sábado, octubre 09, 2010

Quien es realmente el academico canadiense John M. Kirk?

John M. Kirk

B.A. (Sheff), M.A. (Queen's), PhD (UBC)
E-mail: john.kirk@dal.ca
Phone: 494-3679
Office: Room 3022, McCain Building
Bio: John M. Kirk is a “jack of all trades, and a master of none.” He teaches a variety of language courses (Beginning Spanish and Translation), as well as others broadly defined as Latin American civilization. He has done most of his research in Cuba and Mexico, where he travels frequently. He has published several books on Cuban international relations, history and culture; as well as teaching about Cuba, Mexico and Central America. He has also worked as an interpreter for former Premier John Savage in meetings with President Fidel Castro, as well as with Aleida Guevara (daughter of Che), Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Prize laureate from Argentina), Chilean musical groups Inti Illimani and Quilapayún, and Mexican presidential candidate Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.  He is currently working on a study of Cuban medical internationalism. Kirk helped to develop the sister-city relationship between Halifax and Campeche in Mexico, and directs the Dalhousie study abroad program in Mexico. 

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