jueves, julio 09, 2009

Cuban Survivor protesting in Parliament hill [Otawa] on July 13

Hi Pam,
I am forwarding a message I have just got from a Cuban national called Juan Carlos, who escaped from Cuba as a rafter in 1994 during that year’s exodus. On the summer of 1994, over 30 thousand Cubans arrived to the US after Fidel Castro declared that he wouldn’t stop anyone from leaving the country. Many of them ended up detained for about a year at the Guantánamo and Panama naval bases, while former president Clinton and Castro negotiated the terms of a migratory agreement that eventually produced the “dry foot wet foot” policy.
It would be great if The Epoch Times gives coverage to this event at Parliament Hill. Should this be a story of interest, I can give you his telephone number so that further details can be arranged.
I might be part of the small group accompanying him to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the tugboat massacre (July 13, 1994), which has become a symbol of the high price paid by the estimated 72 thousand victims who have lost their lives while fleeing the island.
It has being a common practice by the government’s coast guard to commit the assassinations in high seas or international waters, in an attempt to terrorize the population and demonize those trying to escape to lands of freedom, while eliminating any chance for witnesses to denounce the crimes.
For more information about that massacre, please visit the following link from Cuba Archive: http://www.cubaarchive.org/downloads/13_DE_MARZO_TUGBOAT_MASSACRE.pdf

A Cuban survivor of the massacre of 1994 where several hundreds of Cubans where found dead after trying to escape their country in inner tubes and some of them assassinated by their own country's military coastguards, will be protesting the Canadian government support to the military regime by building a inner tube handmade raft similar to those used by Cubans to escape, in front of the Canadian Parliament hill on July 13th 2009 also as a tribute to the man, woman an children assassinated by Cuban government forces on July 13th 1994 when they tried to escape in a stolen tugboat.

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