domingo, febrero 24, 2008

Raul Castro Presidente: Declaracion de Condoleezza Rice

Statement on Cuba’s Transition
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
February 24, 2008
At this significant moment in Cuba’s history, we reaffirm our belief that the Cuban people have an inalienable right to participate in an open and comprehensive dialogue about their country’s future, free of fear and repression, and to choose their leaders in democratic elections. We support their aspirations for a better life, and their desire to enjoy the fundamental rights and liberties expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Inter-American Democratic Charter. We support their efforts to obtain a voice in their national destiny, and their desire to gain access to the resources and opportunities necessary to become masters of their own lives, enhance the well-being of their families, and achieve their God-given potential.We urge the Cuban government to begin a process of peaceful, democratic change by releasing all political prisoners, respecting human rights, and creating a clear pathway towards free and fair elections. We also urge the international community to work with the Cuban people to begin to build institutions necessary for democracy, and to support Cuban civil society. The Cuban people, facing the legacy of five decades of tyranny, merit our solidarity and support as they seek to construct a brighter future.2008/136Released on February 24, 2008

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola, Laz. Tus blog son riquísimos en informaciones; un tesoro como diríamos por Cuba.
    Muchos saludos y un abrazo.
    Por cierto, por qué no te quedaste en Italia?

  2. Gracias Marilyn. Un vez Nicolas Guillen comento que cuando no tenia tiempo redactaba y luego lei los discursos; cuando tenia, los improvisaba. Igual sucede conmigo, como no tengo tiempo tengo que poner la informacion directa, aunque lo que realmente quisiera fuera analizarla y dar mi opinion.
    Me preguntas que por que no me quede en Italia que conozco desde Torino y Milan hasta Lecce, facilito: porque soy un estupido!!!
