu Jintao59896
17Craig Venter60730
18Arne Duncan381034
19Elizabeth Warren, Mary Schapiro and Sheila Bair56642
20David and Charles Koch38828
21Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf47652
22Tony Hayward27932
23LeBron James191062
24Hamid Karzai31610
25Jonathan Franzen26690

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,2028734,00.html #ixzz14zYrkyAJ

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