martes, julio 27, 2010

Canadiense detenido en Cuba sin cargos por 3 meses

Cody LeCompte es un joven canadiense de 19 anos que viajo a Cuba con su madre y algunos amigos. Rento un auto mostrando su licencia de conduccion de la provincia de Ontario que mostraba claramente su edad, aunque la renta de autos en Cuba es permitida para personas con al menos 21 anos de edad.

Infortunadamente un camion de basura le bloqueo la senda y como resultado del impacto todos los pasajeros del coche y el propio Cody sufrieron ciertas lesiones, no reportandose lesiones por la parte cubana.

Como resultado de ello el joven Coby se encuentra retenido en Cuba por mas de 3 meses sin que pueda viajar de regreso a Canada y sin que le hayan formulado cargos legales aun. No obstante los "investigadores" del caso le han dicho que puede ser sancionado hasta 3 anos de privacion de libertad.

Actualmente se encuentra en un hotel financiado por su madre esperando una decision del caso. La madre de Cody ya debe mas de 30 mil dolares por estos conceptos. El vice lider del Partido Liberal [opositor] de Canada, Bob Rae, ha llevado el caso al parlamento federal canadiense, exigiendole al gobierno conservador del Primer Ministro Stephen Harper, que emprenda todas las acciones posibles para lograr el inmediato retorno del joven Cody LeCompte a Canada.

Siendo Canada el primer emisor de turistas a la isla con aproximadamente el 49% del mercado, el efecto negativo para Cuba que tendra el caso Cody sera de incalculables dimensiones.
Desde el Toronto Sun

Bring Cody home, critics tell Ottawa

Canadians from coast to coast have been voicing their outrage after learning of 19-year-old Cody LeCompte's plight in Cuba.

And they are even more dismayed to learn that after three months of detention in the Communist country, for a car accident that he claims wasn't his fault, our government has been content to wait for justice to run its course rather than take swift action to help the young man get back home.

"Today I wept with anger," one Sun reader wrote on a Facebook group dedicated to helping Cody after reading the story that appeared in Thursday's paper.

"I am appalled that out government is failing him," the reader added. "We must unite and take action in bringing Cody home, immediately!"

The Simcoe teen was on a two-week vacation within his mom that was supposed to be a reward for getting into college.

Instead his life has been turned upside down because of a bizarre law that forces tourists involved in a crash where a Cuban citizen is seriously hurt to prove his or her innocence before being allowed to leave the country.

Cody's mom, Danette, who is at her son's side because she's afraid to leave him alone in Santa Lucia, so far is $30,000 in debt after paying for lawyer's fees, a room at the resort and other expenses.

She is on the verge of financial ruin and Cody hasn't even been charged with anything.

Danette was in the rental car, so was her cousin and his Cuban fiance, and Cody was driving when they were allegedly "broadsided" by a truck April 29.

They were all hospitalized but have since recovered from their injuries, including the fiance who underwent surgery for her damaged liver. Apparently, the only one still hurting is Cody.

He and his mom were unavailable Thursday because they were meeting with their lawyer.

"I have never been to Cuba and never will go!" Sun reader Steven Leech wrote on, adding the feds should "put a travel ban on Cuba and cut off all foreign aid" to the impoverished country.

Similar sentiments were echoed by callers from across Canada to Roy Green, on AM 640. The talk radio show host has been at the forefront of efforts to bring the teen home.

But it appears the anger of Canadians has been heard.

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