Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cuba. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cuba. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, diciembre 11, 2014

Our sugar industry can learn nothing from Cuba - Stabroek News, Guyana

I see that our President is seeking help from Cuba for our sugar industry. It’s a most unusual and incompetent thing to do in view of the following:
Wikipedia tells us that “Cuba was once the world’s largest sugar exporter. Until the 1960s, the US received 33% of their sugar imports from Cuba. During the cold war, Cuba’s sugar exports were bought with subsidies from the Soviet Union. After the collapse of this trade arrangement, coinciding with a collapse in sugar prices, two thirds of sugar mills in Cuba closed and 100 000 workers lost their jobs. And the sugar production in the cane sugar mills has fallen from approximately 8 million metric tons to 3.2 million metric tons in the 2015 period. A rise in sugar prices beginning in 2008, stimulated new interest in sugar. Production in 2012-2013 was estimated at 1.6-1.8 million tonnes. 400,000 tonnes is exported to China and 550,000-700,000 for domestic consumption.” In other words they have, like Guyana, become uncompetitive sugar producers at around 22 cents a pound, whilst the world market prices continue to be around 17 cents a pound. In a paper written by Jorge Salazar-Carrillo entitled ‘The Collapse of the Cuban Sugar Industry: An Economic Autopsy’ we are informed that in Cuba dominated by the Soviet dominated Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) “Cuba would provide the majority of the sugar required by the USSR’s member states, with a plan to increase production up to 14 million tons by the beginning of the 1980s. While this goal was never reached, production in 1989 reached 7.58 million tons. However this level of production was predicated on large subsidies of oil and equipment from the Soviet Union. This, coupled with the Soviet style ‘gigantism’ (i.e. huge areas of land under one administration) and large quantities of fertilizer, pesticides, etc. in use, resulted in the Cuban sugar industry becoming highly inefficient. The goal prior to 1989 was simply increased production via any means, rather than seeking to increase it by greater efficiency.” This sounds very familiar to me.

Detenidos activistas en Cuba en el Día de los Derechos Humanos

Como cada 10 de diciembre, la policía cubana ha detenido temporalmente a cerca de un centenar de disidentes que participaban este miércoles en distintas manifestaciones convocadas en siete provincias de la isla para conmemorar el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos.
Al menos 32 de estas personas fueron arrestadas en La Habana cuando intentaban incorporarse a una actividad convocada con antelación por las Damas de Blanco y por el Movimiento Nueva República en los alrededores de la popular heladería Copelia.
Otros 27 fueron retenidos en la provincia Holguín, más de 20 en Isla de Juventud, 12 en Las Tunas, tres en Guantánamo, uno en Manzanillo y uno en Bayamo, según los últimos reportes ofrecidos por la organización Unión Patriótica de Cuba (Unpacu).
“Varios activistas ya han sido liberados. En La Habana han liberado a varios, que se encuentran en sus viviendas. Generalmente lo que acostumbran es ir liberándolos poco a poco, a medida que avanza la noche. No los sueltan nunca juntos por temor a que se manifiesten nuevamente”, ha dicho este miércoles por la noche (hora local) a este diario el coordinador general de la Unpacu en Santiago de Cuba, José Daniel Ferrer.
“Los informes nuestros son parciales, depende de los partes que nos da nuestra gente, que ha podido comunicarse antes o después de la detención. Pero hemos tenido detenciones en casi todas las provincias”, ha agregado Ferrer.
El operativo policial desplegado en los alrededores de la heladería Copelia y el cine Yara, sede del Festival de Cine de La Habana, donde unas dos decenas de disidentes fueron retenidos, ocurrió a la vista de un grupo de corresponsales extranjeros acreditados en la isla.
“Policías vestidos de civil dispersaron a los manifestantes que coreaban ‘Vivan los derechos humanos’ con sus dedos índice y pulgar en forma de ‘L’, simbolizando la palabra ‘Libertad’. Los detenidos eran ingresados por los policías a los asientos de varios autos”, reportó el periodista Daniel Trotta para la agencia Reuters. Dos reporteros del diario digital 14 y Medio, que dirige la periodista Yoani Sánchez, también fueron arrestados mientras cubrían esta noticia y liberados tres horas más tarde.
La líder de las Damas de Blanco, Berta Soler, y su esposo, el expreso político Ángel Moya, no lograron llegar al lugar de la manifestación, pues fueron detenidos a pocos metros de su casa, según relataron algunos vecinos a la agencia EFE.
Mientras tanto, la policía buscó en sus casas del centro de la capital a otras dos mujeres que pertenecen a la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, y que fueron señaladas como responsables de colocar pegatinas alusivas a los derechos humanos en las paredes y postes de la ciudad. En el interior de la isla, la mayoría de los disidentes fueron detenidos cuando intentaban llegar al lugar pautado para la manifestación o mientras repartían copias de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.
En paralelo, las autoridades cubanas liberaron entre este martes y miércoles a cuatro activistas que habían permanecido al menos dos años en prisión. La dama de blanco Sonia Garro, su esposo Ramón Alejandro Muñoz y el activista Eugenio Hernández, apresados en marzo de 2012, fueron excarcelados el martes por la tarde, pero aún deberán enfrentar en juicio los cargos de desórdenes públicos y tentativa de homicidio. El coordinador de la Unpacu en el municipio Moa de la provincia de Holguín, Juan Carloz Vásquez, también salió en libertad este miércoles tras completar una condena de dos años de cárcel acusado de planear un atentado.
Las cárceles cubanas albergan a 110 presos por razones políticas, de acuerdo al más reciente reporte de la Comisión Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliación Nacional (CCDHRN), que dirige desde La Habana el activista Elizardo Sánchez. Según Sánchez, el Gobierno cubano ha reemplazado las largas condenas en prisión por arrestos de corta duración y acciones intimidatorias como los “actos de repudio” para acallar a las voces disidentes. Hasta noviembre de este año, la CCDHRN ha reportado 8.410 detenciones temporales: una media de 764 por mes.

Arabia Saudita otorga crédito a Cuba para mejorar redes hidráulicas

Ministro cubano Rodrigo Malmierca y Director Ejecutivo del Fondo Saudita firman acuerdo
La Habana, 10 dic (PL) El Fondo Saudita para el Desarrollo otorgó hoy a Cuba un crédito blando por 40 millones de dólares para apoyar la rehabilitación del sistema de acueducto y alcantarillado en la ciudad de Camagüey.

El ministro cubano del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera, Rodrigo Malmierca, y el vicepresidente y director ejecutivo del Fondo Saudita, Yousef Ibrahim Al-Bassam, firmaron el acuerdo por medio del cual se oficializó este préstamo, el tercero de su tipo concertado entre ambas partes.

Se trata de un proyecto dirigido a mejorar la infraestructura de recursos hidráulicos en Camagüey, capital de la provincia homónima ubicada en el centro-este del país, para lo cual los recursos serán utilizados de manera eficiente en beneficio del pueblo cubano, apuntó Malmierca.

De acuerdo con el titular, este mecanismo representa un nuevo paso en las relaciones bilaterales y los esfuerzos de colaboración entre Cuba y Arabia Saudita, que continuarán progresando en el futuro.

Por su parte, el director ejecutivo del Fondo manifestó su satisfacción por la firma del nuevo acuerdo que contribuirá al financiamiento de proyectos importantes para el desarrollo de la nación antillana.

Remarcó que por tercera vez se rubrica un instrumento de esta naturaleza, lo que refleja el carácter especial de los nexos existentes entre los dos países.

Al mismo tiempo, Al-Bassam felicitó al pueblo cubano por los avances y progresos alcanzados desde su última visita y expresó el interés en ampliar las colaboraciones tanto a nivel gubernamental como por parte del sector privado.

Sobre las oportunidades de inversión extranjera que se han abierto en la isla a partir de la nueva ley sobre la materia y la presentación de la cartera de negocios de Cuba, el representante saudita dijo que su nación quiere responder a las prioridades del Estado cubano.

Estamos abiertos a la cooperación y la colaboración en cualquier sector, fundamentalmente la industria, turismo, agricultura y comercio, las posibilidades son promisorias, agregó.

Antes del crédito blando concedido este miércoles, Arabia Saudita había otorgado financiamiento para la recuperación de redes hidráulicas en La Habana y para la adquisición de equipos médicos.

miércoles, diciembre 10, 2014

Sobrino de Fidel y Raúl Castro deja la presidencia de Labiofam y pasa a “retiro”

"truenan" a fraga, sin embargo se hacen de la vista gorda con el negocio de ernestico guevara jr. 'motorcycle diaries' tour in Cuba
El doctor Jose Antonio Fraga Castro, a jubilación.
Por Redacción CaféFuerte
El escándalo de los “perfumes revolucionarios” inspirados en el Che Guevara y Hugo Chávez terminó costándole caro al presidente de la empresa estatal LABIOFAM, el doctor José Antonio Fraga Castro.
Fraga Castro, sobrino de Fidel y Raúl Castro, decidió acogerse a la jubilación para evitar una sanción administrativa y laboral por su responsabilidad en el caso de los perfumes, presentados por LABIOFAM en un congreso internacional en La Habana, el pasado septiembre, según reportó el diario digital 14ymedio.
El trabajo de Fraga Castro fue cuestionado el pasado jueves en una reunión con los directivos del grupo empresarial, en la que la sanción al dirigente figuraba en el orden del día. La decisión erstaba motivada por “su participación en la toma de decisiones sobre la confección y posible comercialización de los perfumes Ernesto y Hugo”, dijo la publicación citando testimonios de trabajadores de la institución.
Para evitar que se le aplicara la sanción propuesta, Fraga Castro decidió acogerse a la jubilación, lo cual fue comunicado a los trabajadores el pasado sábado. Se espera que eln los próximos días sea anunciado el sustituto en el cargo.
Disculpas por el traspié
“En horas de la tarde del lunes se respiraba una atmósfera opresiva en todas las dependencias de LABIOFAM, pues se prohibió a los empleados comentar sobre el asunto con personas ajenas”, relató el periódico.
A finales de septiembre, Fraga Castro se vio obligado a presentar disculpas a las familias de Chávez y Guevara, luego de desatarse el escándalo por la presentación de los perfumes y anunciarse inicialmente la posibilidad de comercializarlos.
El Consejo de Ministros emitió un comunicado oficial  censurando la presentación de las fragancias como una “acción irresponsable” y dijo que “por este grave error serán tomadas las medidas disciplinarias que correspondan”.
LABIOFAM atribuyó el incidente a la cobertura malintencionada de la agencia Associated Press (AP).
“Faltó sin dudas la capacidad de prever que esta propuesta, nacida con un fin noble, pudiera de inmediato prestarse para que una periodista malintencionada de la agencia norteamericana AP hiciera un show mediático y una vez más alimentara la voraz campaña de desinformación a la que someten a nuestra nación y al mundo”, escribió  Fraga Castro en una carta difudida en el sitio digital de LABIOFAM.
Fraga Castro es hijo de Angela Castro Ruz, la mayor de los hermanos Castro, fallecida en el 2012.

The Dark Side of Cuba’s Ebola Economy

From The Daily Beast:

The Dark Side of Cuba’s Ebola Economy

The communist government’s medical missionaries win praise for the regime, but they are victims, too.
If you ask most people what Cuba is famous for they probably will name two things: rum and cigars. But if you ask leftists what Cuba is famous for they will usually say something altogether different: healthcare and education.

Despite all the government oppression and poverty and the endless speeches by el líder maximo and his sibling, the Cuban healthcare and education systems are still held up as justification for the 1959 Cuban revolution in and of themselves.

So good is the healthcare system on the island supposed to be, and such is the abundance of skilled doctors, that Cuba can even afford to export medical personnel to disease- and crisis-stricken parts of the world in a gesture of international solidarity that the capitalist West does not begin to rival.

Estimates suggest that around 50,000 Cuban-trained health workers are spread across 66 countries, with many stationed in some of the poorest corners of the globe. In 2010 Cuba provided the largest contingent of medical staff during the aftermath of the huge earthquake that shook Haiti. Similarly, after an earthquake devastated Pakistan-administered Kashmir in 2005, there were more Cuban doctors on hand to aid the relief effort than there were medics from Pakistan proper. Who said socialist internationalism died in 1989?

And so today, during the current Ebola crisis, while the rich capitalist countries pontificate selfishly about things like anti-Ebola border security, socialist Cuba has again come to the rescue, flying in 461 health workers to stricken West Africa—more than any first-world country.

Even John Kerry, secretary of state in a country that has spent decades trying to oust the Castro clan, described Cuba’s contribution to the fight against the Ebola outbreak as “impressive.”

This penchant for medical internationalism goes back to the greatest icon of the revolution, Ernesto “Che” Guevara. He was a doctor and envisioned a world in which a medic would use “the technical knowledge of his profession in the service of the revolution and the people.”

Yet like Guevara’s socialism, Cuba’s fraternal medical altruism has a dark side. Che may have felt a genuine affinity with the poor, but he was also a fanatic who locked up homosexuals and other “deviants” in labor camps. He wanted to “bring justice to the downtrodden” but he wanted to do it by launching a first nuclear strike on New York or Washington. The Cuban government, still led by some of Che’s former contemporaries, exemplifies a similar contradiction between idealism and brutal coercion.

There is in fact a great deal more to the Castro brothers’ medical diplomacy than the development of Cuba as, in the words of gushing Guardian columnist,  a “beacon of international humanitarianism.” The government in Havana rakes in around $8 billion a year on the backs of its health workers. Most notably it receives cheap oil from the Chavez/Maduro autocracy in Venezuela, but it also gets a hefty sum of much-needed hard currency from the World Health Organisation (WHO) for every doctor it sends to Africa and beyond.

Not that there is any shame in that: socialist economies need hard currency to buy things on the international markets as much as any other country. But if there’s altruism here, it’s on the part of the workers themselves, since they rarely see any of the money they bring in for the dictatorship back home. All the available evidence suggests that they receive a measly stipend from the regime—about $20 extra a month—with the rest pocketed by the government to bolster things like Cuba’s omnipresent security apparatus.

Yet lavish praise is heaped on the supposed generosity of Havana’s elderly rulers—the same ones who for 50 years have stopped most Cubans from travelling abroad.  “Cuba is a special case,” says José Luis Di Fabio, who heads the World Health Organization’s Havana office, told DeutscheWelle. “The country has the ability to react very quickly because of the experience of the physicians and the political will to do so.”

“Political will” in this instance is a euphemism, for there is ample evidence to suggest that Cuba’s medical diplomacy is far from voluntary for those sent abroad on their country’s international missions. Much like those who decline to attend the “voluntary” pro-government rallies which sporadically fill the streets of Havana and give a veneer of democracy to the one-party state, those medics who choose not to play ball with the Leninist Center can pay a severe penalty. As Madrid-based Cuban doctor Antonio Guedes told the same German website, “Whoever does not cooperate may lose his job, or at least his position, or his son will not get a place at university.”

This jibes with something Yanelis Ochoa, a university medical student in Santiago de Cuba, told me when I visited the country in 2011. Talking about the future, Yanelis said that when she eventually graduates she “may have to go to Venezuela or Brazil for a short time to work.” What about your boyfriend? I asked. Are you not getting married soon? “James,” she replied with unusual gravity. “You don’t understand how these things work. If they say I go then I go. It’s that simple.”

Excarcelan a la Dama de Blanco Sonia Garro

Sonia Garro (tercera de izq. a der.) se reúne con su familia tras ser liberada. Foto María Cristina Labrada para Reporta Cuba.
Las autoridades cubanas excarcelaron el martes 9 de diciembre a los opositores Sonia Garro, Ramón Alejandro Muñoz y Eugenio Hernández, quienes se encuentran en sus casas para esperar la celebración del juicio.
"Estoy en prisión domiciliaria", dijo Sonia Garro en declaraciones a Radio Martí. "El cambio de medida cautelar fue cambiarme de prisión provisional a prisión domiciliar".
Aunque verbalmente le comunicaron la libertad de movimiento, la Dama de Blanco confirmó que en el documento no consta que sea prisión domiciliaria pues se trata de "una carta de libertad", aseguró.
Los tres opositores estaban presos desde el 18 de marzo de 2012 bajo la acusación de atentado, desorden público y tentativa de asesinato, por lo que la Fiscalía pide para ellos condenas de 10, 14 y 11 años, respectivamente.
La celebración del juicio ha sido suspendida en cuatro ocasiones sin que hasta hoy se haya dado alguna explicación al respecto. 
Entrevista a Sonia Garro desde Cuba con Radio Martí

martes, diciembre 09, 2014

Declaraciones de presunto agresor de Guillermo Fariñas desde su casa

NoticiasCubanet Cuba

Cuba: Gobierno amenaza a Damas de Blanco por convocar a marcha por Día de los Derechos Humanos

LA HABANA, 08 Dic. 14 / 10:49 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Las Damas de Blanco han invitado a los cubanos a participar este 10 de diciembre en una concentración por el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos; sin embargo, denunciaron que la Seguridad del Estado las está amenazando con no permitir este acto público.
La convocatoria había sido hecha por Berta Soler, líder de las Damas de Blanco, el pasado 30 de noviembre, para las miembros de este grupo y “todos aquellos que quieran hacer uso de sus derechos inalienables de libertad de expresión y de movimiento”. El sitio elegido es la céntrica esquina de 23 y L, en el Vedado (La Habana), y la hora las 11:00 de la mañana.
Sin embargo, en declaraciones a Diario de Cuba, Soler denunció que la policía política ha citado a varias activistas, como Marta Belkis Rodríguez y Magali Norvis Otero. El Gobierno, señaló, está preocupado por la convocatoria.
Norvis Otero relató que el martes pasado en una unidad de la Policía de Centro Habana, un oficial de la Seguridad del Estado conocido como Reinier “me dijo que hiciéramos otra actividad, pero no fuéramos a las calles. Me sugirió que hiciéramos un té, que nos reuniéramos en la sede, pero que no saliéramos a la calle porque nosotros no somos un movimiento reconocido por el Gobierno”.
La dama de blanco dijo a Diario de Cuba que el oficial calificó de "enfrentamiento" y "provocación" la convocatoria. "Dijo que es inadmisible y no lo van a permitir", denunció.
La ONU estableció el 10 de diciembre como Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, en conmemoración a la aprobación de la Declaración Universal de 1948.

lunes, diciembre 08, 2014

Agreden violentamente a opositores del régimen en Cuba


Braves sign Cuban outfielder Dian Toscano

This is The Stew's running list of trades and signings that happen during baseball's Winter Meetings. We'll keep updating this post as the news happens. For more chatter and rumors, be sure to check out our Winter Meetings tracker.
Braves sign Cuban outfielder Dian Toscano
The Atlanta Braves added another outfielder to their roster in Dian Toscano, a 25-year-old international free agent from Cuba who could be a left field option down the road. Toscano isn't one of the big-name Cuban imports — i.e., he's not the Yasmany Tomas consolulation prize.
Ben Badler at Baseball America has more on Toscano:
Toscano, who is around 5-foot-10, 200 pounds, is a lefthanded hitter with good bat control and strike-zone awareness. He never played on the Cuban national team, so he wasn’t a player scouts saw much of before he left the island.
Playing for Villa Clara in Serie Nacional, Toscano batted .356/.400/.452 in 86 plate appearances with eight walks and eight strikeouts in 2012-13, his last season in Cuba. The year before, Toscano hit .287/.438/.380 with 35 walks and 16 strikeouts. He hit just three home runs that year and never showed much power in Cuba, though he’s in significantly better shape and has increased his strength since leaving Cuba.
BLS Take: Naturally, when you hear "Cuban outfielder" these days, excitement and intrigue are not reactions, but Toscano doesn't have nearly as much hype as the high-profile Cubans we've seen land in MLB the last few years. As Badler writes, less is known about Toscano because he didn't play on the Cuban national team, so there's a chance the Braves found a diamond in the rough. But based on what we know, you shouldn't expect Toscano to be an Opening Day starter or anything.

sábado, diciembre 06, 2014

No sean mal pensados: Acreditan a 14Ymedio al Festival de El Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano

REDACCION. — El periódico independiente 14Ymedio fue acreditado en el Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana. Es primera vez que el diario, que dirige Yoani Sánchez, es autorizado a cubrir un evento oficial.
Anteriormente, el reportero Reinaldo Escobar trató de obtener la acreditación para cubrir la visita del canciller de España, José María García Margallo, pero miembros de la Seguridad del Estado no le permitieron llegar al Centro Internacional de Prensa.
Esta vez, para acreditarse en el Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, la periodista de 14Ymedio, Luz Escobar, envió su solicitud a la página digital del Festival, siguiendo el proceso establecido, pero no le respondieron.
En consecuencia, Escobar se presentó personalmente en las oficinas del Festival, en el Hotel Nacional, portando su solapín de 14Ymedio, y solicitó (de nuevo) que la acreditaran como periodista.
Al tratar de pagar en CUC , la funcionaria a cargo del proceso le aclaró a la periodista que solo la prensa extranjera pagaba en CUC. Luz Escobar abonó 45 pesos cubanos (aproximadamente 2 dólares), y le fue entregada la acreditación para cubrir todas las actividades del 36 Festival.
Yoani Sánchez es de la opinión que quizás no les acreditaron anteriormente a otros eventos porque no lo solicitaron. Otra explicación, según Sánchez, podría ser que el gobierno no tiene establecidos los filtros de la Seguridad para la prensa independiente. Yoani agregó que, de todas maneras, en 14Ymedio lo están celebrando, “pero no sabemos si es una apertura o no”

Powerful photos capture transgender men and women as they undergo sex changes amid fierce discrimination in Cuba

Daily Mail Online
A photographer has snapped the portraits of 12 Cuban transgender men and women both before and after their sex changes.
Claudia González, who was born in Chile and raised in Europe, shot the series with hopes of empowering her subjects, who face a daily battle against Cuba's deeply entrenched discrimination against the LBGT - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender - community.
Ms González doesn't share the identities of these men and women, who were invited to choose at which stage of their transition they wanted to be photographed, but for many of them, their stories are etched across their faces. 
Transformation: Photographer Claudia González shot the series with hopes of empowering her subjects, who face a daily battle against Cuba's deeply entrenched discrimination against the LBGT community. Pictured, a woman before and after her transition 
Ms González's subjects, all shot in natural settings or seemingly in their homes, range in age from young to elderly.
Speaking to Cuban journalist Marta Maria Ramirez Havana about the first beginnings of the project, the photographer said: 'I met a trans woman.
'She was a Dominican model. We talked a lot about her life, about the prejudices that she had to face every day, about the double moral that society imposes on you and what you must do to live as you are.'
Cuba has a troubling history in regards to the LBGT community, with hate crimes still a regular occurrence.
Under Fidel Castro - Cuba's revolutionary leader who transferred power to his younger brother Raul in 2008 after 50 years at the helm - homosexuals and transgender people were treated as social deviants and ostracized by society. 
Radical change: Ms González doesn't share the identities of these men and women, who were invited to choose at which stage of their transition they wanted to be photographed, but their stories are etched across their faces 
Dangerous: Cuba has a troubling history in regards to the LBGT community, with hate crimes still a regular occurrence
Culture: Under Fidel Castro - Cuba's revolutionary leader who transferred power to his younger brother Raul in 2008 after 50 years at the helm - homosexuals and transgender people were treated as social deviants and ostracized by society
In the 1960s, gay Cubans were banned from serving in the military or becoming teachers, and thousands of them were shipped off to labor camps, according to author Mariette Pathy Allen's recently released book, TransCuba.
Two years after his retirement, Fidel Castro said in an interview with the Mexican newspaper La Jornada that imprisoning gay people was ‘a great injustice,’ for which he was to blame.
Since becoming president of the republic six years ago, Raul Castro has enacted sweeping reforms to boost the island nation's floundering economy and bring it into the 21st century by allowing its citizens greater personal freedoms.
Under Raul Castro, Cuba's LGBT community has slowly begun coming out of the shadows, with the president’s own daughter, Castro Espin, emerging as a leading advocate for the rights of gay and transgender people.  
Littered past: In the 1960s, gay Cubans were banned from serving in the military or becoming teachers, and thousands of them were shipped off to labor camps
Change of heart: Two years after his retirement, Fidel Castro said in an interview with the Mexican newspaper La Jornada that imprisoning gay people was ‘a great injustice,’ for which he was to blame
Spot the kitten! Since becoming president of the republic six years ago, Raul Castro has enacted sweeping reforms to boost the island nation's floundering economy and bring it into the 21st century by allowing its citizens greater personal freedoms
Force for change: Under Raul Castro, Cuba's LGBT community has slowly begun coming out of the shadows, with the president’s own daughter, Castro Espin, emerging as a leading advocate for the rights of gay and transgender people
It was Castro Espin who persuaded the Cuban government to legalize gender reassignment surgery in 2008.
But transgender people still face discrimination in the workforce, and many turn to prostitution to eke out a meager living.
As Ms González's website states: 'There’s no doubt that Reassign is one of those projects that will stay in memory and can help us to achieve a better understanding of the fight that many start to vindicate a universal right: genre identity.'
Reaping the benefits: It was Castro Espin who persuaded the Cuban government to legalize gender reassignment surgery in 2008
 Not easy: But transgender people still face discrimination in the workforce, and poverty in the community is rife
Hope: As Ms González's website states, 'There’s no doubt that Reassign is one of those projects that will stay in memory and can help us to achieve a better understanding of the fight that many start to vindicate a universal right: genre identity'

viernes, diciembre 05, 2014

Political Arrests Have Quadrupled in Cuba

The Cuban Commission for Human Rights (CCHR) has documented 398 political arrests by the Castro regime during the month of November 2014.

This bring the total number of political arrests during the first eleven months of this year to 8,410.

In eleven months, these 8,410 political arrests have quadrupled the year-long tally of 2,074 political arrests in 2010.

The Castro regime clearly feels it's enjoying a high-level of impunity.

Such impunity is partly due to the silence of foreign media and diplomats, who like to purposefully ignore this key statistic, as it's inconvenient to their "reform" narrative.

These are only political arrests that have been thoroughly documented. Many more are suspected.

More "reform" you can't believe in.

A juicio instalador de antenas en Cuba

Martí Noticias

Che Guevara's son starts 'motorcycle diaries' tour in Cuba

The youngest son of Che Guevara, whose The Motorcycle Diaries is one of the most iconic travelogues of all time, is launching motorbike tours of Cuba this month.
Ernesto Guevara’s La Poderosa Tours ( will run trips for bikers on two routes across Cuba using Harley-Davidsons.
The company is named after the motorbike used by Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara when he toured the South American continent for nine months in 1952.
La Poderosa II (the Mighty II) was the nickname the Argentine medical student gave to his motorbike, a Norton 500cc, which he rode 8,000 miles from Argentina to Venezuela along with his biochemist companion Alberto Granado.
The account of this life-changing road trip was first published as a memoir, The Motorcycle Diaries, in 1993 and subsequently turned into a 2004 film with the same title.
Che Guevara was in Mexico in 1955 when he met young firebrand Fidel Castro. Guevara’s revolutionary identity had been forged in Guatemala two years earlier.
Together with Fidel, and Raúl Castro, Fidel’s younger brother, the rebels with a cause plotted the overthrow of Cuba’s then dictator Fulgencio Batista. When Fidel’s grassroots revolution succeeded in 1959, Che Guevara was at Fidel’s side.
Ernesto Guevara, 49, is the son of Che and his second wife Aleida March. He has teamed up with his friend Camilo Sánchez and mechanic Sergio Morales to lead the La Poderosa trips.
Ernesto told Telegraph Travel: “I have been a fan of classic Harleys all my life and I like to restore them, too. My love of bikes, of bike trips and of Cuba, and the desire to show my fellow Harley bikers my beautiful country, has been the reason for setting up the tours.”
La Poderosa Tours covers two routes – dubbed Fuser 1 and Fuser 2 for the nickname Che Guevara had in his younger years – using either a Harley Touring Street Glide or a Dyna Wide Glide.
As well as riding past the ubiquitous images of Che Guevara painted on billboards across the island, tour highlights include visits to places connected to the revolutionary: the Comandancia del Che (a small museum dedicated to him) at the monumental 18th-century Cabaña fortress at Havana’s harbour, where Che had his headquarters; and Che Guevara’s mausoleum in Santa Clara.
In 1965, Che Guevara severed his ties with Cuba to fulfil his ambition to export revolution to other countries. In 1966, he left for Bolivia and formed a guerrilla force. He was captured and executed in 1967 in La Higuera. It wasn’t until 1997 that Guevara’s remains were discovered and sent to Cuba to be interred in the mausoleum that stands in the Plaza de la Revolución.

Informe sitúa a Cuba como productor de minas antipersonales

Martí Noticias

jueves, diciembre 04, 2014

¿Qué pueden esperar los cubanos de la economía en 2015?

En la más reciente reunión del Consejo de Ministros en Cuba se dijo que la economía en 2014 crecería un 1,3 %, menos del plan que preveía un 2,2 %, y menos también del pronóstico de mediados de año, cuando se habló del 1,4 %.
Lo cual no es noticia: ¿cuándo en Cuba se ha cumplido un plan de la economía? Sin embargo, a pesar de la historia y los fracasos, ahora el vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros, Ministro de Economía y presidente de la Comisión de Implementación de no se qué, anuncia que en 2015 el PIB tendrá un crecimiento “ligeramente superior al 4 %”. ¿Dé donde sale tal cifra? La economía no funciona jugando con números y coeficientes, sino analizando realidades. La Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL) considera que la economía cubana podría crecer un 3 % en 2015. Tal vez un ilustre visitante haya regalado a algún burócrata del régimen una chistera de mago para sacar conejos, porque la trayectoria y resultados de la gestión del general-presidente en ocho años y medio solamente dan para inventar cifras o promesas que no se corresponden con la realidad. ¿Recuerdan el vasito de leche diario para cada cubano?
Ya ha sido convocada la reunión de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular para el 19 de diciembre. Sin chistar ni replicar en lo más mínimo, los “diputados” levantarán sus brazos para apoyar unánimemente lo que ya se decidió en el Buró Político del partido y posteriormente se “aprobó” en el Consejo de Ministros. A ese llover sobre mojado y acordar lo acordado se le llama, en el lenguaje eufemístico del totalitarismo, “democracia socialista”, que consiste en entretener a los cubanos con promesas que nunca serán materializadas, justificar los incumplimientos del presente año, y cacarear un futuro muy luminoso para quién sabe cuando, siempre un futuro lejano, difuso y abstracto.
¿Cuáles son los principales problemas de la población cubana de a pie en 2015? Sin pecar de exagerado, tremendista o come-candela, podríamos proponer un listado de problemas que afectan a los cubanos en todo el país, ni exhaustivo ni intransigente. Los lectores pueden abundar en el tema, pero de momento se podrían señalar los siguientes:
  • El salario es insuficiente para satisfacer las necesidades de la población
  • La utilización de la doble moneda en el país continúa golpeando a todos
  • La escasez y limitaciones de viviendas afectan a la mayoría de la población
  • El gobierno no es capaz de presentar un programa coherente para salir de la crisis
  • Más del 20 % de los cubanos vive fuera del país, y la tendencia a emigrar sigue creciendo
  • La agricultura no garantiza la alimentación de los cubanos, y cada año aumentan las erogaciones para importar alimentos
  • Las empresas estatales, proclamadas “decisivas” por el régimen, no salen de la irrentabilidad y continúan perdiendo dinero cada año
  • Se sigue estrangulando la iniciativa privada (“cuentapropista”), a pesar de su demostrada superioridad sobre la gestión estatal en todas las ramas, sectores y territorios en que le permiten funcionar
  • El gobierno es incapaz de motivar a las nuevas generaciones con programas o proyectos que les convenzan que valga la pena estudiar, superarse y esforzarse en el país, en vez de emigrar
  • Las parejas no son proclives a procrear ante tantas incertidumbres y dificultades, y la población no crece, se estanca o decrece, en la actualidad y perspectivamente.
Sería interminable la lista de tareas pendientes por parte del gobierno para que los cubanos confiaran en la dirección del general sin batallas y la camarilla de ancianos que se apoderó del poder hace más de medio siglo y no están dispuestos a entregarlo en ninguna circunstancia, aunque implique, como hasta ahora, la destrucción de la nación, el empobrecimiento de sus habitantes, el aniquilamiento de su sociedad civil, la separación de las familias, y el agujero negro hacia el que avanza irremediablemente el país, a falta de perspectivas racionales y estrategias realistas para superar una crisis que a nadie en el régimen le interesa superar, por temor a perder el poder o a que no sea posible mantenerse en ese poder más allá de la desaparición física de sus principales gestores y beneficiarios.
Nada de esto se trató ni se discutió en la reunión del Consejo de Ministros. Ni tampoco sobre los peligros de que la “ayuda” venezolana se reduzca por la contracción de los precios del petróleo en el mercado mundial. Al menos, nada informó la prensa oficialista sobre el tema. Con relación a la doble moneda lo único que se mencionó fue que se trabajó en “preparar las condiciones” para eliminarla. Expresión demasiado abstracta para considerar que ya exista un proyecto específico. Hasta en los comentarios de los lectores sobre la reunión, publicados por Granma, se reflejaba el malestar de los cubanos porque ese tema no fue abordado seriamente.
Según el régimen, el fracaso de 2014 fue por incumplimientos en la industria azucarera y manufacturera. ¿Nada más? Y para 2015 el país deberá gastar $2.194 millones importando alimentos, $137 millones más que este año. Sin embargo, gracias a la varita mágica que debe tener alguien, se menciona un crecimiento “ligeramente superior al 4 %”, en base a avances en la industria manufacturera, construcción, comercio, agricultura, ganadería y silvicultura. Las historias de Macondo resultan demasiado serias ante informaciones oficiales cubanas como estas.
Lo único que merecería observarse en serio de todo el cónclave es una expresión de Murillo, si no se trata de la demagogia de siempre, de que “la economía cubana continuará avanzando a pesar del bloqueo, las restricciones financieras externas y la situación internacional”. Es decir, que aparentemente no se utilizarían las consabidas excusas de siempre sobre factores externos cuando aparezcan los inevitables fracasos en 2015. Aunque si el silencio oficial se impone para no mencionar fracasos, por no reconocerlos, las excusas de siempre no tendrán importancia.
Y si no culpa a factores externos, o a la sequía, los huracanes, o los anillos de Saturno, ¿cómo justificaría el régimen su fracaso? Allá los que quieran creer que ahora sí, que esta vez sí es en serio, y todo lo demás; ya son cincuenta y cinco años con el mismo cuento.
Ni Raúl Castro ni el régimen merecen recibir el beneficio de la duda una vez más. Que demuestren lo que dicen, si es que pueden demostrarlo, y entonces yo sería el primero en reconocer públicamente que me he equivocado en este análisis.
Mientras ese momento esté por llegar, seguiré insistiendo, porque tengo derecho a hacerlo, con la misma pregunta y respuesta que da título a este artículo:
¿Qué pueden esperar los cubanos de la economía en 2015? Fundamentalmente, más de lo mismo, pero peor.

Gloria del deporte cubano vive en la pobreza en Manzanillo

Leer en martinoticias >>

Cuba es el único país de América Latina sin internet libre - Freedom House 2014

Population: 11.3 million
Internet Penetration: 26 percent
Social Media/ICT Apps Blocked: Yes
Political/Social Content Blocked: Yes
Bloggers/ICT Users Arrested: Yes
Press Freedom Status: Not Free
2014 Freedom On the Net Total (0 = Best, 100 = Worst) 84

2014 Scores

Freedom on the Net Status

Not Free

Freedom on the Net Total
(0 = best, 100 = worst)


Obstacles to Access
(0 = best, 25 = worst)


Limits on Content
(0 = best, 35 = worst)


Violations of User Rights
(0 = best, 40 = worst)

  • 2013 Freedom On the Net Total (0 = Best, 100 = Worst) 86
Key Developments: 

May 2013 - May 2014

  • In June 2013, access to Cuba’s new high-speed internet was extended to citizens for the first time, albeit only from designated, censored “cyber points” at prices few can afford (see Obstacles to Access).
  • In January 2014, Cuba’s telecommunications regulator, ETECSA, announced the possibility of future mobile internet connections as well as home internet access (see Obstacles to Access).
  • In April 2014, revelations of a secret U.S.-installed Cuban Twitter, known as ZunZuneo, strained the already tense relationship between Cuba and the United States (see Obstacles to Access).
  • From December 2013 to February 2014, the Cuban government cracked down on opposition surrounding the second annual CELAC summit in Havana, detaining at least 3,000 dissidents and harassing or blocking the mobile phones of others (see Violations of User Rights).
Cuba has long ranked as one of the world’s most repressive environments for information and communication technologies (ICTs). High prices, exceptionally slow connectivity, and extensive government regulation have resulted in a pronounced lack of access to applications and services other than email. Most users can access only a government-controlled intranet rather than the global internet, with hourly connection costs amounting to 20 percent of the minimum monthly wage. Although mobile phone penetration has been on the rise, and access to the high-speed internet provided by the new ALBA-1 fiber-optic cable was finally extended to citizens in late 2013 via the opening of new “cyber points” or “navigation halls,” ICT access remains limited. Nevertheless, a vibrant community of bloggers has managed to document conditions on the island and transmit information beyond Cuba’s borders.
In recent years, Cuba has exhibited a slight opening to the outside world, although this has not yet correlated to a change in the country’s human rights practices. Some 3,000 opposition and civil society members were subject to detention surrounding the Caribbean and Latin American States (CELAC) summit, hosted in Havana in January 2014. The cell phones of known prodemocracy activists were blocked ahead of the meetings, text messages could neither be sent nor received, and those who attempted to call activists were met with busy signals.[1] A number of dissidents were also detained or placed under house arrest as part of “Operation Cleanup,” an attempt to keep citizens from voicing human rights concerns to CELAC representatives.[2]
Although the government appeared to loosen its restrictions on online media by unblocking a number of blogs in 2011, in 2013 a handful of dissident and critical progovernment sites were blocked once again. Phone numbers associated with the “speak-to-tweet” platform, widely used by activists to publicize human rights violations, were shut down in 2012 and remained disabled as of June 2014. Surveillance has continued on the island, where it has been extended to Cuba’s new “navigation halls.” It is likewise still commonplace in offices, where government-installed software monitors email accounts.[3]

Obstacles to Access: 
Internet access in Cuba is complicated by weak infrastructure and tight government control. While recent years have seen an expansion in the number of internet and mobile phone users, the ICT sector remains dominated by government firms. Restrictions on private enterprise were eased under the 2012 update of Cuba’s economic model. Although proposed reforms did not initially extend to liberalization of the communications sector,[4] in November 2013, ETECSA, Cuba’s state-run telecommunications company, announced that it will allow private workers to market local and long-distance telephone services to the population as self-employed communications agents. The agents may also sell prepaid cards for fixed and mobile telephony and internet access.[5] In January 2014, ETECSA also announced it will allow balance transfers on cards between prepaid users.[6]

The possibility of self-employment marks a significant shift in Cuba’s economic policy, as it affords more control to the citizenry and advances the government’s recent trend of loosening restrictions on Cuban nationals. Although the Cuban government began to allow the limited creation of private cooperatives by computer science graduates in 2012, tight internet restrictions, along with prohibitively high computer and software pricing, resulted in a nonexistent official market. While a black market for such commodities does exist, Cuban ICT liberalization was mostly rhetoric prior to the late 2013 announcement allowing private workers to serve as self-employed communications agents.[7]

According to the National Statistics Office, there were 2.6 million internet users in Cuba in 2011, representing 23.2 percent of the population.[8] The latest data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) places Cuba’s internet penetration at 25.71 percent as of 2013—an increase of less than one percent since 2012, when penetration was measured at 25.64 percent.[9] The vast majority of users cannot access the global internet, but are instead relegated to a tightly controlled government-filtered intranet, which consists of a national email system, a Cuban encyclopedia, a pool of educational materials and open-access journals, Cuban websites, and foreign websites that are supportive of the Cuban government.[10] Experts estimate that approximately 5 percent of Cubans periodically have access to the World Wide Web via government institutions, foreign embassies, and black market sales of minutes by those permitted to have such accounts.[11]

Although Cuba still has the lowest mobile phone penetration rate in Latin America, the number is rising due in part to changes in government-imposed restrictions on telecommunications. According to a study from the ITU, in 2009, 620,000 Cubans owned mobile phones. By the end of 2013, this figure had ballooned to nearly 2 million, or about 18 percent of the population.[12] As the number of mobile phone users has grown, ETECSA has begun implementing small changes beneficial to users. Between 2011 and 2012, the government reduced the sign-up fee for mobile service by over 50 percent—although at a cost of US$60 it still represents three months’ wages for an average worker. Receiving phone calls from within Cuba is now free, the cost of text messages sent within the country has been reduced from US$0.16 to $0.09, and daytime cellphone rates have been cut from US$0.60 to $0.35 per minute.[13]

Despite these positive developments, the cost of mobile service is still too high for the vast majority of Cubans. The government’s undeclared policy—viewed as an attempt to attract new funds in hard currency—is predicated on convincing Cuban exiles to pay for these services for their relatives in Cuba. As of January 2014, friends and relatives living abroad were able to use an internet service to pay the phone bills of users living on the island.

Cuba has roaming agreements with 365 carriers in 143 countries.[14] The island’s mobile network reportedly covers 75 percent of Cuban territory, with further expansions planned.[15] Most mobile phones do not include internet connections, but it is possible to send and receive international text messages and images with certain phones. Phones that utilize Global Positioning System (GPS) technology or satellite connections, however, are explicitly prohibited by Cuban customs regulations.[16] Additional restrictions are placed on modems, wireless faxes, and satellite dishes, which require special permits from the MIC in order to enter the country. [17]

In 2000, the Ministry of Informatics and Communication (MIC) was created to serve as the regulatory authority for the internet. Within the MIC, the Cuban Supervision and Control Agency oversees the development of internet-related technologies.[18] Despite the 2013 connection of a high-speed undersea cable known as ALBA-1, there is still no broadband service on the island, and the limited number of Cubans with internet access face extremely slow connections, making the use of multimedia applications nearly impossible. Despite the high hopes associated with ALBA-1, Cuba’s penetration rate has barely grown since 2012.[19] It is worth noting that the most significant jump in internet access appears to have occurred between 2011 and 2012—prior to the connection of the high-speed cable—when reported internet penetration rates jumped from 16 percent to nearly 26 percent.[20] According to statistical findings from Google Analytics, Cuba has the slowest connection speed in the Western Hemisphere and is among the worst in the world.[21] Access over the intranet is similarly slow due to weak domestic infrastructure and the limited extension of access to Cuba’s new high-speed cable.

The Cuban government continues to blame the U.S. embargo for the country’s connectivity problems, saying it must use a slow, costly satellite connection system and may only buy limited space. President Barack Obama eased some aspects of Washington’s prolonged trade sanctions in 2009, however, allowing U.S. telecommunications firms to enter into roaming agreements with Cuban providers and to establish fiber-optic cable and satellite telecommunication facilities linking the United States and Cuba.[22] Official media ignored this important change in the U.S. legal framework, and Cuban leaders reiterated their demand for a complete end to the embargo.

The bilateral relationship was also affected by a 2009 incident that directly touched on the lack of open internet access in Cuba. On December 4, 2009, Cuban authorities arrested Alan Gross, an American independent contractor who was in the country to set up individual satellite-based internet connections as part of a U.S. government–funded project. In March 2011, Gross was sentenced to 15 years in prison for committing an act “against the independence or territorial integrity of the state.”[23] Despite a handful of serious health concerns and a self-imposed hunger strike in April 2014, Gross continues to serve the remainder of his sentence in a Cuban prison.[24]

The volatile relationship between Cuba and the United States took another hit in April 2014, when information was leaked regarding a USAID program to improve connectivity and communications in Cuba. Reports surfaced that the U.S. development agency had created a “Cuban Twitter,” known as ZunZuneo, which attracted some 40,000 subscribers before it was shut down in 2012. News of the program, which the U.S. government has called “secret” but not “covert,” and which was ultimately ineffective given Cuba’s many obstacles to access, has strained Cuban-U.S. relations further, and has given the Cuban government ammunition in its quest to label independent bloggers on the island as “U.S.-funded mercenaries.”[25]

In February 2011, Cuban officials celebrated the installation of a 1,600 km undersea fiber-optic cable laid between Cuba and Venezuela at a cost of approximately US$72 million.[26] The eagerly anticipated cable, known as ALBA-1, was expected to increase data-transmission speeds 3,000 fold, yet no news from the authorities was provided for nearly two years.[27] Due to the prolonged silence, rumors began to spread that Cuban authorities were reluctant to extend access to the general population for fear of enabling a “Cuban Spring.”[28] In late January 2013, ETECSA announced that the cable had been connected, but noted that opening of the line would be gradual (predictably limited to select government offices at first) and that infrastructure would still be enhanced in order to facilitate widespread use of the new technology.[29] In June 2013, citizens were able to access the internet through connections to the new fiber-optic cable in government-run “navigation halls” (see below).

Prohibitively high costs also place internet access beyond the reach of most of the population. A simple computer with a monitor averages around US$722 in retail outlets, and at least US$550 on the black market.[30] By comparison, the average monthly Cuban salary is approximately US$20.[31] Even an internet connection in a hotel costs between US$6-$12 per hour.[32] Only 31 percent of Cubans report having access to a computer, the distribution of which is run by the state-owned Copextel Corporation. Of those with access, 85 percent noted that the computers were located at work or school.[33]

In June 2013, Cuban authorities opened 121 government-run internet access points, or “navigation halls,” with 444 computers, marking a small step toward greater connectivity in a country with one of the lowest percentages of internet penetration in the Western hemisphere. According to Cuba’s official newspaper, Gaceta Oficial, members of the public are now able to access national websites for US$0.60 per hour and international sites for US$4.50 per hour—a significant reduction from the previous rate of $6 per hour, but still prohibitive compared to an average monthly salary of US$20. The cost for checking email will remain unchanged at US$1.50 per hour. Users have been pleasantly surprised by the relatively high connection speed (for Cuba)—up to 2 Mbps—as well as access to some web pages once blocked by the government. However, sites such as Radio/TV Marti, the U.S. government broadcaster that transmits to the island, remain blocked.

By paying for government-run internet service directly at cybercafes or purchasing a “Nauta” card (a pass that links to ETECSA’s interface of the same name and can only be used at specific locations), users will be able to access temporary accounts, valid for 30 calendar days as of the date of the first session. They will also be able to open permanent accounts upon request, complete with username, password, and email address, if they can afford the cost of the service—and the high level of surveillance associated with such accounts.

Despite the improvements in options for access and the reduction of fees, web use at “cyber points” and “navigation halls” remains tightly controlled. A recent decree from the Ministry of Communications reaffirmed the government’s continued monitoring of internet traffic, stating that ETECSA will “immediately” end a user’s access if he or she commits “any violation of the norms of ethical behavior promoted by the Cuban state.” Users must show their national ID cards and sign an agreement stating that they will not use the service for anything “that could be considered …damaging or harmful to public security”—a vague term that could presumably extend to political dissidence.

If users attempt to send email with attachments, ETECSA’s own NAUTA interface system greets them with a pop-up window reminding them that “other people may see what you are sending” and asking if they wish to continue. Although the pop-up window is marked “Internet Explorer” and appears to be a real message generated by the search engine, several Cuban cybernauts have said that they had never seen such a message when using internet cafes in Havana’s tourist hotels. Such claims suggest that ETECSA may have programmed computers at its new access points to prompt users as a reminder that the government is monitoring their online activities.

There are only two ISPs in Cuba: CENIAI Internet and ENET (ETECSA). Both are owned by the state, though Telecom Italia previously held shares of ETECSA. In February 2011, the state-owned company Rafin S.A., a financial firm known for its connections to the military, bought Telecom Italia’s 27 percent stake for US$706 million.[34] As a result, the telecom company is now completely owned by six Cuban state entities. Cubacel, a subsidiary of ETECSA, is the only mobile phone carrier in Cuba.

The Cuban government continues to control the legal and institutional structures that determine who has access to the internet and how much access will be permitted.[35] This regulation extends to the sale and distribution of internet-related equipment. In early 2008, after a nearly decade-long ban, the government began allowing Cubans to buy personal computers. Cuban officials, doctors, or trusted journalists and intellectuals can now legally connect to an ISP with a government permit. Approved access to the internet, which is typically restricted to email and sites related to one’s occupation, is granted to doctors, professors, and government officials, whose offices are linked by an online network called Infomed. Home connections are not yet allowed for the vast majority of Cubans.

The government claims that all schools have computer labs, but in practice, internet access is usually prohibited for students or limited to very short periods of access, certain email accounts, or supervised activities on the national intranet. Students at the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana, for example, are reportedly granted only 40 minutes per week of internet access, rendering online research or accessing academic journals infeasible.[36] Students of journalism at Havana University are granted up to 40 MB of data access per month as part of the “Hypermedia Journalism” course.[37]

Despite the many barriers, Cubans still find ways of connecting to the internet through both authorized and unauthorized points of access. Some are able to break through infrastructural blockages by building their own antennas, using illegal dial-up connections, or developing blogs on foreign platforms. The underground economy of internet access also includes account sharing, in which authorized users sell access to those without an official account for one or two convertible pesos (CUC) per hour. Some foreign embassies allow Cubans to use their facilities, but a number of people who have visited embassies for this purpose have reported police harassment. There is also a thriving improvisational system of “sneakernets,” in which USB flash drives and data discs are used to distribute materials (articles, prohibited photos, satirical cartoons, video clips) that have been downloaded from the internet or stolen from government offices.

At times of heightened political sensitivity, the government has used its complete control of the cell phone network to selectively obstruct citizens’ communications. During a March 2012 visit to the island by Pope Benedict XVI and the January 2014 Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC summit) in Havana, bloggers and dissidents reported that their cell phones were not working.[38] One independent journalist who investigated the situation found that calls were being automatically redirected to a phone number belonging to the Ministry of Interior.[39] All calls from dissidents’ cell phones are monitored and the service is cut regularly to those working as freelance journalists or voicing views the government does not condone via citizen journalism. Such was the case in early summer 2014 for three independent reporters working for the news site Hablemos Press. Having identified the media outlet as a threat, ETECSA reportedly disconnected the cellphones of at least three of its writers, each of whom was also detained for between 24 and 96 hours.[40]

The Cuban government zealously pursues those who violate telecommunications access laws, and government technicians routinely “sniff” neighborhoods with their handheld devices in search of ham radios and satellite dishes. In December 2012, the official newspaper Granma explicitly warned against “counterrevolutionary” and subversive use of illegal nets.[41] In an extensive report entitled “Violations of the Cuban Telecommunications System,” Granma detailed the criminal investigation of two highly profitable cyber-networks illegally using ETECSA’s fixed and mobile market channels. The investigation is still in progress, but the information provided by the MIC and the attorney general alleges that the illegal networks began operating in 2009 and were responsible for a loss of revenue for ETECSA totaling US$3 million. The defendants, who are being prosecuted for illegal economic activity and fraud, face fines coupled with sentences of three to ten years in prison.

In January 2014, the Cuban government announced a handful of changes in international policy and even hinted at the potential easing of telecommunications restrictions. A new port was constructed with a US$957 million investment from Brazil to facilitate international trade;[42] discussions over ending the U.S. embargo on Cuba also heated up in early 2014; and Havana played host to the CELAC summit, which convened the leaders of Latin American and Caribbean states in order to encourage dialogue and establish shared goals for the region.

Although details about changes to telecommunications policy were vague and did not include information regarding pricing or technology, representatives announced two exciting possibilities for Cubans over the upcoming year—mobile internet connections and home internet access. Experts speculate that access will extend only to the government run intranet and “Nauta” email accounts. Since December 2013, ETECSA has also been working on “opening” Cuban cellphones—which will likely need to support data services (GPRS) if they are to be used for internet activities. If enacted, such a policy shift could have a significant impact on Cuban citizens’ mobile and internet connectivity.

Limits on Content: 
Rather than relying on the technically sophisticated filtering and blocking used by other repressive regimes, the Cuban government limits users’ access to information primarily via lack of technology and prohibitive costs. With the exception of unauthorized points of access in old Havana, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is blocked in Cuba, except from some Wi-Fi hotel connections.  Restrictions on email in the workplace have been growing in recent years, and dissident websites and blogs continue to be subject to periodic disabling or blocking. The cost of access to technologies that facilitate information sharing continues to be high; nonetheless, there is a vibrant community of bloggers in Cuba who utilize the medium to report on conditions within the country.
The websites of foreign news outlets—including the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Le Monde, and El Nuevo Herald (a Miami-based Spanish-language daily)—are readily available in Cuba.[43] The sites of some human rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch and Freedom House, remain largely accessible; however, Amnesty International’s website was recently blocked.[44] For the most part, dissident news websites such as Payolibre, and independent journalism sites hosted on overseas servers, such as Cubanet, are restricted. The Association for Freedom of the Press (SIAPA) is also blocked, as are the websites of dissident organizations with a presence on the island (such as Damas de Blanco, MCL and UNPACU), which remain inaccessible from government-sponsored youth computer centers, navigation halls, and the like.[45] Revolico, a platform for posting classified advertisements, continues to be blocked, despite the apolitical nature of its content.[46] In August 2013, the government also blocked access to Google, explaining that Cuba is working on the development of a “national browser” along with software to centralize contents. News regarding the national browser has been limited; however, and it remains to be seen whether the application has been completed and is ready for use.
Social-networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were recently blocked at some universities and government institutions, but may be accessed—with consistent monitoring but varying reliability—from some cybercafes and hotels. The government has also increased its control over the use of email in official institutions, installing a platform that restricts spam and specifically prevents the transmission of “chain letters critical of the government.”[47]
While ETECSA does not proactively police networks and delete content, there have been reports of bloggers removing posts after being threatened by officials for publishing views criticizing government actions.[48] The wording of certain government provisions regarding content regulation is vague and allows for a wide array of posts to be censored without oversight. Resolution 179 (2008), for example, authorizes ETECSA to “take the necessary steps to prevent access to sites whose contents are contrary to social interests, ethics and morals, as well as the use of applications that affect the integrity or security of the state.”[49]
Beginning in 2007, the government systematically blocked core internet portal sites such as Yahoo, MSN, and Hotmail. As of 2014, these sites remain blocked in some government institutions, although they are largely accessible from hotels. Cuban authorities also restricted access to Cuban and foreign websites that contained independent reporting or views critical of the government. Among the continuously blocked sites are the Bitácora Cubana blog and the Voces Cubana platform, which hosts approximately 40 blogs including Yoani Sánchez’s award winning Generación Y. While most of these sites and international portals were unblocked without explanation in February 2011, many were re-blocked in 2012 and 2013. The University of Matanzas’ student-run blog La Joven Cuba, which faced difficulties in 2012, became accessible again in mid-2013. [50] Content on Elaine Diaz’s blog La Polemica Digital, which suffered similar challenges, remains available, however blog activity is sporadic.[51] In both cases, the associated bloggers were subject to intimidation, resulting in self-censorship.
Following in the footsteps of other repressive regimes contending with a highly literate and digitally interested populous, the government has also launched its own copycat versions of popular websites, such as Wikipedia, Twitter, and Facebook, and by some accounts, is delaying full connectivity of the ALBA-1 cable until the sites are fully operational so that content can be closely controlled.[52] Although the Cuban government’s faux Facebook site, Red Social, was active for only a brief period in 2011,[53] its 2010 copycat version of Wikipedia, known as EcuRed, was still active as of June 2014, and had even inspired an app.[54] The government’s portable version of EcuRed, known as EcuMovil, became available for free installation on cell phones at JovenClubs (youth centers) beginning in April 2014.[55]
Havana seems to be taking its cues in the field of copycat sites from Beijing, which has successfully prevented access to the most popular global social media sites by directing citizens to closely monitored, censored versions of these platforms. In September 2013, the Cuban government announced the launch of a new “Cuban social network” called La Tendedera, which will be accessible only from JovenClubs and will allow the sharing of texts, photos, and videos, while also offering online chatrooms accessible from public or private rooms. According to the official Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), the birth of the new social network comes “after many failed attempts.”
Another new social media development from the regime comes in the form of a Cuban blogging platform called Reflejos. Built on WordPress, one of the companies that manage some of the most popular online content, Reflejos can be viewed from outside youth centers; however, blogging outside the headquarters of JovenClubs is not permitted. Nonetheless, Cuban journalists and bloggers are optimistic about the potential of Reflejos, given that it presents the opportunity for those whose sites are hosted on foreign platforms to have a voice in Cuba.[56] ETECSA has also announced that intranet users will soon be able to use the microblogging platform El Pitazo, as well as a URL shortening site and hypermedia sites, which may host and manage multimedia content.
In Cuba, the obstacles to sharing information are significant—the majority of citizen journalism is done offline, often by hand or typewriter, and uploaded and published once or twice a week. The financial cost of freedom of expression is also great; the tools that facilitate contribution to media outlets, such as paid internet access cards and international phone calls, are prohibitively expensive and present a major obstacle.
While there is no exact count of blogs produced in Cuba, Blogs Cubanos reports that there are now more than 1,600 blogs, including sites such as Retazos and Convivencia.[57] Independent websites hosted outside the country, such as La Polemica Digital, Havana Times, and Estado de Sats, provide the few who are able to access the net with a much richer and more robust selection of news sources and perspectives than those available from state-run media. Regional radio stations, magazines, and official newspapers are also creating online versions, though these are state-run and do not accept contributions from independent journalists. Some of these official sites recently installed commentary tools that foster discussion and allow readers to provide feedback, albeit censored. Other news sites run by Cuban exiles, such as Diario de Cuba, Penúltimos Días, and Café Fuerte are now censored at some points but available at others. As censored areas change without warning it is difficult to know where and when such blogs will be accessible on the island.
Unable to completely suppress dissident activity on the internet through legal and infrastructural constraints, the authorities have taken a number of countermeasures, including dominating conversations within the medium itself. The Cuban government maintains a major presence on social networks via “Operación Verdad,” (Operation Truth), its veritable cyber militia of approximately 1,000 trusted students from the University of Computer Sciences (UCI) who were recruited to promote the government’s agenda and to slander dissident bloggers and independent journalists.[58] In February 2013, Yoani Sanchez interviewed blogger Eliécer Avila, a former UCI student—and leader of Operación Verdad.[59] Referring to the group as the “kilobyte police,” Sanchez stated that the interview “corroborated” theories that the state security had created blogs to “denigrate and discredit the citizen who criticizes the system.[60]
During the same month, video of a government training on social media appeared on the internet. In the footage, which was apparently leaked, a Cuban official warns agents of the potential threat that activist bloggers pose, alluding to the possibility that a popular blogger like Yoani Sánchez could organize protests in Havana similar to those that occurred in Iran in 2009. [61] He concludes by saying that the government must respond to these threats.
Despite such grave challenges to freedom of expression, a number of activists and bloggers have persisted in making their voices heard. In recent years, Yoani Sánchez, an award-winning dissident writer and the owner of the popular blog Generation Y, has become arguably the most visible figure in an independent movement that uses new media to report on conditions that violate basic freedoms. In addition to being vocal on Twitter (Sánchez had over 600,000 followers as of June 2014)[62] and, increasingly, on the world stage, Sánchez has been hosting Twitter workshops in her home for the past three years, a bold move that has resulted in a crop of hundreds of new Twitter users in Cuba.
In mid-May 2014, following a whirlwind global tour that allowed her to raise awareness of human rights abuses in Cuba and the fight for freedom of information and expression on the island, Sánchez launched the first edition of a new, independent online news site known as 14ymedio (media begun in the year 2014). Although many expected 14ymedio to be anti-establishment in nature, Sánchez says that her goal is to provide objective news, allowing Cubans to make their own decisions about current events. Reinaldo Escobar, the site’s editor-in-chief and Sánchez’s husband, stressed this point, saying that writers for 14ymedio would avoid using politically charged terminology, such as “dictatorship” and “regime.”[63]
In addition to the popularity of independent blogs, young people are increasingly turning to Twitter and mobile phones to document repression and voice their opinions. In a world where internet access is highly restricted, tweeting directly by SMS or a “Speak-to-Tweet” platform offers an alternate avenue for communicating with the outside world. Although associated phone numbers are continually blocked, the speak-to-tweet platform “Háblalo Sin Miedo” (Speak without Fear) has been proactive in finding new phone numbers in order to enable Cuban residents to call a phone number in the United States and record anonymous messages describing government abuses and other grievances.[64] The messages are automatically converted into posts shared via Twitter and YouTube.[65] At a cost US$1.10 per tweet, Háblalo Sin Miedo is expensive; nonetheless, it is proving effective in allowing activists to denounce repressive acts and human rights violations.[66]

Violations of User Rights: 
Surveillance of ICTs in Cuba is widespread, and dissident bloggers are subject to punishments ranging from fines and searches to confiscation of equipment and detentions. From December 2013 to February 2014, the Cuban government cracked down on opposition surrounding the second annual CELAC summit in Havana, detaining at least 3,000 dissidents and harassing or blocking the mobile phones of others
The Cuban legal structure is not favorable to internet freedom. The constitution explicitly subordinates freedom of speech to the objectives of a socialist society, and freedom of cultural expression is guaranteed only if such expression is not contrary to the Revolution.[67] The penal code and Law 88, known as the “Clamp Law,” set penalties ranging from a few months to 20 years in prison for any activity considered a “potential risk,” “disturbing the peace,” a “pre-criminal danger to society,” “counterrevolutionary,” or “against the national independence or economy.”[68] In 1996, the government passed Decree-Law 209, which states that the internet cannot be used “in violation of Cuban society’s moral principles or the country’s laws,” and that email messages must not “jeopardize national security.”[69] In 2007, a network security measure, Resolution 127, banned the use of public data-transmission networks for the spreading of information that is against the social interest, norms of good behavior, the integrity of people, or national security. The decree requires access providers to install controls that enable them to detect and prevent the proscribed activities, and to report them to the relevant authorities. Furthermore, access to the internet in Cuba generally requires identification with photo ID, rendering anonymity nearly impossible.
Resolution 56/1999 provides that all materials intended for publication or dissemination on the internet must first be approved by the National Registry of Serial Publications. Resolution 92/2003 prohibits email and other ICT service providers from granting access to individuals who are not approved by the government, and requires that they enable only domestic chat services, not international ones. Entities that violate these regulations can be penalized with suspension or revocation of their authorization to provide access.
Despite constitutional provisions that protect various forms of communication and portions of the penal code that establish penalties for the violation of the secrecy of communications, users’ privacy is frequently violated. Tools for content surveillance are likewise pervasive. Under Resolution 17/2008, ISPs are required to register and retain the addresses of all traffic for at least one year.[70] The government routes most connections through proxy servers and is able to obtain all user names and passwords through special monitoring software called Avila Link, which is installed at most ETECSA and public access points. In addition, delivery of email messages is consistently delayed, and it is not unusual for a message to arrive without its attachments.
Under Raúl Castro, the Cuban government appears to have shifted its repressive tactics from long-term imprisonment of bloggers to short-term extralegal detentions, intimidation, and harassment.[71] Bloggers are still routinely summoned for questioning, reprimanded, and detained, however—a phenomenon that spiked in late 2013 and early 2014.[72]
In November 2013, authorities arrested numerous civil rights activists, including Yoani Sánchez and at least 12 others. Among those detained were Laritza Diversent, an attorney who runs the blog Jurisconsulto de Cuba, and Antonio Rodiles, curator of Estado de Sats. Diversent and many others were released shortly after detention, but Rodiles was held in police custody for over three weeks. As it is very difficult to distinguish between independent blogging and political activism in Cuba, it is impossible to accurately pinpoint which offence triggered the detentions.
Regardless of whether an activist is flagged by the government for online or offline activity, arrests in Cuba tend to increase surrounding key political events and meetings; late 2013 through early 2014 proved no exception to this rule. In December 2013, members of Ladies in White, a group of the wives and mothers of 75 “anti-Castro” dissidents jailed in 2003, took to the streets to demonstrate against human rights abuses on International Human Rights Day, but were detained before the protest could begin.[73]
Although most were released within hours, threats and arrests of dissidents and activists spiked significantly surrounding the January 2014 Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) summit, which was hosted in Havana. The summit, which convenes the heads of state of member nations, was organized to discuss shared objectives for the region extending to economic goals and a peaceful resolution to the ongoing violence in Colombia between the FARC rebels and the government. More than 3,000 “arbitrary, politically motivated” detentions were reported in the three months surrounding the summit.[74]  The blocking of hundreds of cell phones owned by activists was also reported in the days leading up to the summit.[75]
In addition to the increase in detentions, reporters associated with independent online newspapers were also subject to increased harassment in late 2013 and early 2014. In October 2013, three dissident journalists were arrested within 24 hours. Mario Echevarria Driggs, a journalist with the website Miscelaneas de Cuba, was arrested while covering a demonstration in Havana. The next morning, David Aguila Montero, head of the Independent Journalists’ Social Agency (ASPI) was arrested as he left his home. A few hours later, William Cacer Diaz, an independent journalist with the online outlet Hablemos Press, was arrested en route to the newspaper’s headquarters. All three writers were released four days after their arrest, along with Denis Noa Martinez and Pablo Morales Marchan, two additional Hablemos Press reporters who had, at that point, been detained for 24 hours.[76]
In late May, Hablemos Press was again targeted by the Cuban government. Three of its reporters were detained—and their cellphones were disconnected by state-run ETECSA. A member of the state security also reportedly attacked Roberto de Jesus Guerra, the founder of the site, as he walked to an embassy office to file a story online. Guerra and his wife have also begun receiving anonymous death threats.[77]
As of May 2014, well-known blogger and writer Ángel Santiesteban Prats, who has been serving a five-year jail sentence on trumped-up charges since early 2013, was still imprisoned.[78] The winner of major literary prizes, Santiesteban was arrested in connection with his political views several times prior to his December 2012 trail. Such harassment increased after Santiesteban’s creation of the blog “The Children No One Wanted,” in which he criticized the government. Santiesteban has reportedly been subject to mistreatment and torture since his five-year imprisonment began. To date, there is no evidence that he will be released early.[79]
Despite the myriad abuses suffered by dissidents, 2013 brought a notable loosening of travel restrictions in Cuba. As part of immigration reform, bloggers previously denied exit visas, including Yoani Sánchez, Orlando Luis Pardo, and Eliecer Ávila, were allowed to travel abroad. In early 2013, Sánchez, who was finally permitted to leave Cuba after having been denied an exit visa 21 times in the past five years, began an 80-city, 12-country tour, with the aim of bringing awareness to Cuba’s active civil society and blogosphere.[80] Her speeches and online efforts have since received significant international attention. According to Ms. Sanchez’s new website, 14ymedio, a cadre of Google executives visited the island in June 2014 “to promote the virtues of a free and open internet.”[81]
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Retratos de fusilados por el Castrismo - Juan Abreu


"EN TIEMPOS DIFÍCILES" - Heberto Padilla

A aquel hombre le pidieron su tiempo

para que lo juntara al tiempo de la Historia.

Le pidieron las manos,

porque para una época difícil

nada hay mejor que un par de buenas manos.

Le pidieron los ojos

que alguna vez tuvieron lágrimas

para que contemplara el lado claro

(especialmente el lado claro de la vida)

porque para el horror basta un ojo de asombro.

Le pidieron sus labios

resecos y cuarteados para afirmar,

para erigir, con cada afirmación, un sueño


le pidieron las piernas

duras y nudosas

(sus viejas piernas andariegas),

porque en tiempos difíciles

¿algo hay mejor que un par de piernas

para la construcción o la trinchera?

Le pidieron el bosque que lo nutrió de niño,

con su árbol obediente.

Le pidieron el pecho, el corazón, los hombros.

Le dijeron

que eso era estrictamente necesario.

Le explicaron después

que toda esta donación resultaria inútil.

sin entregar la lengua,

porque en tiempos difíciles

nada es tan útil para atajar el odio o la mentira.

Y finalmente le rogaron

que, por favor, echase a andar,

porque en tiempos difíciles

esta es, sin duda, la prueba decisiva.


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Cuba (13) Artico (13) artistas cubanos (29) Artistas y Escritores cubanos (32) Arturo Lopez-Levi (8) Asamblea Nacional (48) Asesinatos (63) Asignacion (1) asilo (3) asistencia social (1) Asteroides (8) astrobiologia (12) Astrofisica (30) Astronautica (135) Astronomia (108) Ataque cibernetico (29) atares (1) ateistas (1) Atentado (4) Aung San Suu Kyi (11) Australia (28) austria (2) Autismo (9) Automatizacion (1) Autos (129) Aviacion (245) Aviones cubanos (8) Awareness (1) Ayuda a las victimas (37) ayuda externa (3) Azerbaijan (4) Azucar (19) bacardi. Cuba (3) bahamas (12) bahrein (20) ballet (1) Ballet Cubano (25) Balseros (163) bancarrota (6) Banco Mundial (11) Bancos (110) bandas juveniles (9) bangladesh (4) Barack Obama (1386) Barbarroja (4) barcos (68) barhein (3) barquin (1) Barthelemy (2) Bashar al Assad (8) Bashar Assad (2) Batista (5) BBC (5) belarus (5) belgica (10) belice (1) bellator (41) bellator. hector lompard (1) Benemelis (8) Benjamin Netanyahu (6) Benoit Mandelbrot (2) berlusconi (3) Berta Soler (48) bielorusia (5) bienestar (1) Bieolorusia (4) bilderberg (8) Bill Clinton (15) Bill Gates (5) Bill O'Reilly (97) bimillonarios (6) Biocombustibles (3) Bioetica (1) biologia (2) bionica (3) Biotecnologia (16) Bioterrorismo (7) birmania (10) Bitcoin (14) black (6) Black Power (23) blogguer (15) Blogoestroika (8) Blogs (59) Blogs cubanos (318) Blogs ranking (4) Blogs-premios (5) bloguer (5) Bloqueo (8) Bloqueo interno (2) bob dylan (3) bob marley (2) Bob Menendez (9) bobby fisher (3) Bodega cubana (1) body language (1) boing boing (2) Bolivia (41) bolsa (30) bonzo (1) bosnia (3) Boxeadores cubanos (219) Boxeo (190) Boxeo cubano (170) Bradley Manning (10) Brasil (76) Brian Latell (6) brigada 2506 (11) Bruno Rodriquez (2) Budismo (2) bulgaria (7) Burma (1) Buro Politico (1) burocracia (3) CaCastrismo (1) Cachao Lopez (1) Cadecas (5) Calle 13 (1) Cambio climatico (66) Cambio de sexo (12) Cambios (60) cambodia (4) Camerun (1) Camilo Cienfuegos (6) Campesinos (36) Canada (561) Canada-China (5) Canal de Nicaragua (1) Canal de Panama (3) canal de suez (2) Canarias (9) cancer (58) candada (1) Candidatos a la Presidencia (6) canibalismo (1) cannes (1) cantantes (9) cantantes cubanos (12) Caos (15) capital (1) Capitalismo (15) Carceles (77) Carceles cubanas (196) Cardenal Bertone (2) Carl Sagan (2) Carlos Alberto Montaner (60) Carlos Marx (10) Carlos Otero (4) Carlos Saladrigas (15) carlos salim (1) carlos varela (4) Carmelo Mesa-Lago (10) Carnavales (1) Carne (1) carter (22) Casa Blanca (40) Casa de Fidel (16) casinos (3) caso uci (6) Castillo del Morro (1) Castrismo (473) casualidades (5) Catastrofismo (14) Cato Institute (2) Causa 1 (6) Causas de su enfermedad (4) Cayo Coco (1) CEA (6) Ceasescu (6) Celac (53) Celebridades (227) celia cruz (1) Celia Hart (2) celulares (14) Celulas madres (9) Censura (42) Censura en internet (160) central nuclear (9) Centro de estudios de la inteligencia cubana (3) cerebro (54) certificado de nacimiento (13) chantaje (9) Chavez (523) chavismo (37) Che Guevara (74) Chechenia (10) Chelsea Clinton (1) Chernobil (20) Chicago's boys (1) Chile (76) China (492) China ejercito (5) China-Rusia (2) China-Tibet (19) Chinos (2) Chipre (5) Chismes (2) Chivatos (8) chocolate (1) Choteo (7) Chris Simmons (79) Christmas (1) Chuck Hagel (15) CIA (159) ciber espionaje (35) Ciberactivismo (14) Ciberataques (46) cibersecurity (49) Ciencia (50) ciencia-ficcion (1) Ciencias (345) Ciencias y Politica (20) cine (168) Cine Cubano (152) circulacion monetaria (5) Cirque du Soleil (1) ciudadanos (4) ciudades (15) Clase Media (2) Clases sociales (4) Claudia Cadelo (7) Clima (25) cnn (20) coalicion (5) Cobalto (1) coca (2) cocacola (3) Cocaina (7) cocina (2) colaboracionistas (42) Colaboradores y agentes en el exterior (349) Colaborares y agentes en el exterior (31) Colin Powel (4) Colombia (83) Combustibles (5) comercio (4) Comercio Cuba-Estados Unidos (7) Comercio Exterior (27) comercio internacional (27) comercio sexual (7) Comida cubana (3) competitividad (6) complejidad (2) Computacion (33) computadoras (21) comunicacion (6) Comunismo (91) comunistas (54) conceptos (1) condicion humana (4) Condoleezza Rice (1) conducta humana (40) Conflicto (1) Conflicto Colombia-Venezuela (5) conflicto colombia-venezuela-ecuador (21) conflicto cuba-estados unidos (19) Congo (2) consecuencias (1) Consejo de Estado (3) Conservadores (12) Conspiracion (475) conspiranoia (36) constitucion (27) Construccion (55) consules cubano (1) Consumo (3) Contaminacion ambiental (70) Contrabando (6) Contrainteligencia (105) contrarrevolucion (1) contraterrorismo (4) Control de Armas (64) Control Social (37) cookies (1) cooperacion economica (2) cooperativas (11) Coraje (2) Corea (6) Corea del Norte (226) Corea del Norte - Corea del Sur (2) Corea del Norte-Cuba (42) Corea del Norte-EEUU (35) Corea del Sur (38) Corporacion Cubana (1) corporaciones (8) Correa (21) Corrupcion (369) costa de marfil (5) costa de oro (1) Costa Rica (11) Costo de Vida (2) creatividad (5) Creditos (30) crimen organizado (1) Crimenes (107) Criminales (38) Criminales en Cuba (35) Crisis (19) Crisis de Octubre (36) Crisis economica (156) Crisis financiera (279) Crisis mundial (38) crisis politica (8) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2) critica social (2) Criticas (1) croacia (2) Crowdfundig (1) Cruceros (5) Cub (2) Cuba (8633) Cuba - Remesas de dinero (37) Cuba Ante Todo (1) Cuba crisis (65) cuba economia (18) Cuba ideologia (5) Cuba Independiente (1) Cuba politica (9) Cuba turismo (143) Cuba-Agricultura (69) Cuba-Argentina (10) cuba-biotecnologia (7) cuba-brasil (91) Cuba-Canada (184) cuba-china (53) Cuba-Colombia (24) Cuba-Corea del Sur (2) Cuba-demografia (15) Cuba-Deportes (22) cuba-ecologia (31) Cuba-Economia (9) Cuba-Educacion (20) Cuba-empleo y desempleo (61) cuba-es (1) Cuba-España (208) Cuba-Estados Unidos (1927) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Canada (16) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Rusia (20) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Union Europea (6) cuba-estados unidos-union sovietica (11) Cuba-eta (8) Cuba-Etiopia (3) Cuba-Exportaciones (26) Cuba-Farc (14) Cuba-Google (9) cuba-holanda (7) Cuba-Ideologia (4) Cuba-India (6) cuba-inglaterra (8) Cuba-internet (115) Cuba-Iran (18) Cuba-Iso (1) Cuba-Medicina (78) Cuba-Medio Oriente (5) Cuba-Mexico (55) Cuba-narcotrafico (22) Cuba-Obama (126) cuba-onu (66) Cuba-Opinion publica (1) Cuba-Prensa-Ideologia (16) Cuba-Qatar (2) Cuba-reformas (42) Cuba-Reino Unido (5) Cuba-Rusia (84) Cuba-Rusia-Estados Unidos (10) Cuba-Rusia-Venezuela (4) Cuba-Sida (15) Cuba-sospechas y miedos (4) Cuba-Sudafrica (2) Cuba-terrorismo (37) Cuba-turismo (2) Cuba-Tv (5) Cuba-Union Europea (83) Cuba-Union Sovietica (8) Cuba-Union Sovietica-EEUU (6) Cuba-Uruguay (11) Cuba-Vaticano (109) Cuba-Venezuela (296) Cuba-venezuela-rusia (5) Cuba-violencia (16) Cuba-Yahoo (1) Cuba: Identidad nacional (4) cubadebate (4) Cubaencuentro (1) Cubalse (1) Cuban study group (4) cubana de aviacion (20) cubanalisis (86) Cubanicidios (1) cubano-americanos (37) Cubanologia (11) Cubanologos (47) Cubanos (19) cubanos en el mundo (81) Cubanos en MMA (4) Cubaq (1) CubaResponde (2) Cubq (1) CUC (24) cuentapropistas (181) Cuentas Nacionales (2) Culto a la personalidad (5) Cultura (38) Curiosidades (506) Cuva (1) Daguestan (1) dalai lama (15) dalia soto (4) damas de blanco (269) daniel ortega (9) Danza (8) Darsi Ferrer (5) Davos (2) Dayron Robles (11) debate de raul (2) Debate Politico (5) Deborah Castro Espin (1) Declaracion de Estados Unidos (3) Delfin (2) Delincuencia juvenil (5) demanda (3) Demandas populares (1) Democracia (168) Demografia (18) denuncia (1) Departamento de Estado (22) Deportacion (51) Deporte (185) deporte cubano (112) deporte profesional (19) deportistas cubanos (39) Derechos Humanos (455) Derribo de Avionetas (6) desalojos (8) desaparecidos (8) Desarrollo cientifico-tecnico (47) Desarrollo-Subdesarrollo (24) desastre ecologico (32) desastre nuclear (123) Desastres (33) Desastres naturales (130) Desde aqui (1) desempleo (27) deserciones (14) Deserciones de deportistas (152) desnudos (6) Desperanza (1) destierro (4) Destruccion (5) deuda (55) Deuda Exterior de Cuba (36) Deuda externa (13) DGI (224) Dialogo con Raul (1) Dialogo Nacional (1) Dialogo Politico (8) Dialogueros (9) diamantes (1) diana krall (1) Diana Nyad (3) Diaz-Balart (4) Dick Cheney (1) Dictadores (97) dictadura (16) Dictaduras (56) dilma rouseff (24) dinamarca (2) dinastias (1) dinero (24) Diosdado Cabello (25) diplomacia (24) diplomaticos cubanos (38) discapacitados (35) Discrepancias (1) Discriminacion (3) Disidencia (166) Disidentes (1045) Distribucion (1) Divisas (10) Djibouti (1) Djokovic (2) doble moral (2) doctrina militar (2) Documental (102) Documental cubano (80) Dolar (11) Donaciones (24) donald trump (12) doping (5) Dr. Antonio de la Cova (1) Dr. Antonio Morales-Pita (2) Dr. Biscet (14) Dr. Darsi Ferrer (19) Dr. Francia (2) Dra. Molina (6) drogas (102) dronenet (1) drones (63) Dualidad monetaria (6) dubai (1) dulce maria loynaz (4) Duque Hernandez (7) Dyron Robles (2) e (1) E-commerce (1) Ebay (5) Ebola (3) ebooks (2) Ecologia (59) Economia (163) Economia Canadiense (13) Economia China (45) Economia Cubana (350) Economia mundial (75) Economist (1) Economistas cubanos (13) Ecuado-Estados Unidos (2) Ecuador (76) Ecuador-Estados Unidos (2) Educacion (36) Edward Snowden (63) EEUU (2) EEUU Congreso (169) EEUU desintegracion (2) EEUU Economia (73) EEUU Gobierno (61) EEUU senado (126) EEUU-China (51) EEUU-Japon (3) EEUU-Mexico (19) efecto domino (2) efectos (1) Egipto (174) Einstein (8) ejecutivos (2) Ejercito (84) ejercito britanico (1) ejercito canadiense (6) ejercito cubano (52) Ejercito norteamericano (217) Ejercito norteamericano Iraq (9) Ejercito norteamericanoIslamismo (2) Ejercito Rebelde (8) ejercito ruso (20) ejercito venezolano (14) El caso Marquitos (1) El Chacal (3) El Coran (5) El Critico (2) El Grupo de Raul (25) El Guaton (22) El Pais (3) El Papa (113) El Salvador (9) El Sexto (11) Elecciones (140) Elecciones en Cuba (76) elecciones en estdos unidos (3) Elecciones en EU (216) electronica (1) Elena Burke (1) Elian (13) Eliecer Avila (29) Elite (5) email (10) embajadas cubanas (6) Embargo (591) Emigracioin (20) Emigracion (78) Emigracion cubana (1345) emigracion ilegal (53) Emigrantes ilegales (49) emilio ichikawa (135) EMP ha (1) Empleo (18) Emprendedores (13) empresarios (6) empresas (26) Empresas extranjeras en Cuba (40) Encuesta de opinion (32) Energia (36) energia electrica (29) Energia nuclear (89) energia termonuclear (1) Energias renovables (31) enfermedades (88) enfermos (8) Enjuiciamiento (1) Enrique Dans (1) Enrisco (14) Entrenamiento militar (1) entretenimiento (7) envejecimiento (3) envios a Cuba (10) epidemias (59) equality (1) Eric Holder (12) erick sanchez (3) erislandi lara (2) erislandy lara (16) Ernesto Diaz de Villegas (1) Ernesto Hernandez Busto (2) erotismo (18) escambray (3) escandalo (36) esclavitud (2) escocia (1) Escritores cubanos (98) escuadron patriota (8) escuelas (6) Eslovaquia (1) Espacio Laical (1) Espana (10) España (148) Especulacion (3) Espias (47) espias cubanos (98) Espias cubanos presos (158) Espinaxiones (23) Espionaje (94) espionaje industrial (11) estacion internacional (1) estadisticas (26) Estado (7) Estado de Sats (26) Estado de sitio (1) estados (1) Estados Unidos (1343) estados unidos crisis (112) Estados Unidos economia (86) estados unidos gobierno (40) Estados Unidos-Canada (35) Estados Unidos-China (4) Estados Unidos-Rusia (63) estanflacion (1) Esteban Lazo (1) Esteban Morales Dominguez (4) esteroides (1) estonia (1) estrategia (3) estrategia militar (3) estudiantes extranjeros (8) Estudios Cubanos (2) estulin (1) Estupideces (295) Eta (8) Etanol (4) Etica Politica (3) Etica y moral (10) Etnologia (2) EU (2) eu senado (3) Eugenio Yáñez (66) euro (4) Europa (67) Europa del Este (1) Eusebio Leal (12) eutanasia (5) Eva Braun (2) evacuacion (1) evasion fiscal (1) Evo Morales (38) evolucion (19) ex paises socialistas (1) excarcelados (1) Exili (1) Exilio (8) Exilio cubano (105) Exodo cubano (5) explosion nuclear (4) Explotacion del trabajo infantil (2) Exportaciones (11) expropiaciones (6) extranjeros (6) extrema derecha (6) extremistas (59) F1 (4) facebook (67) fallas de internet (9) Familia (43) familia cubana (9) Famosos (2) Far (26) Farc (81) fascismo (4) FBI (122) federico garcia lorca (1) Felicidad (4) Felix Bonne Csarcasses (1) Feria del Libro (1) ferry (1) Fertilizantes (1) Fidel (873) Fidel Castro (8) Fidel familia (61) Fidel reflexiones (4) Fidel-Estados Unidos (2) Fidelistas (1) Fidelito (9) fiji (1) filipinas (11) Filosofia (21) Finanzas (81) Finlandia (3) first nation (4) fisica (29) Fisin (1) FIU (9) flamur (5) Flash usb (1) flora (1) Florida (54) FMI (9) Fnca (9) Fondos de inversion (21) forbes (9) Foreign Policy blog (3) Formula 1 (1) Foros cubanos (1) Fortuna de Fidel y Raul (5) Fotografia (119) fran (1) Francia (60) Francis I (24) franco (2) François Hollande (1) Frank Delgado (1) Frases celebres (3) Fraude (123) fraude electoral (41) fraude fiscal (2) freddi roche (1) Frente de Resistencia Civica OZT (6) Friedrich Hayek (5) frontera (9) Fuerza de trabajo (24) fukushima (9) Fusilamientos (13) futbol (3) Futbol cubano (8) Futuro (27) G.W. Bush (8) G2 (7) G20 (3) G7 (2) g8 (4) Gabo (5) Gabriel Garcia Marquez (7) gaddafi (136) Gaesa (5) Galicia (3) Gallegos (1) Gamboa (24) Ganaderia (9) Ganado (5) Gangs (2) garry kasparov (5) Gas (10) Gasolina (8) gatos (1) Gays (56) gaza (1) gazapos (1) Geert Wilders (2) Gen. Petraeus (12) Gen. Rafael del Pino (17) gene (1) gene sharp (3) Generacion Y (26) Generales (39) Generales cubanos (43) Genetica (33) genios (5) genocidio (2) Geoges Soros (17) Geometria Fractal (4) geopolitica (48) Geopolitica cubana (20) Geopolitica latinoamericana (37) george orwel (2) George Zimmerman (9) Georgia (8) Gerencia empresarial (5) Ghana (4) Giron (1) gitanos (2) glacier (1) glasnost (1) glasnot (2) Glenn Beck (4) globalistas (3) Globalizacion (14) Gloria Stefan (1) gmail (1) gobernabilidad (6) gobernantes (1) Gobierno cubano (15) Gobierno Mundial (10) Gobierno paralelo (2) gobiernos (21) golf (3) golfo de mexico (2) Golpe de estado (10) google (61) Google glass (2) Gorbachov (24) Gorki (27) grammy (1) Granada (6) grandes ligas (71) Granma (66) grecia (30) greenpace (1) greenpeace (1) Grenada (1) Groenlandia (6) Ground Zero (6) guama (20) Guanabo (3) Guantanamo (18) Guatemala (5) guerra (92) guerra asimetrica (5) guerra cibernetica (53) guerra civil (70) guerra comercial (2) Guerra de Angola (20) Guerra de E-mails (1) guerra espacial (2) Guerra Fria (37) Guerra hispano-americana (6) Guerra Irregular (2) guerra sicologica (3) Guerras (98) Guerras africanas (13) Guerrillas (31) Guillermo Cabrera Infante (10) Guillermo Farinas (86) guinness (6) gulag (2) Guyana (1) haarp (4) Habana (1) Hackers (60) Hackers cubanos (4) Hairon Socarras (1) Haiti (24) Hamas (29) Hambre (14) hambruna (3) Hamid Karzai (14) Haroldo (3) Hassan Rouhani (4) hawai (4) Hazanas (88) Heberto Padilla (8) Hector Lombard (11) hemingway (5) Henrique Capriles (20) henry kissinger (4) Herencia (2) Hermanos al Rescate (18) heroismo (6) Herta Müller (2) herzegovina (1) hesbollah (1) Hezbollah (16) Hialeah (4) Hidrologia (1) Hijos (4) hijos de puta (2) Hilda Molina (7) Hillary Clinton (83) hipotecas (7) hippies (2) hispanos (4) Historia (57) Historia de Cuba (48) Hitler (21) hizbollah (2) hobby (1) Holanda (6) hollywood (85) holografia (1) hombre (39) homeless (8) Homofobia (50) Homosexuales (25) Homosexualismo (23) Honduras (42) Hong Kong (3) hopkins (2) hot line (1) huber matos (19) Hubert Matos (20) Huckabee (1) huelga de hambre (160) huelgas (3) humanismo (2) humanos (25) Humberto Fontova (15) Humidores (1) Humor (583) hungria (3) Huracanes (80) I GM (3) I-D (4) Iberoamerica (3) icaic (3) Ichikawa (2) Ideologia (12) Idiomas (4) Idiotas (18) Ig Nobel Prize (4) Iglesia (48) Iglesia cubana (230) II GM (18) III GM (1) iInestabilidad social (1) Ileana de la Guardia (1) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (24) Ilegales (1) imperios (2) Importaciones (22) Impuestos (99) India (35) Indice de Desarrollo Humano (5) indigenas (7) Indigencia (2) indolencia (4) indonesia (5) industria (4) Industria azucarera (45) industria cubana (1) industriales (2) Ineficiencia economica (1) inequality (6) Inestabilidad social (17) Infamia (6) inflacion (8) Informacion (14) informatica (22) Infraestructura (1) ingenieria social (2) Inglaterra (25) Ingrid Betacourt (7) Inmobiliarias (20) inmolacion (1) Inmovilismo raulista (3) innovaciones (20) Intelectuales (24) intelectuales y artistas cubanos (31) Inteligencia (52) inteligencia artificial (9) Inteligencia cubana (71) Internet (242) intervencion militar (44) Intolerancia (4) invasion (5) Inversion extranjera (412) Inversiones (48) inversiones norteamericanas en cuba (14) investigaciones secretas (2) Ion Mihai Pacepa (1) ipad (5) iphone (2) Iran (201) iran-estados unidos (65) Iraq (58) irlanda (12) isaac asimov (2) ISIS (21) Islam (99) Islamismo (168) islandia (6) islas caiman (6) Islas del Pacifico (2) Israel (148) Israel-EEUU (23) israel-iran (8) israel-palestina (12) Italia (41) Ivan de la Nuez (4) Ivan Pedroso (1) Izquierdas (26) J.E. Hoover (2) J.K. Rowling (1) jaime bayly (6) Jaime Ortega (53) Jaime Suchlicki (1) jamaica (3) Japon (178) japon terremotos (8) Jared Lee Loughner (1) jeb bush (6) jesse ventura (16) JFK (43) Jicotea cubana (1) jihad (18) jineterismo (51) Joaquin Sabinas (1) joe biden (18) Joel Casamayor (9) John A. Boehner (48) John Boehner (2) John Brennan (2) John Kerry (37) john lennon (6) Jon Jones (2) Jon Stewart (4) jordania (5) Jorge Arreaza (1) jorge pomar (4) Jose Ariel Contreras (4) Jose Daniel Ferrer (7) Jose Dariel Abreu (12) Jose Fernandez (1) jose lezama lima (2) jose marti (2) Jose Mujica (6) Jose Ramon Machado Ventura (11) Juan Abreu (38) Juan F. Benemelis (9) Juan Juan (31) Juan Manuel Marquez (2) Juan Triana (7) jubilados (1) judios (21) Juegos (15) Juegos Olimpicos (23) Julian Assange (31) Julio Casas Regueiro (2) justicia (4) Justin Bieber (5) Justin Trudeau (6) Justin Truedeau (1) Juventud (31) Juventud Cubana (104) Juventud Rebelde (5) kamikazes (1) Kaos (8) kAOS en la red (28) karadzic (1) karzai (2) kazajastan (3) Kcho (2) kendry morales (5) Kennedy (53) Kenya (5) Keynesianismo (3) KGB (11) Khamenei (4) Kid Chocolate (2) Kim Jong Il (20) kim jong-un (51) kirchner (2) kirguizia (2) Kirguizistan (2) Kitchner (5) klitchko (1) Klitschko (1) klitshko (10) Kosovo (3) kuwait (3) La Habana (23) lady gaga (7) Laetitia Casta (1) Lage (21) Lance Armstrong (13) laser (1) Latinoamerica (115) latinos (2) Laura Labrada Pollan (1) laura pollan (34) lavado de dinero (26) Laz (2) Lazaro Barredo (2) Lazaro Gonzalez (1) leche (4) Lee Harvey Oswald (5) lefties (24) Leftist (4) leftists (112) leinier (2) Lenguaje (10) lenin (7) leo brouwer (1) Leonard Cohen (2) leonardo da vinci (2) Leonardo Padura (13) Leopoldo Lopez (10) lesbian (6) Ley de Ajuste Cubana (20) Leyes (82) Leyes cubanas (68) Lezama Lima (2) lgbt (17) libano (6) Liberacion (1) Liberales (9) Liberalismo (11) Libertad (30) Libertad de expresion (50) libertad de informacion (18) libertad de prensa (8) Libia (356) Libre Expresion (1) Libreta de Abastecimientos (11) Libros (23) lideres (1) Lina Ruz (1) Literatura (35) Literatura Cubana (61) Lituania (3) Liu Xiaobo (9) livan hernandez (11) Lluvia (1) Logica Difusa (2) logistica (2) Long tail (1) Los Aldeanos (28) Los Duros (2) Los Miquis (4) loteria (25) Lucha no violenta activa (36) Ludwing von Mises (3) luis alberto garcia (1) Luis Alberto Lopez Rodriquez-Callejas (3) Luis Alberto Rodriquez (6) Lula (44) lulzsec (1) Luna (13) Machado Ventura (19) Machu Picchu (1) Macroeconomia (10) madres (9) Mafia (24) Mafia cubana (4) Magnus Carlsen (1) Mahmoud Abbas (3) mahoma (1) malasia (5) Malcolm Gladwell (1) malcom x (1) Maleconazo (11) mali (1) Malta (2) Malvinas (2) Mambises (3) Mandela (4) Manipulacion (556) manny pacquiao (18) Manuel Cuesta Morua (1) Manuel Diaz Martinez (2) Manuel Vazquez Portal (4) Mao Tse Tung (8) Mapas (5) Maquiavelo (1) mar (42) Maradona (5) marcas (4) marco rubio (102) marcos rubio (3) maremotos (10) margaret thatcher (6) Marginalidad (19) Maria Corina Machado (8) María Corina Machado (3) maria elvira (3) Maria Gabriela Chavez (1) Mariel (18) Mariela Castro (91) Marifelli Perez-Stable (9) marihuana (22) marijuana (2) marilyn monroe (8) Marino Murillo (6) Mario Chanes de Armas (2) Mario Vargas Llosa (6) Mark Zuckerberg (8) Marketing (10) Marquitos (1) marta fonseca (1) marte (13) Martha Beatriz Roque (49) Martha Colmenares (16) Marti (5) martin luther king (4) Marulanda (7) Marx (1) Marxismo (18) Masacre del remolcador 13 de marzo (5) masas (1) mashable (1) masoneria (3) mass killers (26) matematicas (7) material nuclear (15) Materias primas (6) Mauritania (1) max lesnik (3) Max Marambio (31) mayweather (11) Mazorra (1) McCain (17) media (68) Mediacion (2) Medicare (18) Medicina (139) medicinas (31) Medicos cubanos (107) Medio ambiente (24) Medio Oriente (80) medio oriente crisis (4) Medios de comunicion (125) Medvedev (19) Mercado (18) Mercado informal (7) Mercado Inmobiliario (36) Mercado InmobiliarioR (1) mercado mayorista (8) mercado minorista (3) Mercados Agropecuarios (26) mercados emergentes (2) Mercosur (1) meryl streep (1) Mesa Redonda (5) meteoritos (23) Mexico (52) mi5 (1) Miami (362) michael jackson (5) Michael Moore (9) Michel Foucault (3) Michelle Bachelet (3) michelle obama (19) Microcreditos (12) microeconomia (1) Microsiervos (4) Microsoft (9) miedos (4) Migracion (6) Miguel Barnet (1) Miguel Diaz-Canel (31) Mike Perez (2) mike porcel (1) Mike Tyson (9) Militares (37) militares cubanos (49) militares venezolanos (12) Militarismo (17) Millennials (1) milton friedman (1) minas (5) minerales (25) Minint (28) minorias (2) Miriam Celaya (1) miseria (90) Misterios (25) Mitt Romney (36) MLC (3) MMA (138) moda (11) Modelo chino (9) modelos economicos (3) Mohammed Morsi (13) momias (1) Monarquias (8) moneda (12) moneda virtual (4) mongolia (2) Montaner (7) montreal (1) Movilizacion contra Castro (1) Movimiento 26 de Julio (1) Movimiento Cristiano Liberacion (4) Mozambique (1) Mubarak (9) muerte (48) muerte asistida (1) Muertes del Castrismo (180) Muertos de la Revolucion (12) Mugabe (8) Muhammad Ali (5) Mujeres (149) Mujeres cubanas (105) mulsumanes (7) multiculturalismo (10) Mundo (1102) Muro de Berlin (17) Musica (173) Musica Cubana (258) Musica-tecnologia (2) musicos (13) Musicos cubanos (261) Musicos ubanos (1) muslim brotherhood (3) muslims brotherhood (57) mussolini (1) Musulmanes (244) myanmar (6) nacion (1) Nacionalismo (1) Nadal (3) namibia (5) nanomedicina (2) nanotecnologias (15) Napoleon (2) narcoguerrilla (23) Narcotrafico (53) Nasa (64) National Security Agency (20) naturaleza (22) navy seal (3) nazismo (18) Negociacion politica (172) negocios (41) negros (5) Nelson Mandela (16) Neocastrismo (540) neocons (8) neonazis (3) nepal (11) Nepotismo (6) nerd (1) Neruda (2) Network (1) neutralidad (1) New York (31) New York Times (17) Newsweek (1) Niagara Falls (5) nicaragua (25) Nick Wallenda (1) Nicolas Maduro (116) nigeria (2) Nik Wallenda (1) Nikita Jrushchov (3) ninos (214) Niquel (17) Niurka Marcos (1) nivel de vida (10) Noam Chomsky (1) nomeklatura (6) nomekltarua (3) nomen (1) Nomenklatura (456) Norberto Fuentes (11) Norteamerica (3) norteamericanos (5) noruega (14) Nostradamus (1) Noticias (8) NSA (13) nudismo (2) nueva zelandia (13) Nuevo Herald (7) Obama (20) Obama-Raul (18) Obama's Group (12) Obamacare (38) Obamunismo (1) Occidente (45) occupy movement (17) Ochoa (14) Odalanier Solis (7) Odio (3) odlanier solis (13) OEA (36) Ofelia Acevedo (1) Ofensiva revolucionaria (1) Oferta y demanda (8) oil sands (2) Olimpiadas (2) Oliver Stone (2) ollanta humala (3) Olof Palme (1) OLPL (15) ontario (20) Ontologia (3) ONU (54) Operacion Caguairan (2) Opiniones (4) Opositores (882) opostiores (16) Orestes Lorenzo (1) Organizaciones politicas del exilio (85) organs trade (1) Orlando Zapata Tamayo (81) orlov (9) Ortega (1) osama bin laden (82) oscar de la hoya (1) Oscar Elias Biscet (25) Oscar Espinosa Chepe (20) Oscar Haza (5) Otan (55) OTZ (1) ovnis (12) OWS (33) OZT (57) Pablo Escobar Gavirias (7) Pablo Iglesias (1) Pablo Milanes (24) Padre Conrado (1) Paises emisores de turismo (31) Pakistan (46) paladares (8) Palestina (68) Panama (28) pancho cespedes (4) Panfilo (5) papua (1) paquetes a Cuba (2) paquistan (1) paquito D'rivera (6) paradigmas (8) paraguay (5) paraguay. Cuba (2) Paramilitares (4) paranormal (3) Parche (1) Paris Hilton (1) parlamento (7) Partido Comunisa de Cuba (43) partido comunista (35) Partido Comunista de Cuba (7) Partido Democrata (92) Partido politicos (49) Partido Republicano (102) Partido Socialista Unido Venezolano (1) partidos politicos (12) pastor terry jones (1) Patricio de la Guardia (2) patriotismo (1) paul krugman (16) Paul Ryan (2) Pavonato (1) Paya (111) paypal (3) paywall (1) Paz (6) PCC (10) PDVAL (1) PDVSA (14) peacemakers (1) Pederastia (1) Pedofilia (3) pedolfilia (1) pedro campos (3) Pedro Diaz Lanz (5) Pedro Luis Boitel (5) Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz (1) Pedro Luis Ferrer (5) pedro pablo oliva (5) Pelota (66) Pelota cubana (294) peloteros cubanos (12) Peloteros cubanos en grandes ligas (243) Pena de muerte (5) Pensadores cubanos (5) Pensamiento politico (2) pensiones (3) Pentagono (82) Penultimos Dias (3) pequenos negocios (3) percepcion (4) Perdon (2) Perez Roque (10) Perfil de Raul (2) Periodismo (9) periodistas (17) Periodistas cubanos (21) periodistas independientes (39) Peronismo (1) Persona del ano (1) personalidades (23) Peru (16) perugorria (2) Peso cubano (17) PETA (1) Petrocasas (3) Petroleo (195) Petroleo cubano (202) PIB [GDP] (1) picasso (1) Piedad Cordova (1) pinochet (1) pinttura (4) Pintura Cubana (44) piratas (7) Plan de Raul (2) planificacion (4) Playa Giron (23) playas (9) Plaza Tiannamen (7) po0 (1) poblacion (100) Poblacion y dinero (137) Pobreza (234) pobreza estructural (84) poder (6) Poder Politico (131) Poder politico en Cuba (41) Poder Popular (12) Poesia (19) Poker (1) Polemica (5) Policia (91) Politica (63) politica exterior (8) politica fiscal (1) Politica internacional (5) Politica Monetaria (2) Politica norteamericana hacia Cuba (1) Political correctness (10) politicamente correcto (3) politicos (87) politicos norteamericanos (1) Polo Norte (1) polonia (8) Polucion (1) ponzi scheme (3) popularidad (2) Populismo (10) Porno (5) Porno para Ricardo (20) pornografia (6) Portugal (12) posada carriles (4) posicion comun (4) post Fidel (4) Post-castrismo (7) Post-fidelismo (5) Postcastrismo (38) Postcastro (1) Postcomunismo (1) PostFidel (2) Postfidelismo (13) Precios (27) Precios en el mercado informal (3) predicciones (8) premio (9) Premio 11 de Abril (2) Premio al Buen Corazon (1) Premio Blog Acido (1) Premio Blog Desmentido (1) Premio Blog Dorado (2) Premio Eta Kanpora (1) Premio Huella 2008 (5) Premio Nobel (26) Premio Nobel de Economia (4) premio nobel de la paz (6) Premio Nobel de Literatura (6) Premio Ortega y Gasset (3) Premio Sajarov (2) Premio San Miguel Arcangel (1) Premios (11) Premios 11 de Abril (1) Prensa (43) prensa cubana (52) Prensa Extranjera (89) Presidente de Cuba (1) Presidio Politico (39) Presos (58) Presos de conciencia (88) presos politicos (55) Presupuesto (106) Presupuesto Militar (2) pride (2) Primavera Negra (77) prisioneros (10) Prisioneros de conciencia (61) Prisioneros de concienciencia (1) privacidad (67) productividad (3) Producto Interno de Cuba (1) profecias (6) Programa politico (11) Progreso (2) Prohibiciones (2) pronosticos (13) Propaganda (248) Propiedad (2) Propiedad intelectual (1) Propiedad privada (6) proselitismo (2) Prosperidad (1) Prostitucion (90) Protesta (45) Protestas (559) provocacion (21) Proyecto Varela (8) PSUV (1) publicidad (1) Pueblo (5) Puerto Rico (6) Punto 0-0 (1) puppets (1) Putin (137) Pymes (63) Qatar (5) quantum computer (2) Quebec (3) Quejas de la poblacion (51) Queubec (1) Quinquenio Gris (1) Racionamiento (4) Racismo (50) radio frequency wapons (1) Radio Marti (16) radioactividad (31) Rafael Alejandro Hernandez Real (1) Rafael Correa (24) rafael rojas (3) rahm emanuel (5) ramadan (2) Ramiro (22) Rances Barthelemy (2) randy alonso (3) raperos cubanos (1) Raul (646) Raul Castro (12) raul familia (17) Raul Reyes (16) Raul Rivero (7) Raul y Fidel Castro (4) Raulismo (16) Razas en Cuba (1) RDA (17) Real politik (2) rebeldes (56) rebelion (1) reciclaje (1) Reclamacion de propiedades expropiadas (1) Reclutamiento de agentes (1) reconciliacion nacional (1) Reconstruccion (1) Recrutamiento de agentes (9) Red Avispa (58) Redes sociales (37) redistribucion (1) Reflexiones (4) reforma en cuba (239) reforma migratoria (105) Reforma Monetaria (49) Reforma politica (4) Reformas (86) Reformas economicas (517) Reformas economicas. (1) Reformas raulistas (146) Refugiados (6) Regionalismo (1) Reina Tamayo (30) reinaldo arenas (5) Reinaldo Escobar (23) reino unido (116) Relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos (5) Relaciones Internacionales (2) Relevo generacional (5) Religion (184) religiones afrocubanas (34) Remolcador (6) Renuncia (2) Renuncia de Fidel (1) rep checa (1) repatriacion (5) Reporteros sin Fronteras (7) Represioin (33) Represion (1389) Represion a los intelectuales (116) Repsol (16) Republica Checa (5) Republica Dominicana (15) resistencia popular (3) reunificacion (1) reunificacion familiar (8) revolucion (7) revolucion arabe (5) revolucion cubana (48) Revolucionarios (2) reynier aguero (1) richard branson (6) Richard Nixon (5) ricos (22) riesgo (2) rigondeaux (28) Riqueza (24) Rob Ford (1) robert kennedy (1) robertico robaina (2) Robots (37) rockets (35) Roger Federer (2) ron cubano (10) ronald reagan (13) Rosa Diez (1) Rosa María Payá (40) Rosita Fornes (2) Ruinas (3) Rumania (16) rumanos (1) Rumores (5) rupert murdoch (1) Rusia (383) Saddam Hussein (1) sahara occidental (1) Salarios (32) Salman Rushdie (1) Salud (356) salud cubana (172) Salud de Fidel (70) Salud de Raul (2) Salud publica (369) same sex marriage (1) Sandinistas (1) Sandino (1) santiago de cuba (9) Sara Marta Fonseca (1) Sarah Palin (15) sarajevo (1) satelite (11) Sats. Cuba (40) Scarabeo 9 (6) secret service (4) Secretario de Defensa (2) Secretario de Estado (1) Secreto (17) secretos militares (12) Secuestrados (21) Secuestros (39) securidad del estado (1) Seguridad (32) seguridad cubana (25) Seguridad del Estado (77) Seguridad nacional (72) seguridad personal (12) seguridad social (4) Seguros (11) Selman (2) Semiotica (2) senadores (40) serbia (3) Sergio Ramirez (1) sexo (69) Sharia (16) Sherrit (19) siberia (2) Sicilia (1) Sicologia (38) Sicologia politica (12) Sida (10) Silvio Benitez (20) Silvio Rodriquez (30) silvito el libre (4) Simon Bolivar (3) sina (25) Sindicatos (27) Sindrome de la Indefension Adquirida (15) Sindrome del Neocastrismo (69) Singapur (7) siquiatria (12) Siria (93) smartphone (8) smog (1) sms (1) Soberania (1) Social (1) social media (4) social network (1) Socialdemocracia (4) Socialismo (56) socialismo de mercado (3) Socialismo del Siglo XXI (19) socialistas (44) Sociedad (84) Sociedad Civil (30) Sociedades Secretas (1) Sociologia (29) sofia loren (1) software (2) sol (11) soldados (27) Solidaridad (7) Solzhenitsyn (3) Somalia (16) Sonia Garro (14) Soros (1) sri lanka (1) st.piere (1) st.pierre (2) Stalin (23) Stephen Hawking (10) steve jobs (12) stock market (6) stratfor (3) Subastas (18) submarinos (1) Subversion (3) Sucesion (154) Sucesores (107) Sucre (3) Sudafrica (29) Sudal del Sur (1) Sudan (4) suecia (18) Suelos (1) suerte (13) suicidio (25) suiza (7) sundance (2) Susan Boyle (1) Susan Rice (3) Swat team (4) Tabaco Cubano (33) tabacos cubanos (3) tabaquismo (4) Tabu (1) tailandia (3) taiwan (10) Taladrid (1) talento (2) Taliban (65) Tania Bruguera (10) Tarata (1) tarjetas de credito (3) task force (1) tattoo (4) taxpayers (2) Tea Party (15) Teatro cubano (11) tecnologia (213) ted cruz (22) ted kennedy (1) Telecomunicaciones (77) Television (14) tendencias (1) Tenis (8) Teoria Economica (76) Teoria Politica (43) Terremotos (29) terromotos (7) Terrorismo (469) terroristas (409) terry fox (1) Terry Jones (2) Texas (3) thailandia (3) the beatles (6) thi (1) Think Tank (269) Tibet (20) tiburones (5) Tierra (52) Times (7) timor oriental (1) Tina Turner (1) Tiro fijo (2) tolerancia (1) tomas piard (2) tony blair (2) tony castro (23) Tony Cortes (4) Tony de la Guardia (9) Toronto (79) Torturas (17) Totalitarismo (21) trabajadores por cuenta propia (29) trabajadores publicos (1) trabajos (10) Tracey Eaton (29) trafico de armas (53) Trafico de drogas (98) trafico de organos (2) trafico de personas (22) tragedias (3) transgender (2) Transicion (175) Transporte (29) Trasvestismo (4) Tratado de Libre Comercio (1) travesti (1) tren (20) tribunal internacional (1) Trilateral (2) trinida y tobago (1) Trotsky (1) trudeau (1) Tsunami (10) tunez (16) Tupamaro (1) Turismo (24) Turismo Cuba (136) turistas norteamericanos (2) Turquia (23) TV cubana (11) Tv Marti (12) twiter (5) Twitter (40) tycoon (5) UCI (14) Ucrania (43) UFC (65) ufo (10) uigur (1) UJC (13) Umap (7) Underground (1) Uneac (30) Uneac. Censura (10) UNESCO (1) Unidad politica (2) union (1) Union Europea (93) Union Sovietica (110) Universidad (86) Universo (68) Univision (1) UNPACU (75) Upec (3) uranio (3) Uribe (3) Uruguay (12) US Grants (2) US Presidentes (53) uzbekistan (2) Vacilon (1) vaclav havel (4) Valores y normas de conductas (14) Van Van (3) Vaticano (66) Vejez (3) Venezuela (467) Venezuela crisis (42) venezuela economia (3) Venezuela elecciones (50) venezuela-china (7) Venezuela-Cuba-Rusia-China-Iran (1) Venezuela-Estados Unidos (26) Venezuela-Rusia (5) Ventas (1) Verizon Scandal (1) VI Congreso del PCC (46) Via China (3) Viajes a Cuba (232) viajes al exterior (10) vicente botin (1) victimas del 911 (7) victor mesa (1) Vida (32) vida extraterrestre (19) Vida Guerra (1) Video (30) video juegos (9) viejos (6) Viet Nam (26) Violencia (20) Virgen del Cobre (4) virtual (1) Virus (12) Vitali Klitschko (1) Vivienda (199) Vladimiro Roca (13) Voces del Barrio (8) volcanes (9) Walesa (11) wall street (31) walmart (6) Welfare (7) Wendy Guerra (4) whistleblower (3) whistleblowers (1) wi-fi (8) WikiLeaks (143) wikipedia (4) william levy (1) Willy Chirno (6) Wilman Villar Mendoza (26) Wilmar Villar Mendoza (1) windows (1) winston churchill (4) World Trade Center (18) World Trade Organization (1) wynoma ryder (1) Xi Jinping (11) xiomara laugart (6) XXX (1) yahoo (3) Yaoutube (1) Yasiel Puig (14) Yasmani Tomas (1) yasser arafat (10) Yeltsin (4) yemen (38) Yo acuso al gobierno cubano (1) Yoan Moncada (1) Yoani (276) Yoany (19) Yoenis Cespedes (10) yoga (5) Yohandry (6) yoko ono (1) Youtube (15) yuan (6) Yugoeslavia (1) Yunier Dorticos (1) yuri gagarin (3) Zawahri (1) zelaya (1) Zimbawe (8) Zoe Valdes (22) Zona Franca Mariel (38) Zumbado (1)

La columna de Cubanalisis

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]
¨Saturno jugando con sus hijos¨/ Pedro Pablo Oliva


Carta desde la carcel de Fidel Castro Ruz

“…después de todo, para mí la cárcel es un buen descanso, que sólo tiene de malo el que es obligatorio. Leo mucho y estudio mucho. Parece increíble, las horas pasan como si fuesen minutos y yo, que soy de temperamento intranquilo, me paso el día leyendo, apenas sin moverme para nada. La correspondencia llega normalmente…”

“…Como soy cocinero, de vez en cuando me entretengo preparando algún pisto. Hace poco me mandó mi hermana desde Oriente un pequeño jamón y preparé un bisté con jalea de guayaba. También preparo spaghettis de vez en cuando, de distintas formas, inventadas todas por mí; o bien tortilla de queso. ¡Ah! ¡Qué bien me quedan! por supuesto, que el repertorio no se queda ahí. Cuelo también café que me queda muy sabroso”.
“…En cuanto a fumar, en estos días pasados he estado rico: una caja de tabacos H. Upman del doctor Miró Cardona, dos cajas muy buenas de mi hermano Ramón….”.
“Me voy a cenar: spaghettis con calamares, bombones italianos de postre, café acabadito de colar y después un H. Upman #4. ¿No me envidias?”.
“…Me cuidan, me cuidan un poquito entre todos. No le hacen caso a uno, siempre estoy peleando para que no me manden nada. Cuando cojo el sol por la mañana en shorts y siento el aire de mar, me parece que estoy en una playa… ¡Me van a hacer creer que estoy de vacaciones! ¿Qué diría Carlos Marx de semejantes revolucionarios?”.


¨La patria es dicha de todos, y dolor de todos, y cielo para todos, y no feudo ni capellaní­a de nadie¨ - Marti

"No temas ni a la prision, ni a la pobreza, ni a la muerte. Teme al miedo"
Giacomo Leopardi

¨Por eso es muy importante, Vicky, hijo mío, que recuerdes siempre para qué sirve la cabeza: para atravesar paredes¨Halvar de Flake [El vikingo]

"Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir" - Lorca

"Al final, no os preguntarán qué habéis sabido, sino qué habéis hecho" - Jean de Gerson

"Si queremos que todo siga como está, es necesario que todo cambie" - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

"Todo hombre paga su grandeza con muchas pequeñeces, su victoria con muchas derrotas, su riqueza con múltiples quiebras" - Giovanni Papini

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon

"Habla bajo, lleva siempre un gran palo y llegarás lejos" - Proverbio Africano

"No hay medicina para el miedo" - Proverbio escoces

"El supremo arte de la guerra es doblegar al enemigo sin luchar"
- Sun Tzu

"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

"It is inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office" - H. L. Menken

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented" - Elie Wiesel

"Stay hungry, stay foolish" -
Steve Jobs

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years ther'ed be a shortage of sand" - Milton Friedman

"The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less" - Vaclav Havel

"No se puede controlar el resultado, pero si lo que uno haga para alcanzarlo" -
Vitor Belfort [MMA Fighter]


A la puerta de la gloria está San Pedro sentado y ve llegar a su lado a un hombre de cierta historia. No consigue hacer memoria y le pregunta con celo: ¿Quién eras allá en el suelo? Era Liborio mi nombre. Has sufrido mucho, hombre, entra, te has ganado el cielo.

Para Raul Castro

Cuba ocupa el penultimo lugar en el mundo en libertad economica solo superada por Corea del Norte.

Cuba ocupa el lugar 147 entre 153 paises evaluados en "Democracia, Mercado y Transparencia 2007"

Cuando vinieron

Cuando vinieron a buscar a los comunistas, Callé: yo no soy comunista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los sindicalistas, Callé: yo no soy sindicalista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los judíos, Callé: yo no soy judío. Cuando vinieron a buscar a los católicos, Callé: yo no soy “tan católico”.
Cuando vinieron a buscarme a mí, Callé: no había quien me escuchara.

Reverendo Martin Niemöller

Martha Colmenares

Martha Colmenares
Un sitio donde los hechos y sus huellas nos conmueven o cautivan
Bloggers Unite


Donde esta el Mundo, donde los Democratas, donde los Liberales? El pueblo de Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan los Green, los Socialdemocratas, los Ricos y los Pobres, los Con Voz y Sin Voz? Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan el Jet Set, los Reyes y Principes, Patricios y Plebeyos? Cuba desesperada clama por solidaridad.
Donde Bob Dylan, donde Martin Luther King, donde Hollywood y sus estrellas? Donde la Middle Class democrata y conservadora, o acaso tambien liberal a ratos? Y Gandhi? Y el Dios de Todos?
Donde los Santos y Virgenes; los Dioses de Cristianos, Protestantes, Musulmanes, Budistas, Testigos de Jehova y Adventistas del Septimo Dia. Donde estan Ochun y todas las deidades del Panteon Yoruba que no acuden a nuestro llanto? Donde Juan Pablo II que no exige mas que Cuba se abra al Mundo y que el Mundo se abra a Cuba?
Que hacen ahora mismo Alberto de Monaco y el Principe Felipe que no los escuchamos? Donde Madonna, donde Angelina Jolie y sus adoptados around de world; o nos hara falta un Brando erguido en un Oscar por Cuba? Donde Sean Penn?
Donde esta la Aristocracia Obrera y los Obreros menos Aristocraticos, donde los Working Class que no estan junto a un pueblo que lanquidece, sufre y llora por la ignominia?
Que hacen ahora mismo Zapatero y Rajoy que no los escuchamos, y Harper y Dion, e Hillary y Obama; donde McCain que no los escuchamos? Y los muertos? Y los que estan muriendo? Y los que van a morir? Y los que se lanzan desesperados al mar?
Donde estan el minero cantabrico o el pescador de percebes gijonese? Los Canarios donde estan? A los africanos no los oimos, y a los australianos con su acento de hombres duros tampoco. Y aquellos chinos milenarios de Canton que fundaron raices eternas en la Isla? Y que de la Queen Elizabeth y los Lords y Gentlemen? Que hace ahora mismo el combativo Principe Harry que no lo escuchamos?
Donde los Rockefellers? Donde los Duponts? Donde Kate Moss? Donde el Presidente de la ONU? Y Solana donde esta? Y los Generales y Doctores? Y los Lam y los Fabelo, y los Sivio y los Fito Paez?
Y que de Canseco y Miñoso? Y de los veteranos de Bahia de Cochinos y de los balseros y de los recien llegados? Y Carlos Otero y Susana Perez? Y el Bola, y Pancho Cespedes? Y YO y TU?
Y todos nosotros que estamos aqui y alla rumiando frustaciones y resquemores, envidias y sinsabores; autoelogios y nostalgias, en tanto Louis Michel comulga con Perez Roque mientras Biscet y una NACION lanquidecen?
Donde Maceo, donde Marti; donde aquel Villena con su carga para matar bribones?
Cuba llora y clama y el Mundo NO ESCUCHA!!!

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