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jueves, agosto 22, 2013

Canada’s spy agency may have illegally targeted Canadians: watchdog

OTTAWA — Canada’s super-secret electronic spy agency may have illegally targeted Canadians over the past year, a government watchdog has concluded.
The findings, contained in a report tabled by retired judge Robert Decary in Parliament Wednesday, are particularly explosive now given revelations prompted by whistleblower Edward Snowden about the U.S. government conducting widespread snooping of its citizens.
Decary, who has served as independent watchdog for the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) since 2010, said he discovered the potentially illicit spying during a routine review of the electronic surveillance agency’s activities over the past year.
“A small number of records suggested the possibility that some activities may have been directed at Canadians, contrary to the law,” Decary wrote in his report.
But Decary said he was unable to determine conclusively whether the snooping was legal or not because “a number of CSEC records relating to these activities were unclear or incomplete.”
“After [an] in-depth and lengthy review, I was unable to reach a definitive conclusion about compliance or non-compliance with the law.”
CSEC is forbidden from spying on Canadians no matter where they are in the world. It is also prohibited from eavesdropping on individuals within Canada.

More on National Post >>

martes, agosto 06, 2013

"Chip cubano" prolifera en América Latina

CARACAS.— Un contrato con Venezuela fue el trampolín que utilizó Cuba para comenzar a vender servicios de identificación a gobiernos latinoamericanos afines con el proyecto político del fallecido presidente Hugo Chávez.
El acuerdo comercial de 172 millones de dólares, suscrito en 2007 para la provisión de la cédula electrónica venezolana, le abrió las puertas a empresas estatales de la isla para participar como intermediarios y proveedores en el mercado de documentos de identidad con chips, el cual está dominado por un selecto grupo de países en cuya cima se encuentran Alemania, Países Bajos, Francia, Finlandia, China y Estados Unidos.
La negociación entre Caracas y La Habana —que se hizo sin discusión pública— no sólo puso en manos extranjeras los datos de los venezolanos. También constituyó la oportunidad ideal para Cuba de ampliar sus horizontes estratégicos. El acuerdo —cuyos detalles fueron revelados por El Nacional el de 17 de julio de 2011— fue firmado por el Ministerio del Interior, Justicia y Paz con la compañía cubana Albet Ingeniería y Sistemas, la cual a su vez subcontrató a la multinacional holandesa Gemalto para desarrollar el proyecto de la cédula electrónica venezolana.
El documento incorporó la figura de la “autoría moral” para garantizar a los antillanos la propiedad de los programas que fueron desarrollados entonces y que ahora forman parte del portafolio comercial que los cubanos ofrecen en el continente.
Por medio de decretos presidenciales, Argentina y Bolivia también pusieron en manos de Cuba el diseño y manejo de nuevos sistemas de identificación electrónica. Funcionarios de la isla ahora están involucrados con servicios gubernamentales que contienen datos sensibles de más de 80 millones de ciudadanos en Latinoamérica.
“Hemos desarrollado una tecnología que nos ha permitido afrontar con éxito la seguridad de un país asediado”, dijo Rolando Gómez, embajador de Cuba en Bolivia, cuando fueron presentados en La Paz los sistemas de emisión de pasaportes con chips en 2012. En ese acto dijo que así lograron controlar la subversión. “Ha sido neutralizada a partir de nuestros propios sistemas de seguridad, mediante el control de entrada y salidas al territorio para ejercer plena soberanía”.
En 2005, Cuba comenzó a crear una red de compañías públicas de exportación de productos informáticos. Unas dependen del Ministerio de Informática y Comunicaciones, que primero estuvo bajo la égida del general Ramiro Valdés —considerado el artífice de los sistemas de inteligencia política cubanos— y ahora del general Medardo Díaz. Otras compañías están adscritas al Ministerio de Interior, al cual le reporta la Dirección General de Inteligencia, conocida como G2, servicio considerado por expertos como uno de los cinco mejor entrenados del mundo.
Pero hay quienes dudan de que los antillanos se limiten a ofrecer a los gobiernos herramientas para la preservación del orden y la seguridad ciudadana. “Estas compañías forman parte de una estrategia cubana para extender sus redes de inteligencia en la región. Son en realidad una fachada del G2 que les permite tener control de los sistemas de emisión de documentos de identidad con lo cual pueden otorgárselos a cualquiera”, señala Anthony Daquin, ex asesor del Ministerio del Interior, Justicia y Paz de Venezuela y quien tuvo participación en los procesos de selección de los proveedores para la cédula y pasaporte electrónicos.
El ingeniero ahora se encuentra en Estados Unidos en busca de asilo después de que —asegura— fue víctima de una persecución policial en Caracas por sus críticas al tutelaje cubano.
Las empresas estatales cubanas tienen distintas denominaciones. En Caracas funciona Albet Ingeniería y Sistemas, que vende los programas producidos en la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas de La Habana. Fue esa la compañía encargada del proyecto de cedulación venezolano. Otra firma, sin embargo, constituye el rostro más internacional: es Datys. Produce software para fines múltiples, desde identificación de huellas digitales y rostros hasta escuchas telefónicas y monitoreo de redes sociales, entre otros. Esta empresa contribuyó con el diseño del sistema de seguridad basado en el reconocimiento de trazas dactilares que se comenzó a emplear en Argentina desde 2012.
En Bolivia, Datys puso en marcha la elaboración de los pasaportes electrónicos junto con otra empresa isleña, Impresos de Seguridad.
La irrupción de Cuba en el mercado de identificación llegó en un momento crucial: la Organización de Estados Americanos estableció 2015 como el plazo para que países de la región modernicen sus registros civiles y sistemas de emisión de documentos, como medida para masificar el derecho a la identidad. Además, la Organización para la Aviación Civil Internacional endureció sus normas de seguridad y estableció que a partir de 2010 los Estados debían emitir únicamente pasaportes electrónicos con datos biométricos (como el rostro o la huella).
Gran Hermano
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, presidenta de Argentina, celebró la cooperación cubana en el desarrollo del Sistema Federal de Identificación Biométrica para la Seguridad (Sibios), un proyecto que pretende recabar los datos filiatorios, rasgos físicos distintivos y huellas digitales de los 40 millones de argentinos y que, explicó la mandataria, “va a permitir, en tiempo real, conocer y saber quién es la persona que está ante un personal de seguridad o en cualquier otro lado”, dijo en noviembre de 2011.
Fernández creó Sibios como apoyo para la investigación de delitos y en funciones preventivas de seguridad. Los datos biométricos de la población serán incorporados en un chip en el pasaporte y podrán ser utilizados y cruzados por la Policía Federal, la Gendarmería Nacional, la Prefectura Naval, la Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria, el Registro Nacional de las Personas y la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones. Ha habido detractores destacados del sistema. “Argentina tiene el régimen de vigilancia más agresivo de todos los Estados latinoamericanos de tamaño mediano”, alertó Julian Assange, fundador de WikiLeaks, en julio.
Escala boliviana
Los técnicos cubanos de la isla recalaron en Bolivia en 2009, año en el que ese país estrenó un censo electoral con datos biométricos, que incluía las huellas y señas físicas de los ciudadanos. El 8 de abril de ese año, el presidente Evo Morales emitió el Decreto Supremo 068, que autorizó la contratación directa —por un monto de 1.47 millones de dólares— de las empresas cubanas Datys y Acited-Impresos de Seguridad para proveer los equipos y programas informáticos que expiden los pasaportes de lectura mecánica y para suministrar al Estado 350 mil libretas para el documento corriente, el oficial y el diplomático.
En 2010 y 2011, otros decretos de Morales pusieron en manos de Datys la instalación de equipos para la captura de registros biométricos y la base de datos en 9 sedes departamentales y en 16 oficinas consulares bolivianas en países como España, Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Italia, Francia, Inglaterra y Japón.
En octubre de 2012, el Ministerio de Gobierno de Bolivia firmó un nuevo contrato con Datys —esta vez por casi 700 mil dólares— para la provisión de software, licencias y hardware especializado para el Sistema Migratorio Nacional. Los sistemas también tienen la misión de ayudar a detectar quiénes provienen de “países de riesgo”, así como comprobar los impedimentos para entrada y salida de nacionales y extranjeros por “listas negras de instituciones bolivianas u organismos internacionales”.
Ni el Ministerio ni la Dirección General de Migración de Bolivia respondieron las solicitudes de entrevistas para aclarar hasta qué punto tienen acceso los cubanos a las bases de datos nacionales. Más allá del silencio, los chips cubanos alcanzan nuevas latitudes en el continente.

sábado, agosto 03, 2013

Cuba podría haber accedido a datos sensibles de más de 80 millones de latinoamericanos

Las empresas de la isla han prestado servicios en Venezuela, Argentina o Bolivia para la elaboración de carnés de identidad y pasaportes
   Las autoridades cubanas podrían haber manejado datos sensibles de más de 80 millones de latinoamericanos gracias a los servicios de implantación de identificación electrónica que ofreció a gobiernos latinoamericanos afines al chavismo y llevado a cabo a través de una red de empresas de exportación de productos informáticos.
   En 2007 Cuba y Venezuela llegaron a un acuerdo comercial por 172 millones de dólares (uno 129 millones de euros) para la implantación del documento de identidad electrónico venezolano, lo que abrió las puertas a empresas estatales de la isla para participar como intermediarios y proveedores en el mercado de documentos de identidad con chip.
   La negociación entre Caracas y La Habana, que nunca llegó a ser pública, permitió a Cuba, supuestamente, no sólo manejar datos sensibles de los venezolanos sino que constituyó una oportunidad para ampliar sus horizontes estratégicos.
   A partir de este acuerdo, las empresas cubanas tuvieron el visto bueno de otros países latinoamericanos afines a Venezuela, como Argentina y Bolivia, para poner en marcha el diseño y manejo de nuevos sistemas de identificación electrónica. Esto, en principio, les habría permitido gestionar los datos personales de más de más de 80 millones de ciudadanos en Latinoamérica, según informa el periódico venezolano 'El Universal'.
   "Hemos desarrollado una tecnología que nos ha permitido afrontar con éxito la seguridad de un país asediado", dijo Rolando Gómez, embajador de Cuba en Bolivia, cuando fueron presentados en La Paz los sistemas de emisión de pasaportes con chip, en 2012. En ese acto dijo que así lograron controlar la subversión. "Ha sido neutralizada a partir de nuestros propios sistemas de seguridad, mediante el control de entrada y salidas al territorio para ejercer plena soberanía", añadió.
   En Argentina, con el Sistema Federal de Identificación Biométrica para la Seguridad (Sibios) los datos biométricos de la población serán incorporados en un chip en el pasaporte y podrán ser utilizados y cruzados por todas las fuerzas de seguridad pero ya ha habido detractores que lo critican. "Argentina tiene el régimen de vigilancia más agresivo de todos los Estados latinoamericanos de tamaño mediano", alertó Julian Assange, fundador de WikiLeaks, el pasado julio.
   En Bolivia, los técnicos cubanos, venidos bajo varias compañías, recalaron en 2009 para poner en marcha un censo electoral con datos biométricos que incluía las huellas y señas físicas de los ciudadanos y posteriormente la elaboración de los pasaportes electrónicos. En 2012, Bolivia volvió a contar con los servicios cubanos para la provisión de software, licencias y hardware especializado para el Sistema Migratorio Nacional que ayudasen a detectar aquellos provenientes de "países de riesgo", así como registrar las entradas y salidas de extranjeros que estuvieran en "listas negras de instituciones bolivianas u organismos internacionales".
   Esta red de compañías públicas de exportación de productos informáticos dependen del Ministerio de Informática y Comunicaciones, que primero estuvo bajo el mando del general Ramiro Valdés, considerado el artífice de los sistemas de inteligencia política cubanos. Otras compañías están adscritas al Ministerio de Interior cubano, al cual le reporta la Dirección General de Inteligencia, conocida como G2, servicio considerado por expertos como uno de los cinco mejor entrenados del mundo.
   Los detractores de estas colaboraciones ponen en entredicho que los cubanos se limiten a ofrecer a los gobiernos herramientas para la preservación del orden y la seguridad ciudadana.
   "Estas compañías forman parte de una estrategia cubana para extender sus redes de inteligencia en la región y son en realidad una fachada del G2 que les permite tener control de los sistemas de emisión de documentos de identidad con lo cual pueden otorgárselos a cualquiera", señala el exasesor del Ministerio del Interior, Justicia y Paz de Venezuela Anthony Daquin, quien participó en los procesos de selección de los proveedores para la cédula y pasaporte electrónicos y ahora, según él mismo, se encuentra perseguido por Caracas por sus críticas al supuesto tutelaje cubano.

miércoles, julio 17, 2013

Mark Zuckerberg Runs A Giant Spy Machine In Palo Alto, California

mark zuckerberg facebook
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg arrives for the start of a town hall meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at Facebook Headquarters in Palo Alto, California April 20, 2011.

Mark Zuckerberg runs a giant spy machine in Palo Alto*, California. He wasn’t the first to build one, but his was the best, and every day hundreds of thousands of people upload the most intimate details of their lives to the Internet. The real coup wasn’t hoodwinking the public into revealing their thoughts, closest associates, and exact geographic coordinates at any given time. Rather, it was getting the public to volunteer that information. Then he turned off** the privacy settings.
[**Editor's note: Facebook disputes the notion that it has "turned off" its privacy settings. We have provided a statement from the company at the bottom of this post.]
“People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people,” said Zuckerberg after moving 350 million people into a glass privacy ghetto. “That social norm is just something that has evolved over time.”
If the state had organized such an information drive, protestors would have burned down the White House. But the state is the natural beneficiary of this new “social norm.” Today, that information is regularly used in court proceedings and law enforcement. There is no need for warrants or subpoenas. Judges need not be consulted. The Fourth Amendment does not come into play. Intelligence agencies don't have to worry about violating laws protecting citizenry from wiretapping and information gathering. Sharing information “more openly” and with “more people” is a step backward in civil liberties. And spies, whether foreign or domestic, are “more people,” too.
Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, knows better than anyone how to exploit holes in the secrecy apparatus to the detriment of American security. His raison d'être is to blast down the walls protecting state secrets and annihilate the implicit bargain, yet even he is frightened by the brazenness of Facebook and other such social networking sites:
Here we have the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations and their communications with each other, their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to the U.S. intelligence. Facebook, Google, Yahoo — all these major U.S. organizations have built-in interfaces for U.S. intelligence. It’s not a matter of serving a subpoena. They have an interface that they have developed for U.S. intelligence to use.
It’s all there, and the Internet never forgets. But even if the impossible happened and the Internet did somehow develop selective amnesia, in the case of microblogging service Twitter, the Library of Congress has acquired every message ever posted by its two hundred million members. As Jeffrey Rosen wrote in the New York Times:
We’ve known for years that the Web allows for unprecedented voyeurism, exhibitionism and inadvertent indiscretion, but we are only beginning to understand the costs of an age in which so much of what we say, and of what others say about us, goes into our permanent — and public — digital files. The fact that the Internet never seems to forget is threatening, at an almost existential level, our ability to control our identities; to preserve the option of reinventing ourselves and starting anew to overcome our checkered pasts.
The U.S. government isn't the only institution to notice. Early in the military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers of the social networking generation uploaded to their MySpace profiles pictures of camp life in the war zones. Innocuous photos of troops horsing around in front of tent cities, bunkers, outposts, motor pools, and operations centers circulated freely on what was then described as “a place for friends.”
The U.S. military soon realized that foreign intelligence services, sympathetic to America’s enemies and savvy to the social revolution, could collect these photographs by the thousands and build detailed, full-color maps of American military bases. During the Cold War, this would have required the insertion of first-rate spies, briefcases filled with cash, and elaborate blackmail schemes. In the age of radical transparency, all it would take is a MySpace account to know exactly where to fire the mortar round to inflict maximum damage on the United States.
The Marine Corps confirmed this in a 2009 directive. “These Internet sites in general are a proven haven for malicious actors and content are a particularly high risk due to information exposure, user generated content and targeting by adversaries.” The directive continued, “The very nature of [social networking sites] creates a larger attack and exploitation window, exposes unnecessary information to adversaries and provides an easy conduit for information leakage,” putting operational security, communications security, and U.S. military personnel “at an elevated risk of compromise.”
This type of clever thinking on the part of America’s enemies is not unique to this conflict. During the run-up to the Gulf War, foreign intelligence services had a pretty good idea that the U.S. war machine was preparing for its most substantial engagement since Vietnam. The U.S. military recognized a new kind of threat — one that didn’t require foreign intelligence to insert an agent onto every base in the Republic. Open source information could be just as dangerous. Spikes in late-night orders from pizzerias near key military bases and an exceptionally busy parking lot at the Pentagon could tell hostile powers everything they needed to know.
In determining what should remain secret and what should not, the military — like each component of the American secrecy apparatus — is good at overreaction. The default answer: more secrets. To counter the MySpace problem, they banned blogs and social networks. This benefitted base security but killed morale at home. No longer could parents see their young sons and daughters safe — and even happy — in the war zone. All that remained were breathless reports of intense combat on the cable news networks. And while the average supply clerk is probably safer in Baghdad than in Detroit, every parent and spouse saw the same thing: a son or daughter in a flag-draped casket.
In 2010, the Department of Defense revised and consolidated its ad hoc policy on social media. On its official website it declared, “Service members and [Department of Defense] employees are welcome and encouraged to use new media to communicate with family and friends — at home stations or deployed,” but warned, “it’s important to do it safely.”)
From "Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry" by journalists Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady. Reprinted with permission from D.B. Grady.
*"When the book was actually written, they were still in Palo Alto." - D.B. Grady
In a statement to Business Insider, Facebook notes:
"In reality we spend a lot of time building privacy controls, and working to make them powerful, easy to use, and also educating our users on them. For example:
- (in the same post) In-product education about privacy that we did in December: 
- Recent flyout in the News Feed ahead of Graph Search that pointed to the new tools and highlighted how people could check their stuff:"

viernes, junio 28, 2013

What you don’t know about Snowden’s former employer
Let’s take another trip down the rabbit hole, shall we?
Lost in the Edward Snowden debate is a critical look at his former employer, the company doing the spying on Americans in the first place: Booz Allen Hamilton.
Booz Allen Hamilton is a government contractor, with 99% of its revenue coming from the US government. Not only does it receive money from the NSA, but also the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marine Corps, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and … the IRS. In addition, Booz Allen is heavily connected to the CIA.
Among the individuals involved in running the company, we have:
James Clapper – current Director of National Intelligence (DNI), head of NSA, the man who lied to Congress about the fact that NSA is actively spying on Americans, is a former executive
Mike McConnell – a current executive of the company, had Clapper’s job (DNI) during George W. Bush’s administration (keep it in the family, eh?) — he worked for Booz Allen before Bush, then worked for Bush, then back to Booz Allen after Bush
James Woolsey – former CIA Director, current executive (see Jan Helfeld’s interview of Mr. Woolsey where it becomes clear that Woolsey has no interest in discussing principles, only war)
Melissa Hathaway – former executive, also worked for McConnell during the Bush administration
Ian Brzezinski – former executive, son of Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, central figure in the NWO crowd, and mastermind of Operation Cyclone
Dov Zakheim – this character is … unbelievable:
1993 – His company, System Planning Corporation, had a subsidiary called Tridata Corporation, which was the company that “oversaw” the investigation of the 1993 WTC bombing
2000 – Part of the neocon Project for a New American Century, he is co-author of “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” in which he is credited with the infamous line, “… some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”
2001 – He is appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon, in which $2.3 trillion promptly goes “missing”
2001 – Attack on 9/11 occurs; some people are suspicious of his connections, since his company, SPC, in involved in flight systems capable of remote controlling aircraft, and because he was the guy who leased 32 Boeing 767 aircraft to McDill Air Force Base (2 of the 9/11 aircraft were 767′s), and McDill is close to Elgin AFB, which was the location that was to be used if Operation Northwoods had gone live
2004 – Goes to work for Booz Allen Hamilton.
2012 – Advisor on Middle East policy for Mitt Romney campaign (gee … ya think Romney would have gone to war in the Middle East???)
Booz Allen Hamilton is owned by the Carlyle Group.
One of the big investors in the Carlyle Group was the Bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia. Yeah … THAT Bin Laden family. And instrumental in being the “go between” for Carlyle/Bin Laden was a guy by the name of George H. W. Bush. Maybe you’ve heard of him?
The CEO of the Carlyle Group (remember, they OWN Booz Allen Hamilton) is Frank Carlucci. Mr. Carlucci has quite a resume:
Nixon Administration – Director of the Office for Economic Opportunity (the “War on Poverty” — and a great place to decide who gets government contracts)
Carter Administration – Deputy Director of the CIA
Reagan Administration – National Security Advisor and Secretary of Defense (Donald Rumsfeld is Carlucci’s protoge)
He is or has been with the Project for a New American Century and a member of the Board of Trustees for the RAND Corporation, a CIA front that develops policies that the Military Industrial Complex then carries out.
You want a NWO guy? Carlucci is your man. And CEO of Carlyle Group, owner of Booz Allen Hamilton, spying on YOU.
At RAND, his specialty was Middle East policy. What do you know? That was also the specialty of Graham Fuller, CIA guy who was the father-in-law of Ruslan Tsarni, uncle of Tamarlan Tsarnev, suspected Boston bomber.
Speaking of the Boston bombing and Tamarlan Tsarnev, he had a couple of trips to Russia that made the news. But what did not make the news (in America, but it did in Russia) is that he went there for “training” that was funded by the Jamestown Foundation. And what do you know? The Jamestown Foundation (CIA front) has among its past board members none other than Dick Cheney and Marcia Carlucci, wife of Frank Carlucci.
See my post here about the CIA connections to the Boston bombing:…
Given all their connections and government contracts, here’s an interesting question: Booz Allen Hamilton has not only been involved in spying via the NSA, but they have also received no-bid contracts from the IRS. What do they know about the American people via the IRS?
Now, one of the things you will start to see if you look around at some of the big corporations these days is that many of them are involved in what they call “corporate citizenship” or something similar. What this means at the surface level is they are being “good citizens” by donating to charity. But when you go beyond the surface, you will see something else going on.
Booz Allen Hamilton donates money to the Clinton Global Initiative. The CGI is a part of the Clinton Foundation (yeah, THAT Clinton).
The Clinton Foundation has been implicated in bribery on an international level. Clinton gave himself a special little privilege while president wherein he exempted the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation from the normal rules of disclosure regarding publicly listing who its contributors were. It’s a secret foundation. And it has over $200 million in assets now. And is alleged to be used as a way to funnel black money from corrupt governments around the world for behind-the-scenes deals like special oil contracts, arms dealing, US government foreign aid deals, whatever.
So folks, what you are not being told in the media about Edward Snowden’s former company is that it is not only spying on you, but it is probably checking out your tax returns, too, and also receiving some of your tax money in government contracts, which it then funnels to CIA-connected/Military Industrial Complex-connected/NWO-connected individuals and organizations.
Something like this: Your tax money (taken from you by force) -> IRS -> Booz Allen Hamilton -> Clinton Foundation -> foreign bribes -> more contracts for the Military Industrial Complex -> more spending by foreign governments -> more foreign aid from the US government -> more US government spending -> more taxes needed -> more taxes from YOU.
Oh … and they are spying on you, too.
But Edward Snowden … yeah HE is the bad guy here. Uh huh … move along … nothing to see here.
thanks to eggins10 for the link..
here is the background to snowdens employer and the inter-connected world of money, military and politics..check this guy out on wikipedia..Dov Zakheim..unreal connections..and jewish..what a surprise..
and no surprise the clinton foundation is caught up in this..i have posted on them many times..they are fronts for laundering and the bill gates foundation..

Como Edward Snowden logro burlar la vigilancia electronica en Hong Kong
El ex agente de Inteligencia Edward Snowden huyó de Hong Kong gracias a la estratagema de guardar los dispositivos móviles en un frigorífico para evitar escuchas mientras trazaba el plan de huida. Las paredes del electrodoméstico consiguieron aislar los aparatos eléctricos de forma que no pudieran ser utlizado como sistemas de escuchas.
Edward J. Snowden -el buscado ex agente de seguridad nacional conocido por filtrar documentos privados sobre las operaciones de vigilancia de Estados Unidos- mantuvo una cena secreta para planear su huida a Moscú el pasado domingo en la casa de Hong Kong en la que se encontraba antes de partir.

Interrumpir la comunicación

Según afirma 'The New York Times', Snowden insistió a los comensales para que dejasen sus teléfonos móviles en el frigorífico mientras durase la velada para evitar posibles escuchas. El motivo de esta extraña petición es que el ex agente sabía que los materiales de los que estaban hechas las paredes del frigorífico lo convertían en una caja de seguridad antiescuchas para los dispositivos. O lo que es lo mismo, en una jaula de Faraday, "su robusta cobertura metálica convierten al frigorífico en además de un aislante térmico, en un aislante de ondas", han explicado fuentes técnicas a
Los móviles envían ondas de radio a la antena más cercana. Las antenas se agrupan formando celdas de forma que dan cobertura a los dispositivos. "Si estás al aire libre y le quitas la batería al móvil, éste manda una última señal a la celda dando así su localización", explican estas fuentes. "En cambio, si lo haces dentro de una caja de Faraday -que actúa como un inhibidor de frecuencias electromagnéticas- este mensaje no llega a comunicarse". Y si los datos no pueden salir, tampoco pueden entrar, por lo que resulta imposible conectarse al dispositivo de manera remota.
Snowden quiso arriesgarse a quitar la batería de los móviles simplemente, pues de esta manera "no se garantiza el bloqueo total de las escuchas", según explicó el diseñador especializado en productos de vigilancia Adam Harvey para 'The New York Times'. "Muchos dispositivos modernos (no solo móviles) cuentan con estados intermedios entre encendido y apagado, en los que algunos circuitos están encendidos y otros apagados", explica en el diario norteamericano, el experto Seth Schoen.

lunes, junio 17, 2013

EDWARD SNOWDEN: How To Make Sure The NSA Can't Read Your Email

Dylan Love
Article 12 of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home, or correspondence."
It's that last one that's gotten everyone's attention lately. Just how private is your correspondence online?
Depending on your politics, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is either a vile turncoat or a revered hero, but either way he has advice on how to stay two steps ahead of the NSA.
He held an awesome "press conference" of sorts on The Guardian's website, taking written questions from readers and typing out his answers online.
We were most intrigued by his response to a question about encryption. If someone wants to stay off the NSA's radar, could he or she encrypt emails and send them without arousing any suspicion?
Snowden's response: "Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it."
A brief caveat before we dive in deeper with encryption. This whole "NSA domestic spying" news item is weird and scary, sure, but it has much more to do with the "connectivity matrix," or the relationship that exists between personal and commercial computers all around the world and the fact that the NSA can exploit it. Yes, your privacy matters, but the real issue raised here is that the NSA can basically use a "cheat code" to become all-powerful in the internet "video game."
That said, it's useful to know how to effectively encrypt your email. Let's talk about PGP encryption, one of the most popular ways of doing so.
PGP stands for "Pretty Good Privacy." It uses two "keys," one publicly viewable to the world, the other kept solely to yourself. You can generate PGP keys to your heart's content using the free tool at iGolder and a number of other services around the web.
Here's a sample public key:
pgp public key
This looks like a random string of numbers and letters to you, but to a computer, it's a set of instructions on how to properly encode a message. But this is only half of the recipe, because for every public key freely available to the world, there's a private key that the recipient keeps locked away.
Here's the private key that's tied to the public key above:
pgp key
It's pretty much the same story here – random nonsense characters. But your computer looks at this and sees the instructions on how to properly decode any messages that were encoded using the public key above.
If we want to send the message "Hello world." to a recipient using our example public key, we use an encryption tool (also freely available at iGolder and elsewhere around the web). Copy and paste the recipient's public key into the appropriate box, then type out your message as you normally would.
The last step is easy. Just click on "Encrypt Message" and it spits out your very unreadable secret email:
Then copy and paste this into a new email and press send:
You've officially unleashed an encrypted message into the world. Since it looks like a bunch of nonsense, it contains no keywords that could trigger any alarms at the NSA. And if the message should somehow be intercepted, no one would have the first idea what to do with it.
Think of PGP encryption like a Star Trek transporter. Instead of disassembling a human being's atoms and reassembling them elsewhere, we're breaking down written language, emailing the "junk," and then having the recipient turn the junk into a readable email using his private key.
Nico Sell is the founder of Wickr, a mobile security app that boasts a slew of features like "self-destructing" messages that disappear after a preset amount of time. Its greatest strength (other than its "military-grade encryption") is how user-friendly it is. By bringing this PGP-style encryption method to your phone as a non-threatening and intuitive app, Wickr might just be the ticket to a world where even your technophobic uncle is sending you encoded emails.
Sell told Business Insider that both her three-year-old son and 70-year-old mother use Wickr all the time.
How well does PGP work? Well enough that it's been actively used since it was introduced in 1991, making for 22 years of active privacy-protecting service. And in internet time, this makes PGP a grizzled but fearsome veteran. Just take it from Sell, who told us: "When it comes to email, PGP's about as good as it gets."
Let's revisit the last half of Snowden's comment. He said: "endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it."
While "endpoint security" encompasses a lot of different ideas – everything from using strong unguessable passwords to setting up a firewall – we presume that Snowden is referring to the potential for someone to gain hardware-level access to your computer.
You've seen this happen before in cheesy thriller movies. A hacker sits down at a computer, whacks a few keys, and someone else's desktop appears on the minitor. The hacker reclines in his chair and watches everything this faraway other person does on his computer, every word typed, every website visited.
While we strongly doubt it's that casual, it's far from impossible and the NSA would be just the organization to gain hardware-level access to someone's computer. An uninvited guest watching you go about your business online would obviously be troublesome for anyone, but people who make heavy use of PGP encryption have their own set of worries here – what good is an encrypted message when someone watches you type it out in plaintext ahead of time?
We assume that authorities would only monitor someone's computer on the hardware level if that person made his way onto a watch list by engaging in suspicious behavior. So for the Regular Joes out there, PGP is a really solid bet on making sure that your sensitive message arrives safely to the intended recipient.
Anyone who'd like to give this a shot is welcome to email me using my own public key here.

Father of Edward Snowden urges son not to commit 'treason,' to return home

Read on Fox News >>

viernes, junio 14, 2013

Edward Snowden: Whistleblower or spy?

A Communist Party-backed newspaper in China is urging that country's leadership to obtain more information from the former CIA employee who leaked information about the U.S. surveillance programs before fleeing to Hong Kong.
The Global Times newspaper said in an editorial Friday that Edward Snowden should not be sent back to the U.S. because his revelations about secret American surveillance programs concern China's national interest.
The newspaper said that the Chinese government should not only consider Beijing's relations with the United States but also domestic public opinion, which the paper says would be unhappy if Snowden were sent back.
The Global Times said in the editorial, which ran in the paper's Chinese- and English-language editions, that Snowden could offer intelligence that would help China update its understanding of cyberspace and improve its position in negotiations with Washington.
 "Snowden took the initiative to expose the U.S. government's attacks on Hong Kong and the mainland's Internet networks. This concerns China's national interest," the commentary said. "Maybe he has more evidence. The Chinese government should let him speak out and according to whether the information is public, use it as evidence to negotiate with the United States openly or in private."
The paper said that the Chinese government should not only consider Beijing's relations with the United States but also the opinion of its domestic public, which the paper said would be unhappy if Snowden were sent back.
"We have realized the United States' aggressiveness in cyberspace, we have realized that nine Internet companies have assisted the U.S. government in intelligence outsourcing," said the paper known for a nationalist stance. "We have realized their hypocrisy in saying one thing and doing another, and we have realized their ruthlessness in doing what they please with no regard for other people."
"China is a rising power, and it deserves corresponding respect from the United States," it said.
Snowden alleged in an interview with the South China Morning Post newspaper Thursday that the NSA has been monitoring the Chinese University of Hong Kong and public officials and citizens in the city.
Snowden told the paper he believes there have been more than 61,000 NSA hacking operations globally.
The 29-year-old reportedly also told the newspaper his plans for the immediate future, steps he claims the U.S. has taken since he broke his cover in Hong Kong, fears for his family as well as explosive details on U.S. surveillance targets.
On Thursday, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Hua Chungying said China is a "major victim" of cyberattacks but did not lay blame.
Snowden is behind one of the biggest intelligence leaks in American history. The former Booz Allen Hamilton contractor who worked at the National Security Agency, hopped a flight to Asia on May 20 and has remained on the lam ever since.
The Associated Press reported Friday that the British government issued an alert to airlines around the world, urging them not to allow Snowden to board flights to the United Kingdom.
The alert, dated Monday on a Home Office letterhead, said carriers should deny Snowden boarding because "the individual is highly likely to be refused entry to the UK."
The Associated Press saw a photograph of the document taken Friday at a Thai airport. A British diplomat confirmed that the document was genuine and was sent out to airlines around the world.
In what is likely his final appearance as FBI director before the House Judiciary Committee, Mueller said Thursday that Snowden is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation.
In his three hours of testimony, Mueller defended the government's collection of millions of U.S. phone records, emails and other information as vital to the nation's national security.
"Every time that we have a leak like this — and if you follow it up and you look at the intelligence afterwards" — the terrorists "are looking at the ways around it," Mueller said.

martes, junio 11, 2013

Moscow opens door to asylum for Snowden, 'it will be considered'

Moscow has opened the door to asylum for American whistleblower Edward Snowden.
There is no official information that the 29-year-old Snowden has applied for asylum, after exposing U.S. surveillance programs that have logged millions of phone calls and the Internet activities of Americans.
However, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday the Communist county would consider such an asylum request.
"If such an appeal is given, it will be considered,” Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the Russian newspaper Kommersant. “We'll act according to facts."
The comment was reported first by The Guardian.
Snowden, who until Tuesday was a National Security Agency contract worker, has said he is looking for a country in which to seek asylum that has “shared values.”
Snowden fled to Hong Kong after news reports last week about the U.S. date mining. He has been in hiding since appearing in a video Sunday in which he claims to be the source of the leaks.
Snowden’s decision to decamp to Hong Kong offers no guarantee of freedom.
Hong Kong has a relatively solid human rights record and signed an extradition treaty with the United States in 1996, but the island region is now largely under the rule of communist China, notorious for spying on the United States.
“Does he not know (Hong Kong) now belongs to the People’s Republic of China?” asked Steve Bucci, a foreign policy expert with the Heritage Foundation.
Other experts suggest Snowden is trying to take advantage of a recent Hong Kong court decision requiring a review of asylum applications, which also could allow him to stay there while the process remains in limbo.
Simon Young, of the University of Hong Kong’s law center, told the online news agency GlobalPost that everybody is waiting to learn how the Hong Kong government is going to implement the court decision.
"Until that’s the case, you can’t return anyone until the law’s in place," he said.
An extradition process could take months or even years, experts say.
Snowden has reportedly said his best hope for asylum is in Iceland “with its reputation of a champion of Internet freedom.”
To be sure, Iceland has no extradition agreement with the United States, but how and when he would get there remains unclear.
Right now, Snowden’s whereabouts remains uncertain, though he told The Guardian he has been in Hong Kong since May 20.
And the Justice Department has said only that the agency is “in the initial stages” of an investigation into the unauthorized disclosure of classified information by somebody with authorized access.

NSA leaker on the run, whereabouts unknown

lunes, junio 10, 2013

NSA whistle-blower who sought to 'inform the public' in surveillance risks decades in jail

 A 29-year-old American who works as contract employee at the National Security Agency is the source of The Guardian's disclosures about the U.S. government's secret surveillance programs, the London newspaper reported Sunday.
The source of the bombshell leaks about the U.S. government gathering information on billions of phone calls and Internet activities risks decades in jail for the disclosures if the U.S. can extradite him from Hong Kong, where he says he has taken refuge after saying his sole motive was to “inform the public.”
Edward Snowden, 29, who claims to have worked as a contractor at the National Security Agency and the CIA, allowed The Guardian and The Washington Post to reveal his identity Sunday. Snowden, in a video that appeared on the Guardian’s website, said two NSA surveillance programs are wide open to abuse.
"Any analyst at any time can target anyone. Any selector. Anywhere," Snowden said. "I, sitting at my desk, had the authority to wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant to a federal judge to even the president if I had a personal e-mail."
Snowden said he was a former technical assistant for the CIA and a current employee of defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, which released a statement Sunday confirming he had been a contractor with them in Hawaii for less than three months. Company officials have promised to work with investigators.
Snowden told the Guardian he believes the government could try to charge him with treason under the Espionage Act, but Mark Zaid, a national security attorney who represents whistle-blowers, told The Associated Press that that would require the government to prove he had intent to betray the United States. Snowden has said his “sole motive” was to inform the public and spur debate.
"My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them," Snowden told the Guardian.
In a note accompanying the first set of documents he provided to the newspaper, Snowden wrote: "I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions," but "I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant."
Snowden told the Post he was not going to hide.
"Allowing the U.S. government to intimidate its people with threats of retaliation for revealing wrongdoing is contrary to the public interest," he said in the interview published Sunday. Snowden said he would "ask for asylum from any countries that believe in free speech and oppose the victimization of global privacy."
Snowden is now staying in Hong Kong and seeking asylum outside the United States, possibly in Iceland, The Guardian reports.
If the reports are accurate, Snowden could face many years in prison for releasing classified information if he is successfully extradited from Hong Kong or elsewhere.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment on Snowden's disclosure, saying the issue has been referred to the Justice Department.
However, the agency said: "Any person who has a security clearance knows that he or she has an obligation to protect classified information and abide by the law."
"The Department of Justice is in the initial stages of an investigation into the unauthorized disclosure of classified information by an individual with authorized access," Justice Department spokeswoman Nanda Chitre said in a statement late Sunday. 
New York Republican Rep. Peter King, chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterintelligence and Terrorism and a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, said: "If Edward Snowden did in fact leak the NSA data as he claims, the United States government must prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and begin extradition proceedings at the earliest date. The United States must make it clear that no country should be granting this individual asylum. This is a matter of extraordinary consequence to American intelligence."
In a nearly 13-minute video that accompanied The Guardian story Sunday, Snowden says he has no intentions of hiding because he has done nothing wrong.
“When you’re in positions of privileged access … . You recognize some of these things are actual abuses,” Snowden said about his decision to be a whistle-blower. “Over time, you feel compelled to talk about it.”
The Guardian broke the story late Wednesday that the federal government was collecting phone call records from Verizon customers.
The Guardian and the Post followed with a series of reports about the calls being taken from other telecommunications companies and that the NSA and FBI have a Internet scouring program, code-named PRISM, that records Internet activities, all part of a post-9/11 effort to thwart terrorism.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the Oval Office would not comment on Snowden before Monday.
Washington officials have acknowledged all branches of the federal government — Congress, the White House and federal courts — knew about the collection of data under the Patriot Act.
Still, the leaks have reopened the debate about privacy concerns versus heightened measure to protect against terrorist attacks. They also led the NSA to ask the Justice Department to conduct a criminal investigation.
Fox News confirmed the Obama administration took the first steps Saturday in a criminal investigation when officials filed a “crimes report.”
National Intelligence Director James Clapper has decried the leaks as reckless. And in the past days he has taken the rare step of declassifying some details about them to respond to media reports about counterterrorism techniques employed by the government.
“Disclosing information about the specific methods the government uses to collect communications can obviously give our enemies a ‘playbook’ of how to avoid detection,” Clapper said Saturday.
PRISM allows the federal government to tap directly into the servers of major U.S. Internet companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and AOL, scooping out emails, video chats, instant messages and more to track foreign nationals who are suspected of terrorism or espionage.
The chief executives of Facebook and Google have said their companies were not aware of the data grab.
Officials say the government is not listening to any of the billions of phone calls, only logging the numbers.  
President Obama, Clapper and others also have said the programs are subject to strict supervision of a secret court.
Obama said Friday that the programs have made a difference in tracking terrorists and are not tantamount to "Big Brother." 
The president acknowledged the U.S. government is collecting reams of phone records, including phone numbers and the duration of calls, but said this does not include listening to calls or gathering the names of callers.  
"You can't have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience,” he said. “We're going to have to make some choices as a society."
However, the president said he welcomes a debate on that issue. 
The Guardian reported that Snowden was working in an NSA office in Hawaii when he copied the last of the documents he planned to disclose and told supervisors that he needed to be away for a few weeks to receive treatment for epilepsy.
Snowden is quoted as saying he chose Hong Kong because it has a "spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent" and because he believed it was among the spots on the globes that could and would resist the dictates of the U.S. government.
Hong Kong has an extradition treaty with the United States that took force in 1998, according to the U.S. State Department website.
"The government could subject him to a 10- or 20-year penalty for each count," with each document leaked considered a separate charge, Mark Zaid, a national security lawyer who represents whistle-blowers told the Associated Press.
Snowden is quoted as saying he hopes the publicity of the leaks will provide him some protection.
"I feel satisfied that this was all worth it. I have no regrets," Snowden told the Guardian.
Snowden was said to have worked on IT security for the CIA and by 2007 was stationed with diplomatic cover in Geneva, responsible for maintaining computer network security. That gave him clearance to a range of classified documents, according to the Guardian report.
"Much of what I saw in Geneva really disillusioned me about how my government functions and what its impact is in the world," he says. "I realized that I was part of something that was doing far more harm than good."

What we know about NSA leaker Edward Snowden

The 29-year-old computer whiz who says he divulged details about National Security Agency's data-collecting programs has also revealed specifics of his life story, from an upbringing in North Carolina to a top-secret contract in Hawaii.
Speaking from a Hong Kong hotel that he reportedly has since left, Edward Snowden told The Guardian that he had enjoyed a "very comfortable life," but one marked by mounting disillusionment with what he views as government intrusion into the private lives of American citizens.
"I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things … I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under," he said.
Here's some of what we know about the bespectacled self-proclaimed "spy" who is being called both a traitor and a hero:
Background: Born June 21, 1983, he grew up in Wilmington, N.C., but later moved to Ellicott City, Md., he told The Guardian. His mother, Wendy, is the chief deputy clerk for administration and information technology at the federal court in Baltimore, a court official told NBC News. His father, Lonnie, is a former Coast Guard officer who lives in Pennsylvania, the Allentown Morning Call reported. A neighbor said he has an older sister who is an attorney.
"He was a quiet guy, kept to himself. He always dressed nice, was clean cut. He just reminded me of a brainiac," said neighbor Joyce Kinsey. "I feel terrible for his family." In his interview with The Guardian, Edward Snowden said the only thing he feared from outing himself is the "harmful effects on my family."
Education: He did not complete high school. He told The Guardian that he studied computers at a community college and obtained a general equivalency degree. A spokesman for Anne Arundel Community College confirmed that a student with the same name and birth date took classes there, from 1999 to 2001 and again in 2004 and 2005.
Military service: He spent four months in the Army reserves, from May to September 2004 as a special forces recruit to a 14-week training course, the Army said. "He did not complete any training or receive any awards," an Army statement said. No other details were given, but Snowden told The Guardian he was discharged after breaking his legs in an accident.
Government work: His first job with the National Security Agency was as a security guard, and the next stop was an information-technology job with the CIA, which stationed him in Geneva in 2007, he claimed. He said he left the CIA in 2009 to work for private contractors, including Dell and Booz Allen. Through his job with Booz Allen, he was assigned to NSA offices in Japan and, more recently, Hawaii. Booz Allen said he has been an employee for about three months. He told reporters he made about $200,000 a year.

Anita Hofschneider / AP
A real estate sign stands in front of a home in Waipahu, Hawaii, Sunday, June 9, 2013, where Edward Snowden, source of disclosures about the U.S. government's secret surveillance programs, lived with his girlfriend until recently. A Hawaii real estate agent says Snowden and his girlfriend moved out of the home near Honolulu on May 1, leaving nothing behind.
Hawaii: He briefly lived in a 1,559-square-foot rented home on Oahu, where neighbors said he and his girlfriend, who has not been named, kept to themselves. "They just say, 'Hi' and 'Hello' in the morning," Angel Cunanan told NBC station KHNL. "He mentioned that he worked for the government." Local residents said the couple never really unpacked before they moved out May 1, after the owner decided to sell the house, the Associated Press reported.
Exit plan: When he decided to go to Hong Kong to await the fallout from the leaks, Snowden told the NSA that he was taking a leave for treatment of epilepsy, a condition he told The Guardian he was diagnosed with last year after seizures. He said he didn't give his girlfriend a specific reason, just saying he had to go away for a few weeks.
Politics: A public records search shows Snowden was a registered voter but did not declare a political party affiliation. Someone with the same name who lived in the same places and at one point worked for Dell made two $250 donations last year to libertarian-leaning GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul.
Cloak-and-dagger: Snowden self-identifies as a spook. "I've been a spy almost all of my adult life," he told the Washington Post. In his communications with a reporter, he used a code name — "Verax," or truth-teller in Latin. He's worried he's being watched and puts a red hood over his head and laptop when he enters passwords, The Guardian reported.

Snowden's Steps To Protect His Privacy

Weeks ago, Edward Snowden, a contractor for the National Security Agency, left his home in Hawaii and checked into a hotel in Hong Kong.
The 29-year-old man responsible for one of the more notable intelligence leaks in American history then waited until he became one of the most wanted men in the world.
“We have got a CIA station just up the road – the consulate here in Hong Kong – and I am sure they are going to be busy for the next week,” Snowden told the Guardian. “And that is a concern I will live with for the rest of my life, however long that happens to be.”
One would imagine that Snowden is intimately familiar with the capabilities of NSA, and what he has gotten himself into. The Guardian details some of the steps he takes to protect his privacy:
  • In case of hidden cameras, he drapes a large red hood over his head and computer screen when he enters his passwords.
  • He places pillows under the crack of his door to combat eavesdropping.
  • He rarely ventures out in public. "I've left the room maybe a total of three times during my entire stay," Snowden said.

sábado, junio 08, 2013

Facebook forensics? What the feds can learn from your digital crumbs

Bits of you are all over the Internet. If you've signed into Google and searched, saved a file in your Dropbox folder, made a phone call using Skype, or just woken up in the morning and checked your email, you're leaving a trail of digital crumbs. People who have access to this information — companies powering your emails and Web searches, advertisers who are strategically directing ads at you — can build a picture of who you are, what you like, and what you will probably do next. Revelations about government counter-terrorism programs such as PRISM indicate that federal agents and other operatives may use this data, too.
"Google knows what kinds of porn everyone in the world likes," Bruce Schneier, a security and cryptography expert told NBC News. Not only are companies tracking what you are doing, they are correlating it, he said.
Since news of PRISM broke, the leaders of the tech companies have denied knowledge of government access to their information. At Facebook, one of the world's biggest data collectors, Mark Zuckerberg posted a message that read: "When governments ask Facebook for data, we review each request carefully to make sure they always follow the correct processes and all applicable laws, and then only provide the information if is required by law."
But the law already permits quite a bit of digital sniffing — much of it without a warrant.
While authorities need a warrant to access the content of emails stored by companies like Yahoo and Google, they don't need a warrant for IP addresses of the computers used to access accounts, ProPublica notes. The government doesn't need a warrant to request draft emails, data stored in the cloud on services like Dropbox and Google Drive, and emails and texts that are older than 180 days old — investigators can demand them with a subpoena.
And when authorities do get a court order, the amount of available data multiplies. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper clarified in a statement to press Thursday that the government has access not to content of phone calls, but to "telephony metadata." That's a vague term, but at the very least, in includes who you called, from where, and when.
Painting a picture of you
Gather all of these shreds of metadata, apply some algorithms that spot clues in patterns, and you can put together a pretty good idea of who a person is, and what they're up to.
For example, when a group from MIT analyzed location data from cellphones of 1.5 million people in a single country over 15 months, the team could identify individuals simply by knowing where they were on four separate occasions.
When Netflix released anonymous watch histories of 500,000 subscribers as part of a public contest to create an algorithm that predicted what movie a person would like, Arvind Narayanan, a security researcher at Princeton University, and his colleague Vitaly Shmatikov, pinned names to numbers by comparing histories in the anonymized data with comments made by named individuals on IMDB. "In every case, you find two location points, or six to eight movies, or three data points ... it's enough to identify a person," Narayanan told NBC News.
Narayanan is now researching ways to make people harder to identify by their online behavior.
Facebook, as you might imagine, provides a wealth of identifying information. In a study published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences in March this year, a team of data scientists showed that they could work out a person's sexual preferences, political leanings, and a host of other character details from their "likes." In a similar manner, others can work out similar identifying characteristics from "browsing histories, search queries, or purchase histories," they write in their paper.
"Commercial companies, governmental institutions, or even one’s Facebook friends could use software to infer attributes such as intelligence, sexual orientation, or political views that an individual may not have intended to share," they add. "One can imagine situations in which such predictions, even if incorrect, could pose a threat to an individual’s well-being, freedom, or even life."
Snoop tricks
Advertisers already track our lives with astonishing accuracy going off very little information — Target has known when a woman was pregnant even before her family did. And just as advertisers are profiling you to make money, law enforcement and counter-terrorism operatives make use of these clues to hunt for suspects.
In April, the NSA released a document called "Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research." The massive work, 643 pages total, contains loads and loads of tips for hunting information that's publicly available on the Internet. One section, about "Google Hacking" isn't really hacking at all, just fancy tricks for locating accidentally published secrets.
Raytheon's Rapid Information Overlay Technology (or RIOT) software was built to make some of this searching easier. Its government customers use it to compile case files of location data scraped from checkins on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and other public social outlets.
President Obama said in a statement on Friday that surveillance programs like PRISM have "helped us prevent terrorist attacks." Still, privacy advocates have consistently pointed to such initiatives as potentially over-reaching.
The key here is that, even without a so-called "back door" into Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft servers (which the companies have vehemently denied), and even without the warrants they need to get specific information about individuals from those companies, the feds — and anyone else — can see an awful lot. And they have you to thank for it. Remember that next time you post to Facebook, upload a picture or comment on an article ... like this one.

Intelligence chief declassifies PRISM details, slams ’reckless disclosures’

The United States' top intelligence official said he was concerned about recent leaks to the media that revealed some of the country's surveillance activities in a move that  he said could damage U.S. intelligence capabilities. 
"I think we’re very, very concerned about it," Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told NBC News' Andrea Mitchell Saturday. "For me, it is literally – not figuratively – literally gut-wrenching to see this happen because of the huge, grave damage it does to our intelligence capabilities." 
In a statement released Saturday, Clapper said media reports contained some inaccuracies that cannot be corrected without revealing additional classified information – something he is not prepared to do. 
“Over the last week we have seen reckless disclosures of intelligence community measures used to keep American safe,” Clapper said in the statement. “In a rush to publish, media outlets have not given the full context – including the extent to which these programs are overseen by all three branches of government – to these effective tools.”
The revelation of two ultra-secret government surveillance programs on Thursday raised outrage among many Americans.
The British newspaper The Guardian published a classified document detailing a program under which a division of telecommunications provider Verizon was ordered to hand over records to the National Security Agency. 
A second program, code-named PRISM, was revealed later in the day, and first reported on by the Washington Post and The Guardian. Under the program, U.S. intelligence agencies have been given access to files maintained by some of the country’s top Internet companies, including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Apple, according to the reports. Those companies denied providing special government access to their systems when contacted by NBC News.
Describing a lot of the reporting on the subject as "hyperbole," Clapper told Mitchell these intelligence programs represent "a key tool for preserving, protecting the nation’s safety and security." 
In a second statement released Saturday, Clapper's office described PRISM as follows: "PRISM is not an undisclosed collection or data mining program. It is an internal government computer system used to facilitate the government's statutorily authorized collection of foreign intelligence information from electronic communication service providers under court supervision as authorized by Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act."
"The United States government does not unilaterally obtain information from the servers of U.S. electronic communication service providers," the statement continued. 
Clapper said the intelligence community has been "profoundly affected" by the recent leaks, and he expressed concern over the "double-edged sword" of transparency, which could benefit "nefarious" groups. 
According to the statement released by Clapper's office, the country's intelligence collection is credited with numerous accomplishments.
"For example, the intelligence community acquired information on a terrorist organization's strategic planning efforts. Communications collected under Section 702 have yielded intelligence regarding proliferation networks and have directly and significantly contributed to successful operations to impede the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and related technologies," the statement read.
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Retratos de fusilados por el Castrismo - Juan Abreu


"EN TIEMPOS DIFÍCILES" - Heberto Padilla

A aquel hombre le pidieron su tiempo

para que lo juntara al tiempo de la Historia.

Le pidieron las manos,

porque para una época difícil

nada hay mejor que un par de buenas manos.

Le pidieron los ojos

que alguna vez tuvieron lágrimas

para que contemplara el lado claro

(especialmente el lado claro de la vida)

porque para el horror basta un ojo de asombro.

Le pidieron sus labios

resecos y cuarteados para afirmar,

para erigir, con cada afirmación, un sueño


le pidieron las piernas

duras y nudosas

(sus viejas piernas andariegas),

porque en tiempos difíciles

¿algo hay mejor que un par de piernas

para la construcción o la trinchera?

Le pidieron el bosque que lo nutrió de niño,

con su árbol obediente.

Le pidieron el pecho, el corazón, los hombros.

Le dijeron

que eso era estrictamente necesario.

Le explicaron después

que toda esta donación resultaria inútil.

sin entregar la lengua,

porque en tiempos difíciles

nada es tan útil para atajar el odio o la mentira.

Y finalmente le rogaron

que, por favor, echase a andar,

porque en tiempos difíciles

esta es, sin duda, la prueba decisiva.


"Reflexiones" de Fidel (17) 1984 (1) 2010 (8) 2011 (8) 2012 (11) 2013 (23) 2014 (5) 2015 (4) 3-D (22) 4-D (1) 911 (44) aberraciones (1) aborigenes (3) Aborto (12) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (1) Abuso (6) Abuso infantil (6) Abuso Sexual (7) academia (47) academia cubana (182) Accidentes (159) activismo politico (9) activismo social (2) activista digital (3) actor Cuba (7) actrices (12) actrices cubanas (10) Actualidad (3) Acueductos y alcantarillados (13) Acuerdos militares (1) Adan Chavez (3) Adeiny Hechavarria (1) adn (6) Aduana (7) aeropuertos (3) Afectaciones (3) Afganistan (130) Afganistan-EEUU (13) Africa (27) Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (14) Agencias de noticias (2) agenda 21 (2) Agenda de Raul (31) Agentes (27) Agentes cubanos en el exterior (97) agentes de influencia (36) agentes en el exterior (11) Agitadores (1) Agricultura (135) agua (2) Agua potable (24) Ahmadinejad (9) Ahmadineyad (4) Ai Weiwei (4) Ai Weiwie (2) ajedrez (13) Al Gore (1) al jazeera (16) Al Qaeda (148) Al Yazira (1) alan gross (152) Alarcon (13) Alaska (4) ALBA (72) albania (4) Albert Camus (1) ALCA (1) Alcholismo (6) Alcibiades Hidalgo (3) alcoholismo (21) Alejandro Armengol (4) Alejandro Castro Espin (19) Alemania (68) alex jones (78) alexei ramirez (1) alexis cuba (1) alexis vila (9) alfa 66 (1) alfredo guevara (5) Alfredo Pong (70) algeria (5) Aliados (4) Alimentacion (93) Alimentos (246) alina fernandez (10) Alinsky (2) Allende (9) Alvarez Guedes (2) alvaro vargas llosa (1) alz (1) Alzados (2) alzheimer (6) amaury gutierrez (1) amazonas (3) ameh (1) Amenazas (1) America (13) America Latina (19) american dream (1) Amistad (1) Amnistia (1) Amnistia Internacional (11) amor (4) Ana Belen Montes (13) Ana Frank (1) Analisis economico (123) Analisis politico (235) analisis social (23) anarquismo (7) ancianos (41) andre malraux (1) andrei sajarov (3) Andrew Breitbart (4) Andy Garcia (3) Angel Castro (4) Angel Santiesteban (19) Angela Merkel (9) Angelina Jolie (8) Angola (14) Animales (217) anita ekberg (1) anna chapman (8) Anonymous (7) ANPP (7) Antartica (7) Antenas (2) anticapitalismo (2) Anticastrismo (63) antichavistas (1) antigravity (1) Antiguedades (7) Antimotines (1) antisemitismo (2) Antonio Castro (6) Antonio Rodiles (36) antrax (2) Antropologia (27) Antunez (93) Apertura (1) apple (4) Arabe (6) Arabia Saudita (38) Archivo Cuba (2) argelia (8) Argentina (33) Arianna Huffington (1) Ariel Sigler Amaya (5) Armamentismo (16) Armando Lago (1) Armas (251) armas biologicas (1) armas de destruccion masivas (5) armas laser (6) armas nucleares (191) armas quimicas (8) Armenia (2) Aroldis Chapman (14) arqueologia (11) Arquitectura (13) Arquitectura cubana (31) arroz (3) arte (76) arte cubano (45) Arte. Cuba (13) Artico (13) artistas cubanos (29) Artistas y Escritores cubanos (32) Arturo Lopez-Levi (8) Asamblea Nacional (48) Asesinatos (63) Asignacion (1) asilo (3) asistencia social (1) Asteroides (8) astrobiologia (12) Astrofisica (30) Astronautica (135) Astronomia (108) Ataque cibernetico (29) atares (1) ateistas (1) Atentado (4) Aung San Suu Kyi (11) Australia (28) austria (2) Autismo (9) Automatizacion (1) Autos (129) Aviacion (245) Aviones cubanos (8) Awareness (1) Ayuda a las victimas (37) ayuda externa (3) Azerbaijan (4) Azucar (19) bacardi. Cuba (3) bahamas (12) bahrein (20) ballet (1) Ballet Cubano (25) Balseros (163) bancarrota (6) Banco Mundial (11) Bancos (110) bandas juveniles (9) bangladesh (4) Barack Obama (1386) Barbarroja (4) barcos (68) barhein (3) barquin (1) Barthelemy (2) Bashar al Assad (8) Bashar Assad (2) Batista (5) BBC (5) belarus (5) belgica (10) belice (1) bellator (41) bellator. hector lompard (1) Benemelis (8) Benjamin Netanyahu (6) Benoit Mandelbrot (2) berlusconi (3) Berta Soler (48) bielorusia (5) bienestar (1) Bieolorusia (4) bilderberg (8) Bill Clinton (15) Bill Gates (5) Bill O'Reilly (97) bimillonarios (6) Biocombustibles (3) Bioetica (1) biologia (2) bionica (3) Biotecnologia (16) Bioterrorismo (7) birmania (10) Bitcoin (14) black (6) Black Power (23) blogguer (15) Blogoestroika (8) Blogs (59) Blogs cubanos (318) Blogs ranking (4) Blogs-premios (5) bloguer (5) Bloqueo (8) Bloqueo interno (2) bob dylan (3) bob marley (2) Bob Menendez (9) bobby fisher (3) Bodega cubana (1) body language (1) boing boing (2) Bolivia (41) bolsa (30) bonzo (1) bosnia (3) Boxeadores cubanos (219) Boxeo (190) Boxeo cubano (170) Bradley Manning (10) Brasil (76) Brian Latell (6) brigada 2506 (11) Bruno Rodriquez (2) Budismo (2) bulgaria (7) Burma (1) Buro Politico (1) burocracia (3) CaCastrismo (1) Cachao Lopez (1) Cadecas (5) Calle 13 (1) Cambio climatico (66) Cambio de sexo (12) Cambios (60) cambodia (4) Camerun (1) Camilo Cienfuegos (6) Campesinos (36) Canada (561) Canada-China (5) Canal de Nicaragua (1) Canal de Panama (3) canal de suez (2) Canarias (9) cancer (58) candada (1) Candidatos a la Presidencia (6) canibalismo (1) cannes (1) cantantes (9) cantantes cubanos (12) Caos (15) capital (1) Capitalismo (15) Carceles (77) Carceles cubanas (196) Cardenal Bertone (2) Carl Sagan (2) Carlos Alberto Montaner (60) Carlos Marx (10) Carlos Otero (4) Carlos Saladrigas (15) carlos salim (1) carlos varela (4) Carmelo Mesa-Lago (10) Carnavales (1) Carne (1) carter (22) Casa Blanca (40) Casa de Fidel (16) casinos (3) caso uci (6) Castillo del Morro (1) Castrismo (473) casualidades (5) Catastrofismo (14) Cato Institute (2) Causa 1 (6) Causas de su enfermedad (4) Cayo Coco (1) CEA (6) Ceasescu (6) Celac (53) Celebridades (227) celia cruz (1) Celia Hart (2) celulares (14) Celulas madres (9) Censura (42) Censura en internet (160) central nuclear (9) Centro de estudios de la inteligencia cubana (3) cerebro (54) certificado de nacimiento (13) chantaje (9) Chavez (523) chavismo (37) Che Guevara (74) Chechenia (10) Chelsea Clinton (1) Chernobil (20) Chicago's boys (1) Chile (76) China (492) China ejercito (5) China-Rusia (2) China-Tibet (19) Chinos (2) Chipre (5) Chismes (2) Chivatos (8) chocolate (1) Choteo (7) Chris Simmons (79) Christmas (1) Chuck Hagel (15) CIA (159) ciber espionaje (35) Ciberactivismo (14) Ciberataques (46) cibersecurity (49) Ciencia (50) ciencia-ficcion (1) Ciencias (345) Ciencias y Politica (20) cine (168) Cine Cubano (152) circulacion monetaria (5) Cirque du Soleil (1) ciudadanos (4) ciudades (15) Clase Media (2) Clases sociales (4) Claudia Cadelo (7) Clima (25) cnn (20) coalicion (5) Cobalto (1) coca (2) cocacola (3) Cocaina (7) cocina (2) colaboracionistas (42) Colaboradores y agentes en el exterior (349) Colaborares y agentes en el exterior (31) Colin Powel (4) Colombia (83) Combustibles (5) comercio (4) Comercio Cuba-Estados Unidos (7) Comercio Exterior (27) comercio internacional (27) comercio sexual (7) Comida cubana (3) competitividad (6) complejidad (2) Computacion (33) computadoras (21) comunicacion (6) Comunismo (91) comunistas (54) conceptos (1) condicion humana (4) Condoleezza Rice (1) conducta humana (40) Conflicto (1) Conflicto Colombia-Venezuela (5) conflicto colombia-venezuela-ecuador (21) conflicto cuba-estados unidos (19) Congo (2) consecuencias (1) Consejo de Estado (3) Conservadores (12) Conspiracion (475) conspiranoia (36) constitucion (27) Construccion (55) consules cubano (1) Consumo (3) Contaminacion ambiental (70) Contrabando (6) Contrainteligencia (105) contrarrevolucion (1) contraterrorismo (4) Control de Armas (64) Control Social (37) cookies (1) cooperacion economica (2) cooperativas (11) Coraje (2) Corea (6) Corea del Norte (226) Corea del Norte - Corea del Sur (2) Corea del Norte-Cuba (42) Corea del Norte-EEUU (35) Corea del Sur (38) Corporacion Cubana (1) corporaciones (8) Correa (21) Corrupcion (369) costa de marfil (5) costa de oro (1) Costa Rica (11) Costo de Vida (2) creatividad (5) Creditos (30) crimen organizado (1) Crimenes (107) Criminales (38) Criminales en Cuba (35) Crisis (19) Crisis de Octubre (36) Crisis economica (156) Crisis financiera (279) Crisis mundial (38) crisis politica (8) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2) critica social (2) Criticas (1) croacia (2) Crowdfundig (1) Cruceros (5) Cub (2) Cuba (8633) Cuba - Remesas de dinero (37) Cuba Ante Todo (1) Cuba crisis (65) cuba economia (18) Cuba ideologia (5) Cuba Independiente (1) Cuba politica (9) Cuba turismo (143) Cuba-Agricultura (69) Cuba-Argentina (10) cuba-biotecnologia (7) cuba-brasil (91) Cuba-Canada (184) cuba-china (53) Cuba-Colombia (24) Cuba-Corea del Sur (2) Cuba-demografia (15) Cuba-Deportes (22) cuba-ecologia (31) Cuba-Economia (9) Cuba-Educacion (20) Cuba-empleo y desempleo (61) cuba-es (1) Cuba-España (208) Cuba-Estados Unidos (1927) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Canada (16) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Rusia (20) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Union Europea (6) cuba-estados unidos-union sovietica (11) Cuba-eta (8) Cuba-Etiopia (3) Cuba-Exportaciones (26) Cuba-Farc (14) Cuba-Google (9) cuba-holanda (7) Cuba-Ideologia (4) Cuba-India (6) cuba-inglaterra (8) Cuba-internet (115) Cuba-Iran (18) Cuba-Iso (1) Cuba-Medicina (78) Cuba-Medio Oriente (5) Cuba-Mexico (55) Cuba-narcotrafico (22) Cuba-Obama (126) cuba-onu (66) Cuba-Opinion publica (1) Cuba-Prensa-Ideologia (16) Cuba-Qatar (2) Cuba-reformas (42) Cuba-Reino Unido (5) Cuba-Rusia (84) Cuba-Rusia-Estados Unidos (10) Cuba-Rusia-Venezuela (4) Cuba-Sida (15) Cuba-sospechas y miedos (4) Cuba-Sudafrica (2) Cuba-terrorismo (37) Cuba-turismo (2) Cuba-Tv (5) Cuba-Union Europea (83) Cuba-Union Sovietica (8) Cuba-Union Sovietica-EEUU (6) Cuba-Uruguay (11) Cuba-Vaticano (109) Cuba-Venezuela (296) Cuba-venezuela-rusia (5) Cuba-violencia (16) Cuba-Yahoo (1) Cuba: Identidad nacional (4) cubadebate (4) Cubaencuentro (1) Cubalse (1) Cuban study group (4) cubana de aviacion (20) cubanalisis (86) Cubanicidios (1) cubano-americanos (37) Cubanologia (11) Cubanologos (47) Cubanos (19) cubanos en el mundo (81) Cubanos en MMA (4) Cubaq (1) CubaResponde (2) Cubq (1) CUC (24) cuentapropistas (181) Cuentas Nacionales (2) Culto a la personalidad (5) Cultura (38) Curiosidades (506) Cuva (1) Daguestan (1) dalai lama (15) dalia soto (4) damas de blanco (269) daniel ortega (9) Danza (8) Darsi Ferrer (5) Davos (2) Dayron Robles (11) debate de raul (2) Debate Politico (5) Deborah Castro Espin (1) Declaracion de Estados Unidos (3) Delfin (2) Delincuencia juvenil (5) demanda (3) Demandas populares (1) Democracia (168) Demografia (18) denuncia (1) Departamento de Estado (22) Deportacion (51) Deporte (185) deporte cubano (112) deporte profesional (19) deportistas cubanos (39) Derechos Humanos (455) Derribo de Avionetas (6) desalojos (8) desaparecidos (8) Desarrollo cientifico-tecnico (47) Desarrollo-Subdesarrollo (24) desastre ecologico (32) desastre nuclear (123) Desastres (33) Desastres naturales (130) Desde aqui (1) desempleo (27) deserciones (14) Deserciones de deportistas (152) desnudos (6) Desperanza (1) destierro (4) Destruccion (5) deuda (55) Deuda Exterior de Cuba (36) Deuda externa (13) DGI (224) Dialogo con Raul (1) Dialogo Nacional (1) Dialogo Politico (8) Dialogueros (9) diamantes (1) diana krall (1) Diana Nyad (3) Diaz-Balart (4) Dick Cheney (1) Dictadores (97) dictadura (16) Dictaduras (56) dilma rouseff (24) dinamarca (2) dinastias (1) dinero (24) Diosdado Cabello (25) diplomacia (24) diplomaticos cubanos (38) discapacitados (35) Discrepancias (1) Discriminacion (3) Disidencia (166) Disidentes (1045) Distribucion (1) Divisas (10) Djibouti (1) Djokovic (2) doble moral (2) doctrina militar (2) Documental (102) Documental cubano (80) Dolar (11) Donaciones (24) donald trump (12) doping (5) Dr. Antonio de la Cova (1) Dr. Antonio Morales-Pita (2) Dr. Biscet (14) Dr. Darsi Ferrer (19) Dr. Francia (2) Dra. Molina (6) drogas (102) dronenet (1) drones (63) Dualidad monetaria (6) dubai (1) dulce maria loynaz (4) Duque Hernandez (7) Dyron Robles (2) e (1) E-commerce (1) Ebay (5) Ebola (3) ebooks (2) Ecologia (59) Economia (163) Economia Canadiense (13) Economia China (45) Economia Cubana (350) Economia mundial (75) Economist (1) Economistas cubanos (13) Ecuado-Estados Unidos (2) Ecuador (76) Ecuador-Estados Unidos (2) Educacion (36) Edward Snowden (63) EEUU (2) EEUU Congreso (169) EEUU desintegracion (2) EEUU Economia (73) EEUU Gobierno (61) EEUU senado (126) EEUU-China (51) EEUU-Japon (3) EEUU-Mexico (19) efecto domino (2) efectos (1) Egipto (174) Einstein (8) ejecutivos (2) Ejercito (84) ejercito britanico (1) ejercito canadiense (6) ejercito cubano (52) Ejercito norteamericano (217) Ejercito norteamericano Iraq (9) Ejercito norteamericanoIslamismo (2) Ejercito Rebelde (8) ejercito ruso (20) ejercito venezolano (14) El caso Marquitos (1) El Chacal (3) El Coran (5) El Critico (2) El Grupo de Raul (25) El Guaton (22) El Pais (3) El Papa (113) El Salvador (9) El Sexto (11) Elecciones (140) Elecciones en Cuba (76) elecciones en estdos unidos (3) Elecciones en EU (216) electronica (1) Elena Burke (1) Elian (13) Eliecer Avila (29) Elite (5) email (10) embajadas cubanas (6) Embargo (591) Emigracioin (20) Emigracion (78) Emigracion cubana (1345) emigracion ilegal (53) Emigrantes ilegales (49) emilio ichikawa (135) EMP ha (1) Empleo (18) Emprendedores (13) empresarios (6) empresas (26) Empresas extranjeras en Cuba (40) Encuesta de opinion (32) Energia (36) energia electrica (29) Energia nuclear (89) energia termonuclear (1) Energias renovables (31) enfermedades (88) enfermos (8) Enjuiciamiento (1) Enrique Dans (1) Enrisco (14) Entrenamiento militar (1) entretenimiento (7) envejecimiento (3) envios a Cuba (10) epidemias (59) equality (1) Eric Holder (12) erick sanchez (3) erislandi lara (2) erislandy lara (16) Ernesto Diaz de Villegas (1) Ernesto Hernandez Busto (2) erotismo (18) escambray (3) escandalo (36) esclavitud (2) escocia (1) Escritores cubanos (98) escuadron patriota (8) escuelas (6) Eslovaquia (1) Espacio Laical (1) Espana (10) España (148) Especulacion (3) Espias (47) espias cubanos (98) Espias cubanos presos (158) Espinaxiones (23) Espionaje (94) espionaje industrial (11) estacion internacional (1) estadisticas (26) Estado (7) Estado de Sats (26) Estado de sitio (1) estados (1) Estados Unidos (1343) estados unidos crisis (112) Estados Unidos economia (86) estados unidos gobierno (40) Estados Unidos-Canada (35) Estados Unidos-China (4) Estados Unidos-Rusia (63) estanflacion (1) Esteban Lazo (1) Esteban Morales Dominguez (4) esteroides (1) estonia (1) estrategia (3) estrategia militar (3) estudiantes extranjeros (8) Estudios Cubanos (2) estulin (1) Estupideces (295) Eta (8) Etanol (4) Etica Politica (3) Etica y moral (10) Etnologia (2) EU (2) eu senado (3) Eugenio Yáñez (66) euro (4) Europa (67) Europa del Este (1) Eusebio Leal (12) eutanasia (5) Eva Braun (2) evacuacion (1) evasion fiscal (1) Evo Morales (38) evolucion (19) ex paises socialistas (1) excarcelados (1) Exili (1) Exilio (8) Exilio cubano (105) Exodo cubano (5) explosion nuclear (4) Explotacion del trabajo infantil (2) Exportaciones (11) expropiaciones (6) extranjeros (6) extrema derecha (6) extremistas (59) F1 (4) facebook (67) fallas de internet (9) Familia (43) familia cubana (9) Famosos (2) Far (26) Farc (81) fascismo (4) FBI (122) federico garcia lorca (1) Felicidad (4) Felix Bonne Csarcasses (1) Feria del Libro (1) ferry (1) Fertilizantes (1) Fidel (873) Fidel Castro (8) Fidel familia (61) Fidel reflexiones (4) Fidel-Estados Unidos (2) Fidelistas (1) Fidelito (9) fiji (1) filipinas (11) Filosofia (21) Finanzas (81) Finlandia (3) first nation (4) fisica (29) Fisin (1) FIU (9) flamur (5) Flash usb (1) flora (1) Florida (54) FMI (9) Fnca (9) Fondos de inversion (21) forbes (9) Foreign Policy blog (3) Formula 1 (1) Foros cubanos (1) Fortuna de Fidel y Raul (5) Fotografia (119) fran (1) Francia (60) Francis I (24) franco (2) François Hollande (1) Frank Delgado (1) Frases celebres (3) Fraude (123) fraude electoral (41) fraude fiscal (2) freddi roche (1) Frente de Resistencia Civica OZT (6) Friedrich Hayek (5) frontera (9) Fuerza de trabajo (24) fukushima (9) Fusilamientos (13) futbol (3) Futbol cubano (8) Futuro (27) G.W. Bush (8) G2 (7) G20 (3) G7 (2) g8 (4) Gabo (5) Gabriel Garcia Marquez (7) gaddafi (136) Gaesa (5) Galicia (3) Gallegos (1) Gamboa (24) Ganaderia (9) Ganado (5) Gangs (2) garry kasparov (5) Gas (10) Gasolina (8) gatos (1) Gays (56) gaza (1) gazapos (1) Geert Wilders (2) Gen. Petraeus (12) Gen. Rafael del Pino (17) gene (1) gene sharp (3) Generacion Y (26) Generales (39) Generales cubanos (43) Genetica (33) genios (5) genocidio (2) Geoges Soros (17) Geometria Fractal (4) geopolitica (48) Geopolitica cubana (20) Geopolitica latinoamericana (37) george orwel (2) George Zimmerman (9) Georgia (8) Gerencia empresarial (5) Ghana (4) Giron (1) gitanos (2) glacier (1) glasnost (1) glasnot (2) Glenn Beck (4) globalistas (3) Globalizacion (14) Gloria Stefan (1) gmail (1) gobernabilidad (6) gobernantes (1) Gobierno cubano (15) Gobierno Mundial (10) Gobierno paralelo (2) gobiernos (21) golf (3) golfo de mexico (2) Golpe de estado (10) google (61) Google glass (2) Gorbachov (24) Gorki (27) grammy (1) Granada (6) grandes ligas (71) Granma (66) grecia (30) greenpace (1) greenpeace (1) Grenada (1) Groenlandia (6) Ground Zero (6) guama (20) Guanabo (3) Guantanamo (18) Guatemala (5) guerra (92) guerra asimetrica (5) guerra cibernetica (53) guerra civil (70) guerra comercial (2) Guerra de Angola (20) Guerra de E-mails (1) guerra espacial (2) Guerra Fria (37) Guerra hispano-americana (6) Guerra Irregular (2) guerra sicologica (3) Guerras (98) Guerras africanas (13) Guerrillas (31) Guillermo Cabrera Infante (10) Guillermo Farinas (86) guinness (6) gulag (2) Guyana (1) haarp (4) Habana (1) Hackers (60) Hackers cubanos (4) Hairon Socarras (1) Haiti (24) Hamas (29) Hambre (14) hambruna (3) Hamid Karzai (14) Haroldo (3) Hassan Rouhani (4) hawai (4) Hazanas (88) Heberto Padilla (8) Hector Lombard (11) hemingway (5) Henrique Capriles (20) henry kissinger (4) Herencia (2) Hermanos al Rescate (18) heroismo (6) Herta Müller (2) herzegovina (1) hesbollah (1) Hezbollah (16) Hialeah (4) Hidrologia (1) Hijos (4) hijos de puta (2) Hilda Molina (7) Hillary Clinton (83) hipotecas (7) hippies (2) hispanos (4) Historia (57) Historia de Cuba (48) Hitler (21) hizbollah (2) hobby (1) Holanda (6) hollywood (85) holografia (1) hombre (39) homeless (8) Homofobia (50) Homosexuales (25) Homosexualismo (23) Honduras (42) Hong Kong (3) hopkins (2) hot line (1) huber matos (19) Hubert Matos (20) Huckabee (1) huelga de hambre (160) huelgas (3) humanismo (2) humanos (25) Humberto Fontova (15) Humidores (1) Humor (583) hungria (3) Huracanes (80) I GM (3) I-D (4) Iberoamerica (3) icaic (3) Ichikawa (2) Ideologia (12) Idiomas (4) Idiotas (18) Ig Nobel Prize (4) Iglesia (48) Iglesia cubana (230) II GM (18) III GM (1) iInestabilidad social (1) Ileana de la Guardia (1) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (24) Ilegales (1) imperios (2) Importaciones (22) Impuestos (99) India (35) Indice de Desarrollo Humano (5) indigenas (7) Indigencia (2) indolencia (4) indonesia (5) industria (4) Industria azucarera (45) industria cubana (1) industriales (2) Ineficiencia economica (1) inequality (6) Inestabilidad social (17) Infamia (6) inflacion (8) Informacion (14) informatica (22) Infraestructura (1) ingenieria social (2) Inglaterra (25) Ingrid Betacourt (7) Inmobiliarias (20) inmolacion (1) Inmovilismo raulista (3) innovaciones (20) Intelectuales (24) intelectuales y artistas cubanos (31) Inteligencia (52) inteligencia artificial (9) Inteligencia cubana (71) Internet (242) intervencion militar (44) Intolerancia (4) invasion (5) Inversion extranjera (412) Inversiones (48) inversiones norteamericanas en cuba (14) investigaciones secretas (2) Ion Mihai Pacepa (1) ipad (5) iphone (2) Iran (201) iran-estados unidos (65) Iraq (58) irlanda (12) isaac asimov (2) ISIS (21) Islam (99) Islamismo (168) islandia (6) islas caiman (6) Islas del Pacifico (2) Israel (148) Israel-EEUU (23) israel-iran (8) israel-palestina (12) Italia (41) Ivan de la Nuez (4) Ivan Pedroso (1) Izquierdas (26) J.E. Hoover (2) J.K. Rowling (1) jaime bayly (6) Jaime Ortega (53) Jaime Suchlicki (1) jamaica (3) Japon (178) japon terremotos (8) Jared Lee Loughner (1) jeb bush (6) jesse ventura (16) JFK (43) Jicotea cubana (1) jihad (18) jineterismo (51) Joaquin Sabinas (1) joe biden (18) Joel Casamayor (9) John A. Boehner (48) John Boehner (2) John Brennan (2) John Kerry (37) john lennon (6) Jon Jones (2) Jon Stewart (4) jordania (5) Jorge Arreaza (1) jorge pomar (4) Jose Ariel Contreras (4) Jose Daniel Ferrer (7) Jose Dariel Abreu (12) Jose Fernandez (1) jose lezama lima (2) jose marti (2) Jose Mujica (6) Jose Ramon Machado Ventura (11) Juan Abreu (38) Juan F. Benemelis (9) Juan Juan (31) Juan Manuel Marquez (2) Juan Triana (7) jubilados (1) judios (21) Juegos (15) Juegos Olimpicos (23) Julian Assange (31) Julio Casas Regueiro (2) justicia (4) Justin Bieber (5) Justin Trudeau (6) Justin Truedeau (1) Juventud (31) Juventud Cubana (104) Juventud Rebelde (5) kamikazes (1) Kaos (8) kAOS en la red (28) karadzic (1) karzai (2) kazajastan (3) Kcho (2) kendry morales (5) Kennedy (53) Kenya (5) Keynesianismo (3) KGB (11) Khamenei (4) Kid Chocolate (2) Kim Jong Il (20) kim jong-un (51) kirchner (2) kirguizia (2) Kirguizistan (2) Kitchner (5) klitchko (1) Klitschko (1) klitshko (10) Kosovo (3) kuwait (3) La Habana (23) lady gaga (7) Laetitia Casta (1) Lage (21) Lance Armstrong (13) laser (1) Latinoamerica (115) latinos (2) Laura Labrada Pollan (1) laura pollan (34) lavado de dinero (26) Laz (2) Lazaro Barredo (2) Lazaro Gonzalez (1) leche (4) Lee Harvey Oswald (5) lefties (24) Leftist (4) leftists (112) leinier (2) Lenguaje (10) lenin (7) leo brouwer (1) Leonard Cohen (2) leonardo da vinci (2) Leonardo Padura (13) Leopoldo Lopez (10) lesbian (6) Ley de Ajuste Cubana (20) Leyes (82) Leyes cubanas (68) Lezama Lima (2) lgbt (17) libano (6) Liberacion (1) Liberales (9) Liberalismo (11) Libertad (30) Libertad de expresion (50) libertad de informacion (18) libertad de prensa (8) Libia (356) Libre Expresion (1) Libreta de Abastecimientos (11) Libros (23) lideres (1) Lina Ruz (1) Literatura (35) Literatura Cubana (61) Lituania (3) Liu Xiaobo (9) livan hernandez (11) Lluvia (1) Logica Difusa (2) logistica (2) Long tail (1) Los Aldeanos (28) Los Duros (2) Los Miquis (4) loteria (25) Lucha no violenta activa (36) Ludwing von Mises (3) luis alberto garcia (1) Luis Alberto Lopez Rodriquez-Callejas (3) Luis Alberto Rodriquez (6) Lula (44) lulzsec (1) Luna (13) Machado Ventura (19) Machu Picchu (1) Macroeconomia (10) madres (9) Mafia (24) Mafia cubana (4) Magnus Carlsen (1) Mahmoud Abbas (3) mahoma (1) malasia (5) Malcolm Gladwell (1) malcom x (1) Maleconazo (11) mali (1) Malta (2) Malvinas (2) Mambises (3) Mandela (4) Manipulacion (556) manny pacquiao (18) Manuel Cuesta Morua (1) Manuel Diaz Martinez (2) Manuel Vazquez Portal (4) Mao Tse Tung (8) Mapas (5) Maquiavelo (1) mar (42) Maradona (5) marcas (4) marco rubio (102) marcos rubio (3) maremotos (10) margaret thatcher (6) Marginalidad (19) Maria Corina Machado (8) María Corina Machado (3) maria elvira (3) Maria Gabriela Chavez (1) Mariel (18) Mariela Castro (91) Marifelli Perez-Stable (9) marihuana (22) marijuana (2) marilyn monroe (8) Marino Murillo (6) Mario Chanes de Armas (2) Mario Vargas Llosa (6) Mark Zuckerberg (8) Marketing (10) Marquitos (1) marta fonseca (1) marte (13) Martha Beatriz Roque (49) Martha Colmenares (16) Marti (5) martin luther king (4) Marulanda (7) Marx (1) Marxismo (18) Masacre del remolcador 13 de marzo (5) masas (1) mashable (1) masoneria (3) mass killers (26) matematicas (7) material nuclear (15) Materias primas (6) Mauritania (1) max lesnik (3) Max Marambio (31) mayweather (11) Mazorra (1) McCain (17) media (68) Mediacion (2) Medicare (18) Medicina (139) medicinas (31) Medicos cubanos (107) Medio ambiente (24) Medio Oriente (80) medio oriente crisis (4) Medios de comunicion (125) Medvedev (19) Mercado (18) Mercado informal (7) Mercado Inmobiliario (36) Mercado InmobiliarioR (1) mercado mayorista (8) mercado minorista (3) Mercados Agropecuarios (26) mercados emergentes (2) Mercosur (1) meryl streep (1) Mesa Redonda (5) meteoritos (23) Mexico (52) mi5 (1) Miami (362) michael jackson (5) Michael Moore (9) Michel Foucault (3) Michelle Bachelet (3) michelle obama (19) Microcreditos (12) microeconomia (1) Microsiervos (4) Microsoft (9) miedos (4) Migracion (6) Miguel Barnet (1) Miguel Diaz-Canel (31) Mike Perez (2) mike porcel (1) Mike Tyson (9) Militares (37) militares cubanos (49) militares venezolanos (12) Militarismo (17) Millennials (1) milton friedman (1) minas (5) minerales (25) Minint (28) minorias (2) Miriam Celaya (1) miseria (90) Misterios (25) Mitt Romney (36) MLC (3) MMA (138) moda (11) Modelo chino (9) modelos economicos (3) Mohammed Morsi (13) momias (1) Monarquias (8) moneda (12) moneda virtual (4) mongolia (2) Montaner (7) montreal (1) Movilizacion contra Castro (1) Movimiento 26 de Julio (1) Movimiento Cristiano Liberacion (4) Mozambique (1) Mubarak (9) muerte (48) muerte asistida (1) Muertes del Castrismo (180) Muertos de la Revolucion (12) Mugabe (8) Muhammad Ali (5) Mujeres (149) Mujeres cubanas (105) mulsumanes (7) multiculturalismo (10) Mundo (1102) Muro de Berlin (17) Musica (173) Musica Cubana (258) Musica-tecnologia (2) musicos (13) Musicos cubanos (261) Musicos ubanos (1) muslim brotherhood (3) muslims brotherhood (57) mussolini (1) Musulmanes (244) myanmar (6) nacion (1) Nacionalismo (1) Nadal (3) namibia (5) nanomedicina (2) nanotecnologias (15) Napoleon (2) narcoguerrilla (23) Narcotrafico (53) Nasa (64) National Security Agency (20) naturaleza (22) navy seal (3) nazismo (18) Negociacion politica (172) negocios (41) negros (5) Nelson Mandela (16) Neocastrismo (540) neocons (8) neonazis (3) nepal (11) Nepotismo (6) nerd (1) Neruda (2) Network (1) neutralidad (1) New York (31) New York Times (17) Newsweek (1) Niagara Falls (5) nicaragua (25) Nick Wallenda (1) Nicolas Maduro (116) nigeria (2) Nik Wallenda (1) Nikita Jrushchov (3) ninos (214) Niquel (17) Niurka Marcos (1) nivel de vida (10) Noam Chomsky (1) nomeklatura (6) nomekltarua (3) nomen (1) Nomenklatura (456) Norberto Fuentes (11) Norteamerica (3) norteamericanos (5) noruega (14) Nostradamus (1) Noticias (8) NSA (13) nudismo (2) nueva zelandia (13) Nuevo Herald (7) Obama (20) Obama-Raul (18) Obama's Group (12) Obamacare (38) Obamunismo (1) Occidente (45) occupy movement (17) Ochoa (14) Odalanier Solis (7) Odio (3) odlanier solis (13) OEA (36) Ofelia Acevedo (1) Ofensiva revolucionaria (1) Oferta y demanda (8) oil sands (2) Olimpiadas (2) Oliver Stone (2) ollanta humala (3) Olof Palme (1) OLPL (15) ontario (20) Ontologia (3) ONU (54) Operacion Caguairan (2) Opiniones (4) Opositores (882) opostiores (16) Orestes Lorenzo (1) Organizaciones politicas del exilio (85) organs trade (1) Orlando Zapata Tamayo (81) orlov (9) Ortega (1) osama bin laden (82) oscar de la hoya (1) Oscar Elias Biscet (25) Oscar Espinosa Chepe (20) Oscar Haza (5) Otan (55) OTZ (1) ovnis (12) OWS (33) OZT (57) Pablo Escobar Gavirias (7) Pablo Iglesias (1) Pablo Milanes (24) Padre Conrado (1) Paises emisores de turismo (31) Pakistan (46) paladares (8) Palestina (68) Panama (28) pancho cespedes (4) Panfilo (5) papua (1) paquetes a Cuba (2) paquistan (1) paquito D'rivera (6) paradigmas (8) paraguay (5) paraguay. Cuba (2) Paramilitares (4) paranormal (3) Parche (1) Paris Hilton (1) parlamento (7) Partido Comunisa de Cuba (43) partido comunista (35) Partido Comunista de Cuba (7) Partido Democrata (92) Partido politicos (49) Partido Republicano (102) Partido Socialista Unido Venezolano (1) partidos politicos (12) pastor terry jones (1) Patricio de la Guardia (2) patriotismo (1) paul krugman (16) Paul Ryan (2) Pavonato (1) Paya (111) paypal (3) paywall (1) Paz (6) PCC (10) PDVAL (1) PDVSA (14) peacemakers (1) Pederastia (1) Pedofilia (3) pedolfilia (1) pedro campos (3) Pedro Diaz Lanz (5) Pedro Luis Boitel (5) Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz (1) Pedro Luis Ferrer (5) pedro pablo oliva (5) Pelota (66) Pelota cubana (294) peloteros cubanos (12) Peloteros cubanos en grandes ligas (243) Pena de muerte (5) Pensadores cubanos (5) Pensamiento politico (2) pensiones (3) Pentagono (82) Penultimos Dias (3) pequenos negocios (3) percepcion (4) Perdon (2) Perez Roque (10) Perfil de Raul (2) Periodismo (9) periodistas (17) Periodistas cubanos (21) periodistas independientes (39) Peronismo (1) Persona del ano (1) personalidades (23) Peru (16) perugorria (2) Peso cubano (17) PETA (1) Petrocasas (3) Petroleo (195) Petroleo cubano (202) PIB [GDP] (1) picasso (1) Piedad Cordova (1) pinochet (1) pinttura (4) Pintura Cubana (44) piratas (7) Plan de Raul (2) planificacion (4) Playa Giron (23) playas (9) Plaza Tiannamen (7) po0 (1) poblacion (100) Poblacion y dinero (137) Pobreza (234) pobreza estructural (84) poder (6) Poder Politico (131) Poder politico en Cuba (41) Poder Popular (12) Poesia (19) Poker (1) Polemica (5) Policia (91) Politica (63) politica exterior (8) politica fiscal (1) Politica internacional (5) Politica Monetaria (2) Politica norteamericana hacia Cuba (1) Political correctness (10) politicamente correcto (3) politicos (87) politicos norteamericanos (1) Polo Norte (1) polonia (8) Polucion (1) ponzi scheme (3) popularidad (2) Populismo (10) Porno (5) Porno para Ricardo (20) pornografia (6) Portugal (12) posada carriles (4) posicion comun (4) post Fidel (4) Post-castrismo (7) Post-fidelismo (5) Postcastrismo (38) Postcastro (1) Postcomunismo (1) PostFidel (2) Postfidelismo (13) Precios (27) Precios en el mercado informal (3) predicciones (8) premio (9) Premio 11 de Abril (2) Premio al Buen Corazon (1) Premio Blog Acido (1) Premio Blog Desmentido (1) Premio Blog Dorado (2) Premio Eta Kanpora (1) Premio Huella 2008 (5) Premio Nobel (26) Premio Nobel de Economia (4) premio nobel de la paz (6) Premio Nobel de Literatura (6) Premio Ortega y Gasset (3) Premio Sajarov (2) Premio San Miguel Arcangel (1) Premios (11) Premios 11 de Abril (1) Prensa (43) prensa cubana (52) Prensa Extranjera (89) Presidente de Cuba (1) Presidio Politico (39) Presos (58) Presos de conciencia (88) presos politicos (55) Presupuesto (106) Presupuesto Militar (2) pride (2) Primavera Negra (77) prisioneros (10) Prisioneros de conciencia (61) Prisioneros de concienciencia (1) privacidad (67) productividad (3) Producto Interno de Cuba (1) profecias (6) Programa politico (11) Progreso (2) Prohibiciones (2) pronosticos (13) Propaganda (248) Propiedad (2) Propiedad intelectual (1) Propiedad privada (6) proselitismo (2) Prosperidad (1) Prostitucion (90) Protesta (45) Protestas (559) provocacion (21) Proyecto Varela (8) PSUV (1) publicidad (1) Pueblo (5) Puerto Rico (6) Punto 0-0 (1) puppets (1) Putin (137) Pymes (63) Qatar (5) quantum computer (2) Quebec (3) Quejas de la poblacion (51) Queubec (1) Quinquenio Gris (1) Racionamiento (4) Racismo (50) radio frequency wapons (1) Radio Marti (16) radioactividad (31) Rafael Alejandro Hernandez Real (1) Rafael Correa (24) rafael rojas (3) rahm emanuel (5) ramadan (2) Ramiro (22) Rances Barthelemy (2) randy alonso (3) raperos cubanos (1) Raul (646) Raul Castro (12) raul familia (17) Raul Reyes (16) Raul Rivero (7) Raul y Fidel Castro (4) Raulismo (16) Razas en Cuba (1) RDA (17) Real politik (2) rebeldes (56) rebelion (1) reciclaje (1) Reclamacion de propiedades expropiadas (1) Reclutamiento de agentes (1) reconciliacion nacional (1) Reconstruccion (1) Recrutamiento de agentes (9) Red Avispa (58) Redes sociales (37) redistribucion (1) Reflexiones (4) reforma en cuba (239) reforma migratoria (105) Reforma Monetaria (49) Reforma politica (4) Reformas (86) Reformas economicas (517) Reformas economicas. (1) Reformas raulistas (146) Refugiados (6) Regionalismo (1) Reina Tamayo (30) reinaldo arenas (5) Reinaldo Escobar (23) reino unido (116) Relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos (5) Relaciones Internacionales (2) Relevo generacional (5) Religion (184) religiones afrocubanas (34) Remolcador (6) Renuncia (2) Renuncia de Fidel (1) rep checa (1) repatriacion (5) Reporteros sin Fronteras (7) Represioin (33) Represion (1389) Represion a los intelectuales (116) Repsol (16) Republica Checa (5) Republica Dominicana (15) resistencia popular (3) reunificacion (1) reunificacion familiar (8) revolucion (7) revolucion arabe (5) revolucion cubana (48) Revolucionarios (2) reynier aguero (1) richard branson (6) Richard Nixon (5) ricos (22) riesgo (2) rigondeaux (28) Riqueza (24) Rob Ford (1) robert kennedy (1) robertico robaina (2) Robots (37) rockets (35) Roger Federer (2) ron cubano (10) ronald reagan (13) Rosa Diez (1) Rosa María Payá (40) Rosita Fornes (2) Ruinas (3) Rumania (16) rumanos (1) Rumores (5) rupert murdoch (1) Rusia (383) Saddam Hussein (1) sahara occidental (1) Salarios (32) Salman Rushdie (1) Salud (356) salud cubana (172) Salud de Fidel (70) Salud de Raul (2) Salud publica (369) same sex marriage (1) Sandinistas (1) Sandino (1) santiago de cuba (9) Sara Marta Fonseca (1) Sarah Palin (15) sarajevo (1) satelite (11) Sats. Cuba (40) Scarabeo 9 (6) secret service (4) Secretario de Defensa (2) Secretario de Estado (1) Secreto (17) secretos militares (12) Secuestrados (21) Secuestros (39) securidad del estado (1) Seguridad (32) seguridad cubana (25) Seguridad del Estado (77) Seguridad nacional (72) seguridad personal (12) seguridad social (4) Seguros (11) Selman (2) Semiotica (2) senadores (40) serbia (3) Sergio Ramirez (1) sexo (69) Sharia (16) Sherrit (19) siberia (2) Sicilia (1) Sicologia (38) Sicologia politica (12) Sida (10) Silvio Benitez (20) Silvio Rodriquez (30) silvito el libre (4) Simon Bolivar (3) sina (25) Sindicatos (27) Sindrome de la Indefension Adquirida (15) Sindrome del Neocastrismo (69) Singapur (7) siquiatria (12) Siria (93) smartphone (8) smog (1) sms (1) Soberania (1) Social (1) social media (4) social network (1) Socialdemocracia (4) Socialismo (56) socialismo de mercado (3) Socialismo del Siglo XXI (19) socialistas (44) Sociedad (84) Sociedad Civil (30) Sociedades Secretas (1) Sociologia (29) sofia loren (1) software (2) sol (11) soldados (27) Solidaridad (7) Solzhenitsyn (3) Somalia (16) Sonia Garro (14) Soros (1) sri lanka (1) st.piere (1) st.pierre (2) Stalin (23) Stephen Hawking (10) steve jobs (12) stock market (6) stratfor (3) Subastas (18) submarinos (1) Subversion (3) Sucesion (154) Sucesores (107) Sucre (3) Sudafrica (29) Sudal del Sur (1) Sudan (4) suecia (18) Suelos (1) suerte (13) suicidio (25) suiza (7) sundance (2) Susan Boyle (1) Susan Rice (3) Swat team (4) Tabaco Cubano (33) tabacos cubanos (3) tabaquismo (4) Tabu (1) tailandia (3) taiwan (10) Taladrid (1) talento (2) Taliban (65) Tania Bruguera (10) Tarata (1) tarjetas de credito (3) task force (1) tattoo (4) taxpayers (2) Tea Party (15) Teatro cubano (11) tecnologia (213) ted cruz (22) ted kennedy (1) Telecomunicaciones (77) Television (14) tendencias (1) Tenis (8) Teoria Economica (76) Teoria Politica (43) Terremotos (29) terromotos (7) Terrorismo (469) terroristas (409) terry fox (1) Terry Jones (2) Texas (3) thailandia (3) the beatles (6) thi (1) Think Tank (269) Tibet (20) tiburones (5) Tierra (52) Times (7) timor oriental (1) Tina Turner (1) Tiro fijo (2) tolerancia (1) tomas piard (2) tony blair (2) tony castro (23) Tony Cortes (4) Tony de la Guardia (9) Toronto (79) Torturas (17) Totalitarismo (21) trabajadores por cuenta propia (29) trabajadores publicos (1) trabajos (10) Tracey Eaton (29) trafico de armas (53) Trafico de drogas (98) trafico de organos (2) trafico de personas (22) tragedias (3) transgender (2) Transicion (175) Transporte (29) Trasvestismo (4) Tratado de Libre Comercio (1) travesti (1) tren (20) tribunal internacional (1) Trilateral (2) trinida y tobago (1) Trotsky (1) trudeau (1) Tsunami (10) tunez (16) Tupamaro (1) Turismo (24) Turismo Cuba (136) turistas norteamericanos (2) Turquia (23) TV cubana (11) Tv Marti (12) twiter (5) Twitter (40) tycoon (5) UCI (14) Ucrania (43) UFC (65) ufo (10) uigur (1) UJC (13) Umap (7) Underground (1) Uneac (30) Uneac. Censura (10) UNESCO (1) Unidad politica (2) union (1) Union Europea (93) Union Sovietica (110) Universidad (86) Universo (68) Univision (1) UNPACU (75) Upec (3) uranio (3) Uribe (3) Uruguay (12) US Grants (2) US Presidentes (53) uzbekistan (2) Vacilon (1) vaclav havel (4) Valores y normas de conductas (14) Van Van (3) Vaticano (66) Vejez (3) Venezuela (467) Venezuela crisis (42) venezuela economia (3) Venezuela elecciones (50) venezuela-china (7) Venezuela-Cuba-Rusia-China-Iran (1) Venezuela-Estados Unidos (26) Venezuela-Rusia (5) Ventas (1) Verizon Scandal (1) VI Congreso del PCC (46) Via China (3) Viajes a Cuba (232) viajes al exterior (10) vicente botin (1) victimas del 911 (7) victor mesa (1) Vida (32) vida extraterrestre (19) Vida Guerra (1) Video (30) video juegos (9) viejos (6) Viet Nam (26) Violencia (20) Virgen del Cobre (4) virtual (1) Virus (12) Vitali Klitschko (1) Vivienda (199) Vladimiro Roca (13) Voces del Barrio (8) volcanes (9) Walesa (11) wall street (31) walmart (6) Welfare (7) Wendy Guerra (4) whistleblower (3) whistleblowers (1) wi-fi (8) WikiLeaks (143) wikipedia (4) william levy (1) Willy Chirno (6) Wilman Villar Mendoza (26) Wilmar Villar Mendoza (1) windows (1) winston churchill (4) World Trade Center (18) World Trade Organization (1) wynoma ryder (1) Xi Jinping (11) xiomara laugart (6) XXX (1) yahoo (3) Yaoutube (1) Yasiel Puig (14) Yasmani Tomas (1) yasser arafat (10) Yeltsin (4) yemen (38) Yo acuso al gobierno cubano (1) Yoan Moncada (1) Yoani (276) Yoany (19) Yoenis Cespedes (10) yoga (5) Yohandry (6) yoko ono (1) Youtube (15) yuan (6) Yugoeslavia (1) Yunier Dorticos (1) yuri gagarin (3) Zawahri (1) zelaya (1) Zimbawe (8) Zoe Valdes (22) Zona Franca Mariel (38) Zumbado (1)

La columna de Cubanalisis

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]
¨Saturno jugando con sus hijos¨/ Pedro Pablo Oliva


Carta desde la carcel de Fidel Castro Ruz

“…después de todo, para mí la cárcel es un buen descanso, que sólo tiene de malo el que es obligatorio. Leo mucho y estudio mucho. Parece increíble, las horas pasan como si fuesen minutos y yo, que soy de temperamento intranquilo, me paso el día leyendo, apenas sin moverme para nada. La correspondencia llega normalmente…”

“…Como soy cocinero, de vez en cuando me entretengo preparando algún pisto. Hace poco me mandó mi hermana desde Oriente un pequeño jamón y preparé un bisté con jalea de guayaba. También preparo spaghettis de vez en cuando, de distintas formas, inventadas todas por mí; o bien tortilla de queso. ¡Ah! ¡Qué bien me quedan! por supuesto, que el repertorio no se queda ahí. Cuelo también café que me queda muy sabroso”.
“…En cuanto a fumar, en estos días pasados he estado rico: una caja de tabacos H. Upman del doctor Miró Cardona, dos cajas muy buenas de mi hermano Ramón….”.
“Me voy a cenar: spaghettis con calamares, bombones italianos de postre, café acabadito de colar y después un H. Upman #4. ¿No me envidias?”.
“…Me cuidan, me cuidan un poquito entre todos. No le hacen caso a uno, siempre estoy peleando para que no me manden nada. Cuando cojo el sol por la mañana en shorts y siento el aire de mar, me parece que estoy en una playa… ¡Me van a hacer creer que estoy de vacaciones! ¿Qué diría Carlos Marx de semejantes revolucionarios?”.


¨La patria es dicha de todos, y dolor de todos, y cielo para todos, y no feudo ni capellaní­a de nadie¨ - Marti

"No temas ni a la prision, ni a la pobreza, ni a la muerte. Teme al miedo"
Giacomo Leopardi

¨Por eso es muy importante, Vicky, hijo mío, que recuerdes siempre para qué sirve la cabeza: para atravesar paredes¨Halvar de Flake [El vikingo]

"Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir" - Lorca

"Al final, no os preguntarán qué habéis sabido, sino qué habéis hecho" - Jean de Gerson

"Si queremos que todo siga como está, es necesario que todo cambie" - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

"Todo hombre paga su grandeza con muchas pequeñeces, su victoria con muchas derrotas, su riqueza con múltiples quiebras" - Giovanni Papini

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon

"Habla bajo, lleva siempre un gran palo y llegarás lejos" - Proverbio Africano

"No hay medicina para el miedo" - Proverbio escoces

"El supremo arte de la guerra es doblegar al enemigo sin luchar"
- Sun Tzu

"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

"It is inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office" - H. L. Menken

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented" - Elie Wiesel

"Stay hungry, stay foolish" -
Steve Jobs

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years ther'ed be a shortage of sand" - Milton Friedman

"The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less" - Vaclav Havel

"No se puede controlar el resultado, pero si lo que uno haga para alcanzarlo" -
Vitor Belfort [MMA Fighter]


A la puerta de la gloria está San Pedro sentado y ve llegar a su lado a un hombre de cierta historia. No consigue hacer memoria y le pregunta con celo: ¿Quién eras allá en el suelo? Era Liborio mi nombre. Has sufrido mucho, hombre, entra, te has ganado el cielo.

Para Raul Castro

Cuba ocupa el penultimo lugar en el mundo en libertad economica solo superada por Corea del Norte.

Cuba ocupa el lugar 147 entre 153 paises evaluados en "Democracia, Mercado y Transparencia 2007"

Cuando vinieron

Cuando vinieron a buscar a los comunistas, Callé: yo no soy comunista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los sindicalistas, Callé: yo no soy sindicalista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los judíos, Callé: yo no soy judío. Cuando vinieron a buscar a los católicos, Callé: yo no soy “tan católico”.
Cuando vinieron a buscarme a mí, Callé: no había quien me escuchara.

Reverendo Martin Niemöller

Martha Colmenares

Martha Colmenares
Un sitio donde los hechos y sus huellas nos conmueven o cautivan
Bloggers Unite


Donde esta el Mundo, donde los Democratas, donde los Liberales? El pueblo de Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan los Green, los Socialdemocratas, los Ricos y los Pobres, los Con Voz y Sin Voz? Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan el Jet Set, los Reyes y Principes, Patricios y Plebeyos? Cuba desesperada clama por solidaridad.
Donde Bob Dylan, donde Martin Luther King, donde Hollywood y sus estrellas? Donde la Middle Class democrata y conservadora, o acaso tambien liberal a ratos? Y Gandhi? Y el Dios de Todos?
Donde los Santos y Virgenes; los Dioses de Cristianos, Protestantes, Musulmanes, Budistas, Testigos de Jehova y Adventistas del Septimo Dia. Donde estan Ochun y todas las deidades del Panteon Yoruba que no acuden a nuestro llanto? Donde Juan Pablo II que no exige mas que Cuba se abra al Mundo y que el Mundo se abra a Cuba?
Que hacen ahora mismo Alberto de Monaco y el Principe Felipe que no los escuchamos? Donde Madonna, donde Angelina Jolie y sus adoptados around de world; o nos hara falta un Brando erguido en un Oscar por Cuba? Donde Sean Penn?
Donde esta la Aristocracia Obrera y los Obreros menos Aristocraticos, donde los Working Class que no estan junto a un pueblo que lanquidece, sufre y llora por la ignominia?
Que hacen ahora mismo Zapatero y Rajoy que no los escuchamos, y Harper y Dion, e Hillary y Obama; donde McCain que no los escuchamos? Y los muertos? Y los que estan muriendo? Y los que van a morir? Y los que se lanzan desesperados al mar?
Donde estan el minero cantabrico o el pescador de percebes gijonese? Los Canarios donde estan? A los africanos no los oimos, y a los australianos con su acento de hombres duros tampoco. Y aquellos chinos milenarios de Canton que fundaron raices eternas en la Isla? Y que de la Queen Elizabeth y los Lords y Gentlemen? Que hace ahora mismo el combativo Principe Harry que no lo escuchamos?
Donde los Rockefellers? Donde los Duponts? Donde Kate Moss? Donde el Presidente de la ONU? Y Solana donde esta? Y los Generales y Doctores? Y los Lam y los Fabelo, y los Sivio y los Fito Paez?
Y que de Canseco y Miñoso? Y de los veteranos de Bahia de Cochinos y de los balseros y de los recien llegados? Y Carlos Otero y Susana Perez? Y el Bola, y Pancho Cespedes? Y YO y TU?
Y todos nosotros que estamos aqui y alla rumiando frustaciones y resquemores, envidias y sinsabores; autoelogios y nostalgias, en tanto Louis Michel comulga con Perez Roque mientras Biscet y una NACION lanquidecen?
Donde Maceo, donde Marti; donde aquel Villena con su carga para matar bribones?
Cuba llora y clama y el Mundo NO ESCUCHA!!!

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