miércoles, enero 27, 2010

Chiste del ano: Canadienses aprenderan de la agricultura urbana cubana

Confieso que tuve que llamar a la Dra. Mary Beckie de la Universidad de Alberta, para confirmar la noticia.

Se trata que 10 canadienses tienen la posibilidad de ir a Cuba a ESTUDIAR LAS TECNICAS DE LA AGRICULTURA URBANA.

El programa completo se extiende por 7 semanas y se realizara en Sancti Spiritus.

For seven weeks in May and June of 2010, ten Canadians will have the opportunity to experience first hand the thriving urban agriculture and permaculture movements in Cuba. Based in the beautiful city of Sancti Spiritus, participants will work hand-in-hand with local leaders and practioners on a variety of fascinating projects producing food in the heart of the urban setting. Grounded in a model of partnership and collaborative learning, the program will include:

• Orientations in Canada and Cuba

• Workshops and dialogue on a variety of urban agriculture and permaculture themes

• Placements in existing permaculture/urban agriculture projects

• The opportunity to work with local leaders in the design and implementation of a new project site

• Spanish language learning

• Immersion in the rich cultural life and natural beauty of the Sancti Spiritus region of Cuba

• Optional graduate level credit through the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension

This project is a partnership of The Urban Farmer, The University of Alberta Faculty of Extension, and the Antonio Nunez Jimenez Foundation for Nature and Man. Space is limited and will be granted on a first come, first served basis. Please see the attached brochure and registration form for complete details.

Para los interesdos aqui les dejo el link a tan importante oportunidad que la Cuba magnanima le ofrece a los canadienses, con la seguridad que pronto tan loable contribucion cubana al problema alimentario normal se extendera a otros paises.

Attached brochure. 7MB PDF

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