martes, octubre 28, 2008

Los amigos de Obama


  1. Khalid Al-Mansour: a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who raised money for Obama's education at Harvard.
  2. Saul Alinsky: Obama was inspired by him and his book "Rules for Radicals".
  3. William Ayers (and terrorist wife Bernardine Dohrn): leader of the 1960's terror group The Weather Underground. Friend, neighbor, fellow board member, and hosted a campaign kick-off party for Obama in his home.
  4. Lous Farrakahn: head of the Nation of Islam and well known anti-semite.
  5. Tony Rezko: convicted illegal political fund raiser. Raised money for Obama's campaign, and gave Obama a sweetheart real estate loan deal.
  6. Rashid Khalidi: worked on behalf of the terror group PLO. Held a fund raiser for Obama.
  7. Frank Marshall Davis: member of the Communist Party USA, and Obama's mentor in high school.
  8. Jeremiah Wright: radical preacher who preaches black liberation theology.
  9. Raila Odinga: the Islamist thug Prime Minister of Kenya. Obama helped the Kenyan politician raise money in the U.S. for his presidential campaign in the East African nation.
  10. Marilyn Katz: head of Security for the Students for a Democratic Society SDS), a hardcore leftist cabal from which Ayers' militant Weathermen organization splintered away. Serves on Obama's national finance committee.
  11. Marilyn Katz: head of Security for the Students for a Democratic Society SDS), a hardcore leftist cabal from which Ayers's militant Weathermen organization splintered away. Serves on Obama's national finance committee.
  12. ACORN: this is the largest radical group in America and is involved in at least 11 cases of voters fraud. Obama as a community organizer was a "leadership trainer" and taught volunteers how to intimidate and embarrass bankers into making home loans to unqualified buyers. Obama campaign has given ACORN $832,000 in 2008.
  13. Franklin Raines: ex-Chairman and CEO of Fannie Mae. Walked away from Fannie Mae with $90 million golden parachute. Raines is an advisor to the Obama campaign.
  14. Tim Howard: ex-CFO of Fannie Mae. Walked away from Fannie Mae with $20 million golden parachute. Howard is a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama.
  15. Jim Johnson: ex-CEO of Fannie Mae. Walked away from Fannie Mae with $28 million golden parachute. Johnson is Senior Obama finance Advisor and ran Obama's Vice Presidential Search Committee.


1 comentario:

  1. Hola!
    Estaba pasando por aquì, me sentì motivada, con esas frases, del inicio del blog, y querìa decirle, què las publiquè en mi blog.

    Tiene un blog ineresante.

    Un saludo desde roma, yuya:)
