lunes, junio 14, 2010

Los bendecidos a participar en la "Semana Social" de la Iglesia Catolica

Penultimos Dias trae la noticia que no debe sorprender, y es que en la
Mesa-Lago, López-Levy y Jorge I. Domínguez, sí pueden participar. Dagoberto Valdés y Oswaldo Payá, no están invitados.
La sintesis de los bendecidos:

3 U.S. experts on economics will take part in Church-sponsored conference in Havana

(cml) Three Cuban-American politologists will participate in the Cuban Catholic Church's Tenth Social Week, to be held in Havana June 16-20, the e-zine Progreso Semanal reports.
They are Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Jorge Ignacio Domínguez, and Arturo López-Levy. The conference will deal with the Church's social doctrine on the island and will be attended by the Vatican's foreign minister, Msgr. Dominique Mamberti.
Mesa-Lago is professor emeritus of economics and Latin American studies at the University of Pittsburgh. On Friday, he will take part in the panel on "Economy and Society."
Domínguez is (jid) professor of economics and Latin American politics at Harvard University. On Thursday, he will speak during the panel on "Dialogue Among Cubans."
López-Levy, a former official of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior, holds a Master's degree in international (all) affairs from Columbia University and a Master's in economics from Carleton University in Canada. He will participate Saturday on the panel on "Reconciliation Among Cubans."
For details on the other panelists, as reported by Progreso Semanal.

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