domingo, noviembre 30, 2008


The Commission - - Brookings Institution acaba de publicar su Partnership for the Americas Commission. Fernado Remirez de Estenoz no podria escribir un documento mejor. Las nueve medidas recomendadas para las relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos son las siguientes:

"U.S.–Cuban relations:

  • Lift all restrictions on travel to Cuba by Americans.
  • Repeal all aspects of the “communications embargo” (radio, TV, Internet) and readjust regulations governing trade in low-technology communications equipment.
  • Remove caps and targeting restrictions on remittances.
  • Take Cuba off the State Department’s State Sponsors of Terrorism List.
  • Promote knowledge exchange and reconciliation by permitting federal funding of cultural, academic, and sports exchanges.
  • Provide assistance to the Cuban people in recovering from natural and human-made disasters.
  • Encourage enhanced official contact and cooperation between U.S. and Cuban diplomats and governments.
  • End opposition to the reengagement of the international community with Cuba in regional and global economic and political organizations.
  • Work with the members of the European Union and other countries to create a multilateral fund for civil society that will train potential entrepreneurs in management and innovation".
Download the full report »

A los ilustres "expertos" dentro de los cuales no me sorprenderia pronto encontrar a uno de nuestros "amigos" se les olvido proclamar la decima medida:

"Viva Fidel, Viva Raul"
"Socialismo o Muerte"

Indiscutiblemente es un reto que le lanzan a la oposicion interna y externa, pero particularmente a todos los que desde una posicion academica estudian el tema Cuba-Estados Unidos.
Mientras muchos siguen esperando milagros o rumiando sus propias letanias e insatisfacciones, la MEGA-TRAICION A LA NACION CUBANA AVANZA YA DESFACHATADAMENTE A LA LUZ PUBLICA Y A PASOS ACELERADOS.

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